In this post, Metalocalypse is combined with Invader Zim

Jan 07, 2010 17:49

Me and Emi have been roleplaying some awesome-sauce stuff. PREPARE TO SEE IT IN ALL ITS EDITED GLORY


Krys: I was thinking we could possibly smash Dethklok together with Mystery Explosion meeting Hope n' "parents", because that might possibly be insanely crazy.
Emi: That would be insanely crazy. Oh man. o_o
Krys: Isn't Mystery supposed to be kinda spoiled, too? xD;
Emi: Yes.
Krys: Oh dear.
Emi: She's very good at screaming.
Krys: Hope, too, can offer quite the loud shrieks.
Emi: A lovely chorus!
Krys: I think they might have to have a contest. Or they will join forces to get what they both want
Emi: Maybe this is at some daycare center, where eveyone has deposited their children because of some event.
Krys: Hmmmmmmmmmm... Or, if Mordhaus is still floating, then perhaps Dib crashed Tak's ship into it or something. xD;
Emi: XD It is still floating in the show, I think.
Krys: And Zim agrees with the Dethklok guys just to be annoying. Because, seriously, who DOES fly into giant houses?
Emi: XD It's like we're roleplaying without actually roleplaying - HOW
Krys: I have no idea. But if you'd like to actually do the roleplaying part, that would be cool. XD
Emi: Yeah, okay.
Zim: THIS IS GOING TO TAKE AGES TO FIX, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! DX *standing in front of Tak's crashed ship with Dib and Hope*
Dib: I wasn't expecting a floating house to suddenly appear, okay?! >[
Hope: I'm hungry! >[ *totally doesn't care about anything that is happening*
Dib: We should probably find whoever owns this place and, uh...I dunno, apologize or something? You know?
*Klokateers are marching over to the crash site.*
(Krys: Oh, shit, I forgot about those guys. XD)
Klokateer 1: Hey! Do you have clearance to land here?
Zim: ...Yes. 8|
Dib: ... 8|;;;
Hope: You got any food? I'm hungry!
Klokateer 1: Then let's see it, Gumby. *is referring to Zim's green-ness*
Zim: Gum...? Zim is not gum!
Dib: Sorry, we actually...don't, clearance. We weren't really expecting this place to be here, and...well... *motions to Tak's ship* We kinda crash-landed. ._.;
Zim: His fault. *points to Dib* 8|
Dib: ...Yeah. Yeah, thanks, Zim. >_>
Klokateer 1: *sigh* Well, there's probably a crapload of legal shit to take care of now, anyway. So if you'll just follow that guy-
Klokateer 2: Why me?! I don't want to!
Klokateer 1: *smacks the guy in the head* Just do it!
Dib: Right. So, uh...once the legal stuff is done, we'll just fix our ship and be on our way...or something. Yeah.
Hope: Is no one listening to me? I'm HUNGRY! DX
*A team of other guys is already checking out the ship for explosives and other such maliciousness.*
Zim: Yes, smeety, Zim heard you the first time. We shall procure snacks soon.
Hope: *sulks, and clings to Zim* This is dumb...
Zim: Mmhmm.
Dib: *to the guys* Uh, hey! Be careful with that, please! D:
One of them: Yeah, because you were being so careful with it yourself.
Dib: Yeah, let's see how well YOU fly an alien ship when a giant freaking HOUSE just appears in the sky in front of you! >[
Zim: You suck at flying it, anyway, houses or no houses. 8\
Same guy: Kid, some of us have been operating vehicles, terrestrial and aerial, since before you were born.
Dib: That's an ALIEN SPACESHIP! That is in no way the same! DX
Same guy: ...Alien, huh?
Klokateer 2: Heeey, are you coming, or what? I'm getting really tired of tazing people, so don't make me!
Zim: Oh, be silent, Dib! *to that one guy* He's crazy, by the way. That is a perfectly normal human vessel. *ignores Dib's glare, and waves a dismissive hand at the second guy* Yes, yes, lead us to your crapload legal stuffs.
Klokateer 2: Okay, come on. *starts to lead the way, the group being flanked by three others*
Dib: You're just lucky you're wearing your disguise, Zim. >_>
Zim: Yes, I am amazing. *wasn't even paying attention*
Hope: *tugs on the Klokateer's pant leg* There'll be snacks there, right? >\
Klokateer 2: Sure, whatever.
Hope: If you're lying and there aren't snacks, I'll kick you. >[
*When they get to the doors that lead inside, there's yet another guy waiting to scan them all with a metal detector and pat them down.*
Zim: INFERIOR HANDS ON MY ZIM-SELF?! *swats at said hands in annoyance*
Dib: *smacks his forehead* Both of you, behave yourselves, please...
Klokateer 3: Hey, watch it, pal! *gives Zim a shove*
Hope: *whines in annoyance* I hate this, I wanna go home! DX
Klokateer 3: What is this? *poking Zim's PAK*
Zim: Do not touch, filthy meat-creature! *attempts to swat at him again before Dib intervenes*
Dib: It's his life-support. He's...uh...............sick. *looks annoyed that he's even saying anything vaguely in support of Zim's "normality"*
Klokateer 3: Really. ...I wish I could tell you that that was convincing. It's almost sad.
Dib: 8|
Zim: But it IS my life-support. *looks confused*
Dib: Yeah, see?
Klokateer 3: It really doesn't look like any sort of life support I've ever seen or heard of.
Klokateer 3: Eh, regardless, I think you're gonna need to be x-rayed. That IS attached to you, isn't it?
Zim: X-rays?! You may not scan Zim! >[
Klokateer 3: *holds a device up to the PAK to check for radiation* Uh, you're on our turf, buddy. We totally can, and we totally will.
Dib: Look, can't we just get this legal stuff over with so we can just leave and be out of your hair? This really isn't necessary! I know this isn't a government base, so you can't this. I don't think.
Klokateer 3: We ARE trying to take care of the legal stuff.
Dib: Um, what? o.o
Klokateer 3: *long sigh* ...Do you even know where you are?
Dib: Obviously not, seeing as I wasn't expecting this place to even be up here. o_o
Klokateer 3: Well...that's good, actually.
Dib: is?
Zim: *peeks out* So my Zim-self does not require scannings? *looks very very hopeful*
Klokateer 3: We should probably still do it.
