Mina Harker is supposed to be a vampire, but she stands in full sunlight on the deck of the NautilusawqJuly 25 2003, 17:52:47 UTC
The idea that all vampires can't go out in direct sunlight is a sterotype one that brave indiviules such as Grandpa Munster and Count Chocula have fought hard aginst. You sir are a biggot and a dirty rotten vampire hateing rat bastard.
Re: Mina Harker is supposed to be a vampire, but she stands in full sunlight on the deck of the NautkrazyjoeJuly 28 2003, 15:43:30 UTC
AND Grandpa was not even a MUNSTER! He was a DRACULA! HERMAN's name was Munster, and Grandpa was Lily's father. Lily's maiden name was Dracula. Therefore, you must refer to him as Grandpa Dracula, or simply Grandpa, you fool!
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