This site allows me to procure said ipod for the measly price of a one dollar trial to an offer I have already cancelled on the condition that i get 5 people to sign up. you can do the same
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iulia: isn't this the grossest text book ever? advanced engineering regular engineering mathematics wasn't back enough scott: mine's biology of plants iulia: yey! flowers and bees and trees! scott: shut up I'm actually on the angiosperms actually is about flowers and bees and trees.
I will be out and aboot on the town tonight so if anyone feels like a casual drink and exciting adventures featuring animal suits and pointy hats, give me a call on me cell. 647 292 0185.
so i sent scott an email asking him to be semi civil in his emails because someday someone will notice the outpour of naughty words on my screen. he sent me this
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