Looking back through my LJ, I find that I repeat things a lot. I suppose this should tell me something about how I've been dealing with my issues...
I really miss having a girlfriend.
Lately I've been trying to wrap my head around the idea of dating, and various models of dating, and how different people seem to handle it.
Come on, you know you want to read it~ )
Comments 11
I may be a bit of an anomaly, so keep that in mind. I haven't really "dated" in the literal sense -- Ben and I have never been big on formal dates. But basically I started becoming friends with Ben around February 2005. I thought he was really funny and clever in a sarcastic way that I liked, but he was just a friend. Until the 24-hour comic came, and then I spent 24 hours in close proximity with him and discovered I really liked his sense of humor and that he was very smart ( ... )
*descends soapbox*
I has a Gina.
(also, it occurs to me that I have no idea what you're doing now, Travis.)
Umm, back when they first added in the adult content thing and, like, everybody's journal started telling you that it had adult content... Um, well, the default setting for my journal just got reset to adult content warning and I can't figure out where to go to change it.
A multitude of seeming contradictions are to be expected here. Many things in life are about balance, as I find is often bluntly illustrated when you try to talk about them like this.
You can't really predict who you're going to work out with in the long run - just find people you enjoy hanging out with and find attractive and give things a try. The reasons my current relationship with Kei works so well for both of us are completely unrelated to the reasons we started dating in the first place.
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