Ah, it has been a long time since I've posted something. Ore-sama had several matters to attend to, and thus I did not have the time to grace all of you with my wonderful presence. Worry not, my beloved people, for I am back.
Let's see. New buildings, strange dinosaurs, horrid weather... Well. All we're missing now are complete network breakdowns, meteor crashes, and seas of blood.
[Good idea.]
You. Shut up and get off Ore-sama's computer, now.
Not only did I see a zombie wave at me earlier, I'm also starting to hear voices - the type that leaves your ears ringing after a while. Is there any way to turn off that damn noise?
The next idiot who attempts any form of heroics without being realistic about his or her capacity to successfully accomplish the task will have the pleasure of being Ore-sama's target practice partner for tennis. Are we clear on this?