(Emi: The "sponsored link" from Google took me to "apartments for rent" when I clicked on it...)
(Krys: ... o.o)
(Krys: xD; O...kay...)
Zim: What IS this...GOO-gle? It sounds revolting.
Hope: What's that got to do with anything? ._o
Zim: Ehn? I'unno. *shrug* What were we doing again?
(Krys: ...Google is a pretty weird word. I never really thought about it before.)
(Emi: Yeah.)
Murderface: You've never heard of Google?!
Hope: Is it another band?! 8D
Zim: Hmm, yes... Or some other...human-person...thing?
Nathan: No.
Murderface: But it could be!
Zim: Hehn? *is now even more confused thanks to Murderface*
Nathan: No! ...Well, I guess it could be.
Murderface: You should look it up.
Nathan: Yeah, I could google it. *is amused* Heh...get it?
Zim: You can GOOGLE things? Is it a weapon?!
Toki: Ooh, that would be cool!
Hope: I thought it was a band...? *is now also confused; she whispers loudly to Mystery* What's Google?
Mystery: An internet thing.
Hope: What..?
Zim: Oh, the interwebs! That's like the Interplanetary Database, mmhmm. I used the interweb once. It was dumb.
Hope: Oh, okay.
Mystery: They don't have internet in space?
Hope: We have the Database, hello. Weren't you listening to Keeska?
Zim: You should always listen to ZIM, for Zim is AMAZING! *victorious pose*
Mystery: *frown* Is the database like the internet?
Zim: That's what Zim said. PAY ATTENTION! +_+
Toki: It sounds like the same thing, basicallys.
Mystery: Oh, good. I thought I was gonna have to explain the whole internet.
Krys: That would take a while. ...Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to be here. *leaves*
Hope: That was weird. ...Well, this is pretty boring. Can we go meet that Pickles guy now?
Zim: ...That's a dumb name. I hate him already. >[
Hope: *ignores this completely*
Nathan: Do you have, like...a pass?
Hope: ...Yes.
Nathan: ...How did you even get in here?
Hope: *points to Mystery*
Nathan: I thought our security was fixed! *sees the pointing* ...
Mystery: *angelic stare*
Hope: She's pretty cool. She likes weird chips, though.
Zim: Chips? *perks up at the mention of snacks*
Nathan: I thought I told you not to show people around. Only certain people are allowed, you know that!
Mystery: I didn't! I don't know how the green guy got here!
Zim: Oh, my stupid Dib-pet crashed our ship into your house. You shouldn't have been flying it around up here, that was pretty dumb. :\
Hope: I think it's a pretty cool house...
Mystery: And I met Hope in the kids room...
Nathan: Uh, she should still BE in the kids room. You can't just take people's kids.
Hope: But I went along with her myself, and Keeska doesn't mind. *points up at Zim, who just shrugs*
Zim: *actually isn't even really paying attention, as he is looking around at the super-metal decor* ...It's an okay house. I've seen better. >_>
Hope: See? :]
Nathan: 8| ...
Murderface: Schtill shouldn't be in here.
Nathan: Yeah.
Mystery: Why not? o_O
Toki: Yeah, whys not?
Nathan: *groan/sigh* I still don't like that he could just walk right in here, I mean, what's next?
Zim: Ehn...I walk back out? Dib's probably about to make the ship explode trying to 'fix it' anyway... *starts back for the door* Come, smeety!
Hope: *whines* But I wanna meet Pickles! D:
Zim: *extreme frown* Smeet...
Zim: _o; Urgh, FINE, smeet; just cease your shrill pain-inducing cry! x[
Hope: *immediately shuts up*
Murderface: I haven't scheen Pickleszh since yesterday...or even before that. He'sh lazy! He'sh probably in his room, bein lazy and doin' drugsz!
Nathan: Oh yeah, and you're a shining example of ind...uh, industrr- You're lazy.
Murderface: Nathan, how could you. That'sh just...that'sh real nice.
Nathan: B| ...You should go get him, or you know, just go and be lazy together. 'Cause you're lazy.
Hope: This is boring, let's go. *loops her arm around Mystery's and starts leading her to the door, whether she wants it or not* I think your dad just wants us to be in trouble or something, anyway. :\
Mystery: But I think he's mad at William now. I wanna see.
Hope: Um...we can look in from the door. C'mon, Keeska!