Zim: *shrieks very very loudly* STAY AWAAAAAY! DX *swipes at him*
Klokateer 3: But basically you'll be asked to sign a waiver to make sure you don't sue us for damage to your...flying thing. And then you'll be escorted far away from here. At least, I think that's what happens.
Dib: ...You don't even know? o.o
Klokateer 3: That part ain't my job.
Zim: Clearly his job is to harass Zim with scanners. *to the guy* I HATE YOU! >[
Klokateer 3: *ignores him* I would hope you've noticed by now, but security around here is just ridiculous.
Dib: Yeah, I...kinda did notice. ...Sorry about him, by the way. *vague motion to Zim*
Zim: *hisses*
Klokateer 3: ...This is just annoying.
Hope: *at some point wandered past the guy while he was preoccupied with Zim and Dib, and is currently poking at random things, looking very disgruntled due to the situation and also hunger*
Dib: Yeah, well...try living with him. *eyeroll*
Klokateer 3: Yeah, don't wanna know. ...Uh, kid? *has noticed Hope* Somebody get that kid!
Klokateer 4: *makes shooing motions at Hope* Quit that.
Zim: DO NOT TOUCH MY SMEET! *runs past the guy and snatches up Hope* SHE'S MINE! *glare, glare*
Hope: Hi, Keeska! 8D
(NOTE: Keeska basically means 'caregiver', and is the word Hope was taught by Zim in place of 'Mom', which Dib was trying to teach her just to frustrate Zim.)
Dib: ...UM. o_o
Klokateer 4: Step away from the machines. *looms over Zim threateningly*
Dib: *to the third Klokateer* Uh, can we just...forget the scanning? Seriously, it's not necessary. The pack-thing really is just his life-support. .___.;
Zim: *scoots away from #4, looking very annoyed by how tall the guy is* Your machines are dumb, anyway!
*Charles drifts in*
(Emi: Because I figure he'll make things go faster even if he has no business dealing with this sort of thing.)
(Krys: Yeah, probably. xD)
Charles: What seems to be the uh, situation, here? *looks over the strange trio*
Hope: Daddy crashed our ship into your big house thingy! :\
Charles: Oh my.
Hope: Also, I'm hungry, you got any snacks? D:
Charles: *blink* ......No. I don't.
Hope: Whyyyyyyyy?! The other guy said there'd be snacks! DX
Charles: *looking at Zim, trying to figure him out* You're rather green, aren't you?
Zim: Yes. 8\
Dib: ...Um, yeah. Anyway! Really sorry about this. Once our ship is fixed, we'll be long gone, trust me. ...Where are we, anyway? >_>;
(Emi: I think I'm going to have to fudge some things here... I think in this situation they would just be escorted out and their memory wiped or something, which isn't conducive to our plan.)
(Krys: I don't think it would work on Zim anyway, given that his memories are stored in his PAK.)
(Emi: And they would probably still try to figure out what that's for. As far as they know, it could be a bomb or a recording device of some sort.)
(Krys: And Zim would probably go batshit insane and try to impale them with spiderlegs, which probably wouldn't help, so...yeah, just...fudge some stuff. XD)
Charles: If you'll all just come with me, we have some papers to get signed, and then we'll figure this out from there. Shall we?
X-ray Guy: *mumbles* Aww, I never get to do anything...
Zim: *glares at him as he follows along behind Dib, still carrying Hope; he then sticks his tongue out at the guy*
Dib: *to Zim* Will you STOP that? Geez. *to Charles* So, is this some kind of government facility that my dad never told me about? Security here is insane.
Hope: And there's no snacks! *whines to Zim* You said you'd get me snacks! :[
Charles: Not exactly. And yes, it is insane, isn't it? *sounds proud*
Zim: *sighs and pulls a little baggy of chips from his PAK, which he probably carries just in case of a situation like this, and hands them to Hope*
Hope: Man, that's hardly anything... x[ *eats them anyway*
Dib: 'Not exactly'? Man, what did we hit? ._o; ...This isn't some base of operations for a cult or something, is it? >_> *looks around suspiciously*
Charles: It's not a cult. You crashed into Mordhaus.
Dib: ...Um, sorry, I've kind of been off-planet for a while. 8|;
Charles: Oh, we're here. *opens a door to a sort of office* ...Off-planet? *begins to draw connections between Zim's green-ness and Dib's statement, and really wishes he hadn't*
Dib: Yeah. Anyway, what's Mordhaus?
Zim: It's got a dumb name. *sticks out his tongue*
Hope: I think it sounds cool.
Zim: Mmhmm. *barely listening*
Charles: You've heard of internationally renowned death metal band, Dethklok, yes?
(Emi: *Skwisgaar-esque thinking noises of retardation* It's never been said, but...I wanna say something around 10 years?)
(Krys: SHIT. Dib's only been off-planet for like, five years or so. XD But, uh, I guess I can make it longer for this...???)
(Emi: I'm not sure how quickly they become famous, though.)
(Krys: ...Hrm. Well, they did at one point have to do the flyering stuff and all that. So, yeah. This can still work. XD)
Dib: *blinks*
Hope: Ooh, this place belongs to a band? I like music! :]
Charles: Yes. So do I.
Zim: *to Hope* Yes. Yes you do. *seems annoyed by this, but doesn't say anything more*
Hope: Can I listen to their stuff? *big puppy eyes up at Charles*
Charles: *is fishing out the appropriate paperwork*
Dib: *sighs* Hope, please, can you not do that?
Hope: But I wanna hear their songs! D:
Charles: All right, I think we can arrange that.
Hope: YAY! *throws hands up in victory, quite nearly smacking Zim in the face as she does*
Dib: *somewhat disgruntled look at Charles* Yeah. Thanks. *grumbles very quietly* Like she's not already spoiled enough...
Charles: We can have her placed somewhere that's more, uh, kid friendly, while we take care of this. If that's agreeable to...uh, are either of you her legal guardian?
Zim: She is Zim's pet-smeet.
Dib: ...Uh,, means we adopted her. He doesn't exactly have a great grasp on English. You know. >_>;
(Emi: How old is Dib here?)
(Krys: Around 23-ish, I think? Maybe 24.)
(Emi: Okay, good.)
Charles: I see.
