I'm not sure how I feel about this whole thing. Thinking about where this might be headed gives me this really strange feeling but I cannot describe it. aaaaaaaaaaaaaakjghlksdnglkerngrkjbgljkrtbgkrue
I know that you are a really good thing for me regardless :)
It's times like these when being at home makes me feel like shit. It just reminds me that everyone else has moved on when I literally moved backwards. Fackin shit.
If these last few days have been a preview of what living with you for the rest of the year is going to be then I'm not going to like it
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I hate dealing with schools. One school tells me it's sent one says it's not recieved the other says it should have been long ago they say it's normal why can't they just give me all the information rather than stressing me out like this. they are the reason people avoid change.
sidenote: i got 21 hours this past week.Since when do I get hours?