Zim: Meh. *trails along behind the kids, looking disgruntled* Coulda sworn someone mentioned chips...
Murderface: Fine! Maybe I will go get Picklesh! Then he'll have to hang out with these weirdos inschtead of me! HAHA! *flees the room*
Hope: ...Oh. I guess he's leaving. Okay, so I guess we can go now, too. *tugs Mystery onward*
Mystery: I thought you wanted to meet Pickles?
Hope: ...Oh, is he coming here? I wasn't really listening. o.o Um...okay, then.
Mystery: *to Nathan* Is he coming back? With Pickles?
Nathan: Probably not :\
Zim: He sounds like a really horrible pickley guy. We should just go before he gets his vile juices on us! *wiggles his fingers*
Hope: What.
Nathan: ......Juices?
Toki: *snigger*
Zim: He's a pickle, isn't he?
Hope: Mystery said he's a drummer.
Zim: A pickle drummer?! That's the worst kind of pickle! x[
Hope: I don't think he's actually Whatever that is.
Toki: Not pickle like the food, Pickle is his name!
Zim: Well, that's stupid! He should be a pickle! >[
Hope: Yeah, that would make sense. I think. What's a pickle?
Zim: It's like a cucumber, only EVIL.
Hope: ...Kay. *doesn't know what a cucumber is, either*
Nathan: a zombie cucumber. Yeah...
Zim: He's a ZOMBIE?! That's even WORSE! DX
Mystery: *laughing* No!
Zim: Geez, you people need to make up your mind! What is he?! Pickle, zombie, or drummer?!
Hope: I think he's just a drummer named Pickles...
Zim: And...he's not a zombie?
Toki: *thinking* Zombie Pickle...
Nathan: He's a drummer. He also sings sometimes.
Zim: And he's a...singing pickle. Okay. *looks a bit confused, which also makes him a little annoyed*
Mystery: And he can play the guitar, too!
Zim: Play a WHAT? How does he play anything if he doesn't have arms?! He's a PICKLE! *clearly hasn't been listening*
Hope: Um...
Nathan: *is starting to become irritated by Zim* Rrhh.
Toki: Uh, Pickle really isn't a pickle.
Hope: I think he's just a normal guy, Keeska. Like these guys. *points to Nathan and Toki*
Zim: ...........Oh. Yes, normal. Normal, like Zim. Yyyyyep. I sure am normal. 8|
Toki: Yeah, he's a regular guy likes us.
Zim: *nods* I see. ...Does he talk funny, too?
Toki: *pulls out a sharpie* Okay, now whats about that CD, I still have to autographs that thing.
Hope: Oh, boy! *holds it out excitedly*
Toki: *proudly signs the CD with a flourish, and gives it back*
Hope: Cooooool, I can't wait to show this to everyone, it's gonna be great! I'm gonna make everyone listen to it so you guys'll be famous EVERYWHERE on Vort, it'll be awesome, and you guys can come and play concerts there and- and- *squeeeee*
*Toki also looks close to squeeing, biting his lower lip instead.*
Zim: Vort is still a town in Italy, by the way. 8| *he is obviously lying*
Nathan: I don't think there's a "Vort" in Italy... I've been to Italy. And that doesn't even sound Italian.
Zim: ...............It's, Vampires founded it. Yeah. They
Hope: Vort is a planet, Keeska. You know that. o.o
Zim: *irritated* Smeeeeeeet...
Hope: OH! You're being normal. I get it!
Zim: u____u;
Nathan: Chinese underwater vampires. In Italy.
Zim: ...YES. >[
Nathan: Sheesh, I thought Toki was a bad liar.
Nathan: Rruhhg- Somebody get this loud guy out of here! He's weird!
Toki: He don'ts makes no sense.
Zim: Zim makes plenty of sense! I can make a kajillion times more sense than you could ever make! I'm a SENSE FACTORY!
Mystery: Maybe if he practiced at lying, he could get better.
Nathan: Probably.
Toki: *considers Mystery's theory*
Hope: Keeska's been bad at lying for over a century, Daddy said so.
Zim: Yeah, well, the Dib is a stupid lying pig with a fat head! >[
Hope: But you told me once that Daddy's head isn't really big anymore. o.o
Zim: Ehn...I was lying! See? Zim is an amazing liar!