Zim: Nonsense! Zim's English is flawless! >[
Dib: ...Yeah. Sure.
Hope: Can I hear the songs or what?! >[
Dib: Patience, please, sweety. ^^;
Hope: *whines*
Charles: I can have someone show her the music in that room I mentioned, you know.
Hope: Oooooh, can I go, Keeska? *shiny eyes*
Zim: Uh-huh, sure, whatever. *puts her down*
Hope: *squee*
*Charles rings up a guy to escort Hope to the child room. That is totally what I'm calling it. I know it sounds dumb.*
Zim: *grumbles irritably* This better not take long, suit-human. Our ship requires repairs and Zim does not wish to be in this smelly place for much longer! >\
*Actually the guy is a lady.*
Lady: Okay, sweetie, let's go.
Hope: Yaaaaaay~! *skips off with her, while Zim looks very unsure about letting his pet go off with a stranger*
Dib: *sigh* She'll be fine, Zim, don't freak out.
Zim: Zim is not freaking out! BE QUIET! >[
Hope: *to the lady* Hey, what's death metal?
Lady: Heheh. It's a type of music, hon.
Hope: Well, duuuuuuh! I mean, what's it sound like?
Lady: It's an extreme and brutal kind of heavy metal. It has a heavy sound with deep, often growling vocals.
Hope: ...'Kay. *barely understood that*
Lady: Oh, you'll understand soon enough!
Hope: Can I have some snacks, too? :<
Lady: I think there will be some snacks when we get there! *presses a button on an elevator they have just arrived at*
Hope: There better be, or I'll have to go kick that one guy. *doesn't offer any more elaboration*
Lady: Heh, uh-oh.
*The elevator dings and opens, and the lady leads Hope into it.*
Hope: Yyyyyep. I can kick really hard. Keeska says that's good, cuz then no one'll mess with me. *pauses for a while* I kicked this one kid one time, and he started crying. It was funny.
*At this point, the lady is glad to have a hood that hides facial expressions; she doesn't really know what to say to that, so she says nothing while they ride the elevator.*
Hope: *makes up for it by rambling* He deserved it for calling my Daddy's head big. I mean, it is big, but only me an' Keeska can say that, so Keeska told me I could kick him. So I did. But I would've kicked him anyway, cuz he was a real jerk. And I mean, he likes the Meekrob station. What's up with that? It's so lame!
Lady: We're here! Okay let's go. *dismounts the elevator quickly* From here's it's just a short walk down this hallway.
Hope: 'Kay. So, you think the Meekrob station is dumb, too, right?
Lady: Huh, is that a radio station or something?
Hope: Uh, yeah. *looks confused as to why the lady wouldn't know*
Lady: I really couldn't say! But uh... it's dumb, huh?
Hope: Yeah, really dumb. You have to be made of energy or have special implants to even listen to the stuff, it's not fair! >[
Lady: Wow!
Hope: Yeah, Keeska says that once I'm older, he'll get me fitted with a PAK so I can listen to the station, but he says it's not worth it anyway.
Lady: *offhandedly* Don't be frightened by the metal decor! It's harmless. ...Except for those spikes. Don't touch those.
Hope: *looks around at the decor* Pfft, Planet Jackers are scarier than that. And the exploding head guys. They're really weird. Cuz their heads explode.
Lady: *has no idea what Hope is talking about, but is kind of used to that, because she works with kids* Oh, here we are! *gestures broadly at a big door*
Hope: That took forever. Sheesh, why don't you guys have teleporters? >\
Lady: Sorry. We do have hover-segways, but they aren't really an indoor-thing.
Hope: Laaaaaaame. *rolls eyes*
Lady: Any-who, let's get you signed in. *the lady proceeds through the door to a desk and clipboard* What was your name?
Hope: Hope. ...Hey, are there a lot of other kids here? Cuz Daddy says that I do better in small groups. I dunno why. :\
Lady: Looks like a pretty small group today.
Hope: Mm'kay. *stares around, and sees the other kids* ...WOAH! They're all the same species! o_o
Lady: *shakes her head* They sure are! Okay, well, have fun.
Hope: This is so weird! o_o
*The room is lavishly furnished with...things kids like, I guess.*
Lady: Oh, I almost forgot... *plays Dethklok music over the sound system, and has to almost yell* THERE YA GO, HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
*A nearby child covers his ears and whines.*
Hope: *while bouncing to the beat quite gleefully* Man, you're a baby. >\
Boy: My mommy listens to it all the time! I don't like it! I wanna go home! 8[
Hope: What's a mommy? o.o
Boy: A mommy is...your mom. Who takes care of you.
Hope: ...You're weird and boring. Go away.
Boy: ... ; - ; *is at a loss for words after such a blunt insult*
Hope: My Keeska takes care of me, not some mommy. Now go away. I don't like you, cuz you don't like awesome music! *points at the speakers*
Boy: It's too loud! But it's not as loud as when Mommy listens to it. And if I tell her it's too loud, she doesn't care...
Hope: *walks away from him, not even paying attention anymore*
Boy: *wibble*
Hope: Geez, is everyone here whiny? :
*There is also a very young toddler walking around in one of those...rolling baby container things.*
Hope: *stares at it* ...This place is weeeird... *shouts over the music* IS ANYONE HERE NOT WEIRD OR WHINY? I'M BORED!
Mystery: Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad. Dad.
Nathan: *tries to pretend not to notice, and tries to read instead*
Zim: Wow, this legal stuff sure is complicated.
Dib: You're not even doing anything to help, so be quiet. >[
Mystery: *huffs, pulls out one of those little bullhorn things, and squeezes the trigger*
Mystery: I'm bored.
Nathan: Go play the arcade games.
Mystery: I already beat all the DDR scores, and I'm too short for all the other ones.
Nathan: Go play with Toki.
Mystery: Couldn't find him.
Nathan: Go play with Pickles.
Mystery: He's busy.
Nathan: Go play with Skwisgaar.
Mystery: He's busier.
Nathan: Go play with Murderface.
Mystery: You told me NOT to play with him.
Hope: *has taken to pushing around the little toddler in the rollymagig out of boredom, ignoring the toddler's whining, and she is also starting to get very hungry and may start snapping rudely - more so than usual, at least - at the other kids soon*
Nathan: Uhh....
