Anything. I need to start getting off my ass. I'm lazy and don't do anything. I already have a enough junk in the o'trunk, I don't need anymore. I need motivation to actually want to go to work, do my homework, and love it, motivation to exercise would be nice. Motivation to live life. That's what I need. I need to cut off the cable (even though I only have five channels, it's got to go!) Stop chugging the hard A by the bottle. It's crunch time. But I have no motivation to actually move from the comfy spot on the coach. It knows me, I'm all molded into it. I need motivation to actually walk out to the mail box and check the mail. I need someone to direct my life for a little bit, tell me what to do and when, organized my life, and show me how. I'm just a little bird who got pushed out into the real world that no one taught how to fly. I've been just kind of jumping and gliding as far as that will take me. I need to jump off a bigger cliff. I need a good push, I'm afraid of heights. I'm going to make a post out of this!
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