Title: Well, this can't be good (WIP)
Author: Kristen
Pairing/Character: Keith, Veronica, Logan (mentions of ensemble)
Word Count: 2039
Rating: G
Summary: The seedier citizens of Neptune have temporarily acquired moral consciousness.
Spoilers: Futurefic, know the whole series
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners,
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Comments 13
Great job and I'm anxiously awaiting the next part!
I really like that she failed her psych review. You have to know that that would have happened, as if she ever would have gotten in the program to begin with. You know, what with the kidnapping suspicion and B&E suspicion and all. Now our girl is going to have to figure out what she'll do now. I'm glad. The FBI wasn't a good fit for her anyway.
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