Mystery: *idly eats his chips while awaiting an answer* B| ...Are there any other kids in the daycare? Can't I just go play in there?
Nathan: I dunno, little kids are weird people.
Mystery: I'll play with William, if you want me to do that instead. I think he's throwing knives at posters. I've always wanted to do that.
Nathan: *amazingly, he has the sense to see which is the safer option* No, no. Fine, you can go. ...But actually GO this time! Don't like...get lost again. ...Man, that sucked. *horrible flashbacks*
Mystery: Bye. *walks away, taking the chips with her*
Nathan: Uh-huh. ...Who took my chips?
Hope: *has gotten tired of pushing the toddler around, much to said toddler's relief, and she goes back to the whiny boy again* Where are the snacks? >\
Boy: Over there. *doesn't really point to anything*
Hope: *stares* ...Um, okay. That...doesn't help. At all. >[
*After an uneventful journey I'm not going to elaborate on, Mystery arrives at the child room. And during that time, Hope has begun complaining viciously and quite obnoxiously to the boy for being vague and generally unhelpful*
Lady: Oh, hello there! Where are your parents?
Mystery: *just stares at the lady*
Lady: Is your mommy around? How about your daddy?
Mystery: *sticks with saying what usually gets her her way* My dad is Nathan Explosion.
Hope: *runs up to the lady* HEY! That kid won't tell me where the snacks are cuz he's DUMB! *points at him accusingly*
Lady: *ignores her to speak to Mystery* Is he now! Did your mommy tell you that?
Mystery: I don't have one! Dad told me! He's my dad!
Hope: Who cares about your dad, I need snacks! *tugs on the lady's arm* HEY! WHERE ARE THEY? >[
Lady: *still ignoring Hope* Oh. Oooh. Right, of course. I'm sorry. Your name is Mystery, right? I've never actually seen you. I'm sorry. ._.
Mystery: *has lost interest in the lady and proceeds into the room without another word*
Hope: *continues to persistently tug on the lady's arm*
Lady: Yes, snacks, you can have snacks, sheesh! *goes to the locked snack cabinet to procure some totally brutal kiddie snacks*
Hope: Do you have any Bespian shakes? :0
Lady: ... I'm pretty sure we don't. That sounds more like a band name...
Hope: It's a drink. *looks at her strangely*
Lady: Do you like animal crackers?
Hope: Eww, crackers made out of animals?
Lady: Haha, no. Merely in the SHAPE of animals!
Hope: Why would crackers be shaped like animals? That's dumb.
Lady: But they're cute and fun! D:
Hope: I'm just gonna eat them, why do they have to be cute? And how are they fun? ._o
Lady: ......Okay, there's also Kool-Aid. And milk! Do you like milk?
Hope: What are those things? o.o
Lady: There's soy milk if you're allergic.
Hope: Huuuuuuh???
Lady: You have to have had milk... *getting desperate* Apple juice, maybe?
Hope: What's an apple?
Lady: ...It's a fruit. It's round, red, and sweet.
Hope: Oh! Okay, I'll have the juice. I like sweet stuff. Do you have any Chew-Shmoops?
Lady: Well, there's some progress. *gives Hope some juice in a non-spill children's cup* Chew-Shmoops? What are those?
Hope: *sucks on her drink for a moment, and seems to find it vaguely enjoyable* They're candy, duh. *eyeroll* You're pretty weird, lady.
Lady: ...You look like a pretzel kind of kid. Do you want some pretzels? We got tiny twists!
Hope: *gasp!* Me n' Keeska LOVE pretzels! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! ...GET OUT OF MY HEAD! O___O
Lady: Oh my g... I was just guessing! ^^;
Hope: Oh. Well that's boring. :\
Lady: ...Well, have some pretzels, then.
Hope: *takes the bag and walks off with it and her sippy-cup, bouncing to the most recent song that has come on* Doo dee doo...
Lady: *was going to tell her not to take the whole bag, but ultimately decides against it*
Hope: *spots something else of interest, and points at Mystery, almost dropping the pretzels in the process* HEY! Are those chips? :0
Mystery: *looks back at Hope lazily, cheeks full of chip* Mwuh-?
Hope: *hurries over to her* Hey, gimme some, and I'll let you have some of my pretzels. :0
Mystery: *looks at the pretzels, considering them* ...Fine, but only some.
Hope: *offers out the pretzel bag, while taking a handful of chips from Mystery's bag* What flavor are these? *doesn't even wait for an answer before she shoves them in her mouth anyway*
Mystery: Explosion Sauce flavored. *takes a hearty amount of pretzels*
Hope: *realizes they are quite spicy* WOOOOOOOAH O____O ... *begins shoveling pretzels in her mouth to cover up the taste* >___>;;;
Mystery: You don't like them?
Hope: Bleeeh! xP I like spicy stuff, but...MAN! That's crazy! And I know crazy! *points at Mystery* So you've gotta be crazy to like that stuff!
Mystery: *just kinda stares at Hope, still eating the chips* ...My Dad drinks Explosion Sauce, right outta the bottle. He's not crazy.
Hope: ... *stares back, looks around for a second, then eats a couple more pretzels* My Daddy's not crazy either, but everyone still says he is. So there. *sticks tongue out*
Mystery: Whatever.
Hope: Hey, why's it called Explosion Sauce if it doesn't really explode? o.o
Mystery: Explosion is my Dad's last name, and it's his sauce. He made it...or something. *munch munch*
Hope: Oh, I guess that explains why he drinks it all the time.
(Krys: Um, Hope? What?)
(Emi: Kid logic. XD)
(Krys: Yes. XD)
Hope: Man, I wish I had a PAK so I could record this music stuff for later. That would be cool. *shrugs in an 'ah well' gesture* Are there any data disks for it? I think Keeska would like it.
Mystery: You can just buy the records. They have it on CD and vinyl.
Hope: C...D...? Vinyl...?
Mystery: I think a CD is the same as disk. I think the D stands for disk!
Hope: Oh! Okay, that makes sense I guess. What's the band called again? Maybe I could find it on the Interplanetary Database...
Mystery: Dethklok. I don't always get to listen to it because it has bad words. But...I hear bad words all the time, anyway.
Hope: *has no idea what bad words in English would be, as Dib never says them around her* ...Kay. It's weird, I've never even heard of Dethklok before. And there's a lot of bands I know about, cuz I travel around with Daddy and Keeska all the time...
