Title: Four Times Tsubasa Attempts To Teach Takki How To Cook & One Time Takki 'Cooks'
koheePairing: Takizawa Hideaki x Imai Tsubasa
Summary: The cooking adventures and perils of Takki and Tsubasa.
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: G to PG-13
Author's note: Plot? What is that? Such a thing does not exist here, you have been warned. :D
Four Times Tsubasa Attempts To Teach Takki How To Cook & One Time Takki 'Cooks' )
Comments 11
Hmm~ I wouldn't mind some angst :O Assuming we'll get some fluff following that ;3 Hm hm~ ..eh, I'll comment again if I happen to come up with some good suggestions, head is full fluff right now D; <3
4 times they think it's over & 1 time they realize they'll last forever.
3 times Takki makes Tsubasa cry & 4 times he makes it all better.
3 times Tsubasa asks for truth & 2 times Takki lies.
4 times Takki tries to leave & 1 time he succeeds realizes it's useless to try.
4 times they nearly get caught & 1 or more lol time they don't even care.
5 times they decide to tell their families & 1 time they actually do.
4 times Tsubasa goes spying on Takki & 1 time he gets caught.
5 times Takki watches Tsubasa & 1 time Tsubasa dances only for him.
1 time Tsubasa gets scared of a cat & 4 times Takki uses it against him.
3 times Takki tries to kiss him & 1 time Tsubasa realizes whats going on.
1 time Tsubasa threatens to leave & 4 waystimes he makes up for it.
1 time Tsubasa asks for it & 4 times he just gives takki that look ( ... )
x) Oh, Takki. <3 I love how he can't cook ANYTHING. 8DDD And how Tsu thinks his shirt is disgustingly filthy and must change it. <333
and luv 05. Takki does sure luv a good desert. fufufufufufu..... ^ v ^
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