Mystery: That is weird. I thought the whole world knew who Dethklok was.
Hope: Just the whole world? That's not very much. o.o
Mystery: Yeah it is. o.o It's...the world! *looks confused*
Hope: Nuh-uh, it's not a lot at all. Archetype Hotel is famous in thirteen different galaxies, so just one planet is lame. I think Dethklok could do pretty good, though. Maybe not thirteen galaxy good, but at least ten, I think.
Mystery: Galaxies? You can't be famous there! You can't even go there! ...I think you can buy them, though.
Hope: What are you talking about? I go to different galaxies all the time! And you can't buy a whole galaxy! ...Unless you're the Irken Empire, but those guys are jerks anyway. 'Cept for Keeska.
Mystery: My dad could maybe buy a galaxy, if he wanted! I think my uncle already bought some stars...
Hope: Oh, yeah, you can buy stars. The guy who runs Resortia had to buy his in order to get the planet he wanted.
Mystery: ...Wait, your parents work at NASA or something?
Hope: Daddy's the son of Professor Membrane, and my Keeska...I dunno what Keeska does. He says he's an Invader sometimes. I dunno what NASA is, though.
Mystery: Oh. What's a Keeska?
Hope: Huh? Keeska? ...It''s what I call Zim, because that's what he says I should call him. *shrugs*
Mystery: Is he your uncle?
Hope: What's an uncle?
Mystery: Uh? It's um...your dad's brother. Dad says your dad's friends count, too, so I have four.
Hope: Oh, okay. That's a lot of uncles. o.o Who's your other parental unit? Or do you only have one, or more than two? There was this one kid at my old daycare who had five parents, it was pretty strange.
Mystery: Five parents?! That's a lot! I never heard of that!
Hope: Yeah. They were Corglorporxaxzacian's, though, so...yeah. Those guys are already weird. *shrugs; she probably didn't even pronounce the race's name anywhere NEAR correctly*
Mystery: ... *looks around boredly before kicking over an abandoned block tower*
Hope: Is there anything to do around here besides listen to music? I don't even see any video games or nothin'. :[
Mystery: Uh...there's this thing... * walks over to something akin to a whack-a-mole game* You kill the guys. When they come out.
Hope: *follows, and stares at it for a while* And that's supposed to be fun?
Mystery: Hey, where's the mallet for this one? *looks around, clearly annoyed; she ignores Hope for a moment in favor of finding the squashy mallet, which she finds in the clutches of a nearby toddler*
Hope: ...Hey, are your uncles any fun to play with? I don't really like this place. The music's cool, but everything else is so...kiddy. >_>
*The toddler is blankly hitting some toy cars with the mallet.*
Mystery: That's not how you play cars! Give it.
Toddler: ........No.
Mystery: *casts a creepy green glare down at the toddler* Now.
Toddler: ....Nuuhh! D:
Hope: *shuffles over to take a couple of the cars, looking at them weirdly* What do these things even DO? Just roll around? They should shoot lasers or something.
Toddler: *reaches for the abducted cars* >_< Nooo!
Mystery: *tries to just take the mallet, and is bopped on the nose* o_o!!
Toddler: 8D
Mystery: ...You...hit me! HE HIT ME!
Hope: Well hit him back, duh. *rolls eyes while holding the cars out of reach*
(Krys: Hope, you're pretty terrible.)
Mystery: *stares down at the giggling boy; then, she wrenches the mallet from his grasp and hits him with it*
Toddler: *goes all red and scowly*
Hope: *seems to be amused by his color-changing* Ooh, do it again! Maybe he'll turn blue!
Mystery: That's only when you don't breathe!
Hope: Huh? Really?
Mystery: Yeah.
Toddler: *reaches angrily for the mallet* GIBBIT!
Mystery: *holds the mallet up* No! I need it! You're gross!
Hope: You should bop him again anyway. :0
Toddler: 8[ *throws a toy car at Mystery*
Mystery: *is quite happy to bop him, this time quite a deal harder than last time* I'm gonna tell my dad! Then you'll be in big trouble! *is obviously getting almost disproportionately irritated*
Toddler: ... *cries*
Mystery: Auugh stoooop! I didn't even do anything!
*A child-care Klokateer approaches the scene.*
Guy: Hey hey hey now, let's play nice!
Hope: But he was throwin' stuff! And he hit her first, too! >[
Guy: Oh, but I think he's crying for a reason, ladies. Now, say you're sorry!
Mystery: NO!
Hope: Yeah, no way! He started it!
Mystery: He's just a stupid ugly hump!
Hope: Yeah!
Mystery: *wipes her nose angrily*
Hope: And he smells like dookie! *crosses her arms and pouts*
Mystery: *sniff* Yeah. He does.
(Krys: Wow, these two make a devilish little duo, don't they? XD)
(Emi: Yes. XD)
Guy: *to the toddler* Are you sorry for hitting?
Toddler: *shakes head no, but didn't really absorb the question to begin with*
Mystery: SEE!
Guy: He's not really old enough to understand. Now let's just go our separate ways and find something else to do, okay?
Mystery: That's stupid! He was hitting me...he shouldn't be allowed...
Hope: Yeah, he's mean, and he should have to have...uh...a time-in or something. I think that's what it's called. *has no idea, as punishment is obviously very uncommon if not nonexistent for her*
Guy: He isn't allowed, but you were wrong for hitting back, and-
Mystery: AAUUGH JUST FORGET IT! *kicks a toy car, which probably breaks, and stomps back to the whacking game*
Hope: *sticks her tongue out at the guy and follows after Mystery* Man, that guy was dumb.
Mystery: *emits impressive roars as she takes her anger out on the little pop-up demons*
Hope: Wow. o.o *rarely sees anyone so angry*
Lady: *to the guy* Shouldn't you punish her for that tantrum?
Guy: No way. She was in here last week, and she threw such a huge tantrum, we had to send for Explosion. ._. Besides, that's what that game is for.
Hope: *after watching Mystery for a while* D'you wanna go exploring? This place is really stupid... >_>
Mystery: *after some breathing, she tosses the mallet aside, and sounds a little tired* Yeah.
Hope: Cool. Is your dad here? He could play a game with us or something, right?
Mystery: He didn't want to before, but maybe he will now. We need a distraction to get out of here by ourselves, though.
Hope: Huh, really? *looks around* Hmm...
Mystery: Maybe if I call him, he'll come get me. *pulls out a miniature Dethphone* ...But I'm only supposed to use this for emergencies...
Hope: ... *while the caretakers aren't looking, she picks up a large-ish toy and chucks it at the back of the closest kid's head, making them fall over and burst into tears; she then gestures wildly towards said kid* MEDIC! HE NEEDS A MEDIC! SOMEBODY HELP HIM! D8
Mystery: o_o
Hope: It's a distraction. My Keeska does stuff like this all the time! :]
Lady: What?! What happened?!
Guy: *sigh* Here comes another lawsuit...
Hope: Let's go, while they're all...distracted-like. *heads for the door*
Mystery: *follows cautiously, looking back over her shoulder*
Hope: I gotta tell Keeska about this later, he'll be so proud! x3 So, where's your daddy going to be, anyway?
Mystery: Probly the living room...that's, uh... *consults her phone, which has an application for getting simple directions to a few locations*
Hope: Mm'kay. ...Man, do I have great aim or what? *remembers she's still carrying her bag of pretzels, and shoves another handful into her mouth before offering the bag Mystery's way* Want some?
Mystery: *doesn't answer, but reaches for some pretzels before starting to meander in the general direction of the living room*
Hope: *follows along* I wonder what Daddy and Keeska are doing right now...?
(Emi: Oh right, those guys...)
Dib: ...Is all this paperwork really necessary, sir? .____.;
Charles: I'm afraid so, Dib.
Dib: *siiiiiiigh* Where else do I have to sign? u_u; *scribbles his name down on the next indicated line*
Charles: If it's any consolation, this is the last page.
Dib: YES! *victory arm-gesture* THANK YOU!
Charles: Hah. Yes.
Zim: Zim could have signed all this stuff way quicker than you, silly Dib-squiggle. *scoffs*
Dib: Uh-huh. Sure. Whatever. *more signing*
Charles: This is what I do. All the time.
Dib: Man, that must suck. And I thought real science was boring...
Zim: Heeeeeeey, why didn't I get to sign any of it, anyway? Zim is Dib's owner, so ZIM should be signing!
Charles: *just watches*
Zim: Pssssh, oh, Dib... *amused chuckle* You should just accept your position, for Zim is the greatest of slave-masters~
Dib: ... *to Charles* This is NOT what it sounds like. Please, just...TRUST me. >____>;;;
Charles: Well. Alright.
Dib: ... *flatly* You don't actually believe me, do you? u_u
Charles: Your business is your own. Whether you're lying or not, I've seen it all before, so...
Dib: Oh, right. Of course. You've seen genocidal and insane aliens before, sure. *rolls eyes*
Zim: *kicks Dib in the shin for mentioning anything about aliens* >[
Charles: Okay then, gentlemen, it's been... Well. You will be allowed a guest room should you need it while your...vehicle is being fixed. And when your child isn't with you, she should be in the children's room. For safety reasons.
Dib: *grimacing and holding his now-injured leg, he nods* Okay, sure. And, uh, by the way, is there any possibility we could have two separate beds?
Zim: Ehn? But we always use the same bed! ._o
(Emi: XD)
Dib: NOT- ARGH! *turns to Charles wildly* It's not like that! o___o;
Charles: *blink*
Zim: Dib-thing, you're acting even more crazy than usual. You've never complained about sleeping with Zim, why start now? >[
Dib: You don't even NEED to sleep! SHUT UP! DX
Charles: *eyebrows twitch with slight amusement as he starts filing things away* I'm sure the bed issue will be resolved. Uh, good day.
Zim: One bed will be fine. *kicks Dib again when he tries to protest* ONE! >[
Charles: Oh! And, uh, keep in mind that the room is under surveillance. is everything else, really.
(Emi: Actually, come to think of it, I don't think he'd care to tell anyone that.)
(Krys: Maybe, maybe not. I dunno. o.o)
Dib: *grumbles angrily as he gets up* Fine, whatever. I don't care. About anything. ...I'm going to go work on the ship. >_>
Zim: Yeah, you'd better. We're supposed to be on Vort within the next week, in case you forgot. >[
Dib: You're doing a really bad job at pretending to be normal, you know.
Charles: *sort of wonders why they haven't left yet*
Zim: ... *looks over at Charles* I'm human, ya know. *grabs Dib by the arm and drags him out of the office*
Dib: Ow, hey, I can walk on my own! x[
Charles: *watches them go, sighs, and pours himself a glass of brandy*
(Krys: Poor, poor Charles...)
Mystery: Oh, there's uncle Skwisgaar.
Hope: That's a weird name. What's it mean?
Mystery: I dunno, prolly nothing.
Hope: Oh, that would explain why my translator isn't...doing.
Mystery: *plods up to him* Hi.
Skwisgaar: Oh, hey Mystries...uuhh...wacho...doins? *is currently shirtless*
Hope: WOAH, you talk funny! o.o
Skwisgaar: Uah? Who's that?
Mystery: I dunno.
Hope: I'm Hope. *gestures in Mystery's direction* I dunno who she is, either. What'd he call you? Mystries? That's a weird name, too.
Mystery: My name is Mystery. He just esses everything.
Hope: Oh, okay.
Mystery: *to Skwisgaar* Why are you half naked?
Skwisgaar: Aaah...well! Beens great talkins to you, haves a great d-
Mystery: You wanna play with us?
Skwisgaar: Uhm...I would loves to, but, whoops! Sorries. Can't.
Hope: Hey, why IS he half-naked, anyway? That's weird. My Daddy never walks around like that unless we're at the beach.
Mystery: *huge eyes* Are you going to the beach???
Skwisgaar: No... Though that ams not a bad idea!
Hope: We should go to a beach, then! 8D I've never been to any beaches on this planet before~ :3
Skwisgaar: Laters we shoulds do that, maybe! I gots to get goin'!
Hope: Where ya goin'? :0
Mystery: Why can't you play now?
Skwisgaar: Um. I was alreadys playings with someone else, and theys probablies getting pretty lonelies abouts now, so...
Hope: Ooh, can we play with 'em, too? 8D
Mystery: Yeah!
(Krys: Oh, dear.)
(Emi: XD)
Skwisgaar: 8| ...... No, uh...this prabticulars friends of mine, uh, she's pretty shy! So if you all comes in there, she'll probablys to freak out! You know. So.
Hope: We could help her not be shy! Pleeeeease? *whispers very loudly to Mystery* Hey, do the shiny eyes, that always works. *promptly does the shiny puppy eyes at Skwisgaar*
Skwisgaar: Uuaaahhh looks over DERE! WHAT DE HECKS AMS DAT CRAP! *points wildly to somewhere behind the two girls*
Hope: Pffffffffft, Daddy and Keeska always try to do that to me, that's not gonna work! *puffs her cheeks out stubbornly*
Mystery: Yeah... *hasn't fallen for it either*
Skwisgaar: No, seriously, I thinks you misses it maybe! Hurry! *mouth hangs open as he waits for results*
Hope: ... *to Mystery* I'll look, you keep an eye on him. *turns to look* ...Nothing. *turns back around*
Skwisgaar: You ams too late, it gone. Poofs. Goodbye.
*Toki approaches the scene from god knows where*
Hope: Oh, well. You should play with us to make up for it. And let us meet your friend!
Toki: Oh Skwisgaar, you gots a new friend? 8D
Mystery: Toki! :]
Hope: Another funny name! 8D
Toki: Who dat?
Mystery: Hope.
Toki: Oh, you mades a little lady friend!
Mystery: I guess.
Hope: Hey, I'm not little! Everyone says I'm really big for my age! *looks proud of this, and is clearly misunderstanding what they actually mean by it*
Skwisgaar: Uuuhh YEAH! Toki, these beautifuls little angskels really wants to pals around with yous!
Toki: They do? Oh but I gotta go-
Skwisgaar: I'm just toos borings, I puts them all to sleepings time, well, gotta go! SEESGYA! *sprints toward his room*
Toki: ....AWW MAN NOTS AGAIN! WHAT THE FFF-uuuhhh...
Hope: *stares after Skwisgaar, looking mighty offended* But we asked him to play with us... What a JERK. I should go kick him. >[
Toki: *huge sigh*
Hope: Can we go kick him? :0
Toki: *thinks for a moment, then smiles impishly at Hope* Ja, lets go gives him a good kicks!
Hope: Cool! I like you! My Daddy says kicking people is wrong, but you and Keeska have the right idea! ^^
Mystery: Kicking Skwisgaar is okay, but Pickles makes the funniest noises.
Hope: Who's Pickles?
Mystery: Other uncle.
Toki: He Pickle the drummer, from Dethklok!
Hope: WOAH! He's part of that band?! That's cool!
Toki: I Toki, the rhythms guitar.
Hope: *stares in amazement* WOOOOOW. Neat.
Mystery: Skwisgaar is lead guitar, my other uncle William is the bassist, and my dad is the singing.
Hope: The whole BAND is here? Wow. o.o
Mystery: Uh, yeah, we live here. You're in my house!
Hope: Oh, I see. That's cool. I'm sorry my Daddy crashed into it with our ship, then. *to Toki* You know, you guys should really try getting your music to other galaxies. This one little planet ain't so great, you know?
Toki: Yeah, we ams so alones- *wistful look* -in de big black space.
Hope: *stares up at Toki, confused* Huh? What do you mean, alone?
Toki: We ams stucks here on the little tinies Earths, looking up at all the billions krillions stars, zillions of miles aways. And maybes, some other dildos is looking right back at us, somewheres!
Hope: This is EARTH?! WOW! I haven't been on Earth since way back when I was a baby! I thought Keeska hated this place! :0
Toki: You's from outer space? Wowee! Oh maybe I can gives you a real cool autograph, whats you cans shows to all yous space friends! *eyes sparkle at the idea of being famous on other planets, especially before Skwisgaar*
(Krys: Toki is so adorable. XD)
(Emi: Heehee, yes. X] )
Hope: Well, I WAS born on Earth, but Keeska and Daddy brought me with 'em and we lived on Resortia for a little while before we went to Vort. :] I don't think an autograph would do much, though. An autographed music disc would be better. :3 *obviously just wants a CD*
Toki: We should do that!
Mystery: CDs make good frisbees.
Hope: What's a frisbee? ._o; I've heard of bees before, but...
Mystery: You've never played with a frisbee?!
Toki: D:
Hope: Oh, it's a toy? That's good. Cuz bees don't sound very friendly.
Toki: I don'ts likes bee. They's all stingy, and they die! Likes they commit suicide just to stings you. It's stupids. :[
Hope: Yeah, they're creepy and evil. So, hey, can I have an autographed data disc with your music, so I can take it with me when me and my family go back to Vort? :3
Mystery: :\ ...
Toki: Oh, yeah! *looks around, and doesn't really know where to begin* Maybe Nathans has one.
Mystery: That's where we were going.
Toki: Okay...let's go!
*And then there was some going.*
(Krys: I'm tempted to have Zim and Dib show up, having gotten lost or something...)
(Emi: They would have been escorted.)
(Emi: To their room, anyway.)
(Krys: Dib would have gone to start work on the ship; maybe Zim could have started wandering...? 8D)
(Emi: Sure, why not.)
(Krys: Yaaaaaay, it gets boring with only one character to use kinda... XD)
(Emi: Oooohh.)
*Toki's phone rings*
Toki: Oh, it ams a text from Pickle.
Hope: ...What? *not really sure what he's trying to say*
Mystery: What does he want?
Toki: *struggles to read the text* Are...yous...gotting...ungh...rays. ...What the craps?
Zim: *walks into the room, looking lost and confused* Ehn...?
Hope: Keeska~! 8D
Zim: *blink* Ehn, ehn? Smeety? Weren't you supposed to Being watched?
Toki: He probablies drunks off his as...ssppphault. *chuckles* That our Pickle. *pockets the phone*
Hope: I am somewhere, and I am being watched. *points to Toki*
Zim: Oh, okay. *shrugs*
Hope: *to Mystery, while motioning to Zim* That's my Keeska.
Mystery: Oh. He's...
Toki: *stares at Zim*
Zim: *scrutinizes Toki in return for a moment* Hmmmmmm... Was his watching adequate?
Hope: *shrugs* He's okay. He talks funny, though.
Zim: I see.
Hope: He said I could kick a guy! :3
Zim: Good! VERY good! And did you do it?
Hope: We sorta forgot.
Toki: Aw, yeah, we forgots to do dat!
Zim: *frowns a mighty frown* HRRRRM...
Toki: And I really wanted to kicks Skwisgaar real goods... *also frowns, but sadly*
Hope: I threw a big thing at a kid's head, though.
Mystery: Heh.
Zim: *pats Hope on the head* That's my little pet-smeet~ *evil little giggle*
Toki: Here's the livings room.
(Krys: Is it still filled with sand? Cuz that'd be funny.)
(Emi: No. :[ )
(Krys: Awwwwww)
(Emi: It's probably a mess, though.)
Zim: *stares around critically* This is...disgusting. You live in this room? PATHETIC! It requires at least fifteen out of the seventeen basic cleansing steps, if not all of them! Hope, don't touch anything! >[
Hope: 'Kay.
Toki: *passing Murderface on his way to Nathan* Hai Moideface.
Murderface: *is in the middle of playing Wheelchair Bound* Muh.
*Nathan is asleep with his reading material over his face*
(Krys: ...D'awwwwww! ...I MEAN UH- THAT'S TOTALLY METAL)
(Emi: :D )
Toki: Hey, Nathans! *peeks under the book* You deads?
Zim: Ick! Dead humans are very smelly, you should probably dispose of that. :\
Hope: I don't think he's actually dead, Keeska.
Toki: *gives his stomach a loud, brisk slap* WAKES UP FATSO 8D
Nathan: FFFVVVV-! *flings the book and his glasses across the room*
Zim: ... *snickers, and makes a mental note to try that on Dib sometime, even though Dib isn't actually anywhere near fat*
Nathan: WHAT THE FUCK GODDAMN-! *splutters and looks around*
Toki: *covers Mystery's ears way too late* D:
Zim: HEY! Those are swear words, do NOT use them around my smeet! *looks around for something to throw, finds nothing, and thus simply death-glares with all his might*
Hope: Those were some weird words. o.o
Nathan: Uh, don't say those words. That I just said.
Mystery: Which ones? :]
Nathan: Don't give me that, you know which ones.
Zim: *to Hope* You may not repeat those words, either. Do you understand, smeety?
Hope: Yup. *doesn't really care*
Nathan: What do you want? ...Who are they?
Zim: I am ZIM! *super-Zim pose*
Nathan: Okay. Zim guy. *to Hope* Go, your turn.
Hope: I'm Hope. Hi. *waves* :\
Toki: That's Mystery's friend from space.
Nathan: Space? A space kid? *isn't awake enough to question it* Cool.
Zim: o____o ...Um. She, uh-! Has an overactive imagination! *awkward laugh that is totally not obvious at all NOSIREE*
Hope: Wha? But we've been living on Vort. o.o
Zim: YES! Vort! It' in Italy! 8D;
Hope: No it's not. What's Italy? o.o
Zim: 8| ..............Smeet? Be silent.
Hope: D:
Toki: How do I gets a CD?
Nathan: What? What are you talking about, there's like a million blanks in the recording room; you know that, retard.
Toki: No! I means the Dethklok CD whats has already been made!
Nathan: Uh...the store?
Toki: ...Do we has to buys it? That doesn't...seem to makes any sense at all!
Nathan: *thinks hard, accomplishing little*
Hope: I wanted to take it back with me to Vort so I could show other people your stuff. It's no good to only be famous on Earth, you know.
Mystery: Maybe the people at the CD factory will give you one.
Zim: SMEET! You will cease your talk of our living on other planets! Zim must appear NORMAL to- ... *looks around* I'M NORMAL! DX
Hope: But you're not even here to take over or anything, Keeska. o.o
Zim: Uh... ...Hrm. ...Irrelevent! 8|
Hope: You always say that when I'm right! D:
Zim: Nonsense!
Nathan: Why don't you just buy it? Why should we give it to you for free? You're not better than any of the other jackoffs out there who have to buy it, and they don't seem to be having any trouble doing so...
Zim: You DARE speak to my pet-smeet in such a way?! YOU, a simple filthy HUMAN?!
Hope: Keeska... *eyeroll*
Nathan: *at Zim* ...What? What are you even talking about?
Toki: Aw, comes on Nathans. Where yous givings Christmas spirits!
Nathan: Toki, it's not Christmas.
Zim: *perks up* Christmas? ...OH NO! *looks around wildly* THE SANTA SUIT! It could be back at any minute! *throws his arms up and shrieks at the top of his lungs, which accomplishes absolutely nothing*
Zim: Ehn? But he said it was. *points to Toki*
Hope: *quietly, to Mystery* My Keeska's kind of weird...
Mystery: *nods*
*Murderface approaches the group.*
Murderface: *blink*
Nathan: What, Murderface?
(Krys: Time for retcon and/or random useless info: Zim is wearing the flowery purple outfit. Cuz I'm lame. 8D)
Murderface: *pulls out a Dethklok CD* There.
Hope: *squeals and takes it* COOL! Thanks, mister!
Zim: *seems quite glad that Hope got ahold of it before any screaming could begin*
Toki: Hows you dos that!
Murderface: I'm magic.
Hope: Wow, really?


Emi - Metalocalypse characters, Mystery
Krys - Invader Zim characters, Hope

Notes:  Mystery is either a clone of Nathan, or that one Succuboso lady had a hand in her conception.  Not sure; waiting for Emi's input on that.  Meanwhile, Hope is from the Fall to Ruin continuity, in which she, Zim, and Dib become somewhat of a family (yes, there are slight ZADR hints, shut up) after escaping Earth (which was attacked by the Krakemeth race on orders from the Almighty Tallests), and, as is stated, they have been away from Earth for around five years.  The story itself, however, has not gotten up to that point yet (because I'm lazy), but Dib will eventually come to be in league with the Resisty, much to Zim's annoyance.  Anyhow, seemingly, in those five years after the Krakemeth attack, Dethklok was kept more or less safe, and the human race has begun to recover and rebuild.  Also, we decided that Professor Membrane works with Dethklok now and then to create their insanely advanced stages and whatnot, hence why Charles didn't order the usual security-stuffs on Dib and company.

Other important details to be added as we think of them.  Mmhmm.
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