*Elsewhere, Murderface has forgotten all about retrieving Pickles, probably on purpose.*
Hope: *blink* ...Okay, then. ...Hey, that guy that left has been gone a while, I don't think he's coming back. And he's prolly not bringing the Pickles guy, either. :[
Zim: Good, he'd probably eat your brains, anyway. *seems to have forgotten that Pickles isn't a zombie*
Mystery: Eww, I don't think he likes eating brains actually.
Zim: Well, that's pretty weird.
Mystery: ...But it's gross.
Zim: Mmhmm.
Hope: ...Right. Let's just go find him ourselves. *loops arms with Mystery again, heading for the door and pulling Zim along on the way*
Nathan: *grumble* I don't like that idea.
Hope: I do! 8D
Nathan: Toki, you better go too.
Toki: Oh, but...
Hope: Ooh, yay! Toki's cool! :3
Toki: ...Fine. B|
Nathan: Okay. Good. Now uh...get out of here.
Hope: *squees as they walk out* Hey, Keeska, can I have my data-player so we can listen to this while we look for the guy? *holds up the CD hopefully*
Zim: *suddenly looks a bit uncomfortable* Ehn...your data-player was in the ship's cargo...
Hope: I thought you kept it in your PAK. o.o
Zim: I took it out because it was...big. >_>;
Hope: *almighty frown* Keeskaaaaaaaaaa....
Zim: It was getting in the way of everything! And Zim is NOT going to replace the atmospheric regulation system with a music player no matter HOW much you complain! >[
Hope: *sulks*
Toki: *stops a passing Klokateer* Hey! Have you seen Pickle?
Klokateer: No sire, I have not seen him.
Toki: *frown* Very well.
Zim: Sure are a lot of those guys around. ...One of them tried to scan Zim. I hated that guy. >_>
Hope: Why do they wear those masks? Are they all deformed? *wide-eyed in wonder at the prospect*
Toki: Those ams our servants, they all gots to wear the same thing.
Zim: Servants? All of them? Impressive! What can you make them do?
Toki: Oh, just abouts anythings.
Zim: Oooooooooh...
Hope: *to Mystery* Keeska really likes servant stuff. He's always trying to get Daddy and bunches of other people to obey him, but he's not very good at it. :\
Zim: SILENCE! Zim is the greatest of slave-masters! >[
Hope: Sure, Keeska.
Mystery: Maybe he has to get famous first.
Hope: Um, the whole Irken Empire knows him, but, uh...that's not really a good thing... 8|;
Mystery: Oh, why?
Hope: They're kinda trying to kill our family. It sucks. :\
Mystery: Wow. * - *
Zim: Ehn, they'll come around eventually.
Hope: Daddy says they won't.
Zim: See?! He's a dirty lying pig!
Hope: ...Uh-huh. But, yeah, the Tallests keep sending Elite squads to destroy our ships, but Daddy fights 'em off with the rest of the Resisty crew. Space battles are REEEEEALLY boring, though... ._.
Toki: Here Pickles room, but I don't think he in dere. *takes a tentative step through the door, which was left open*
Hope: Ooh, we're here? *looks excited*
Toki: Space battle???
Hope: Yeah. *doesn't really elaborate* But like I said, boooooring; since you can't hear anything that's happening in space, all the explosions are just...bleh. You know?
Zim: You're not supposed to be watching them, anyway! >[
Hope: You always forget to lock my door.
Zim: ...Well, then. 8|;
Toki: But explosions ams still pretty cool, though!
Hope: Yeah, but it's better when you can HEAR it. Like...BAM! That's cool.
Toki: Oh, yeah, like BBVVWOOOM *hand gestures for emphasis* Ooh, are they real big explosions?
Hope: Not really. It's mostly the other kind. Um......em... Implosions! That way the pilots don't get away. Implosions are way boring, cuz then it's just like... *makes a weird gesture with her hands* Splat, and then it...does some stuff. It's dumb.
Toki: D: ...
Zim: *offhandedly* It's a real mess trying to find the pilots in that stuff...
Toki: The pilot guy, do they goes splats? From the space? I always wanted to see that.
Mystery: *picks up a discarded sock, inspecting it*
Hope: I think it's like...a special weapon. It makes the ship implode. But sometimes the pilots implode because of space, too. *nods* Pretty messy, though, yeah.
Toki: *smiles, intrigued*
Mystery: *holds the sock up to Toki* It smells bad. I think it's been here for a billion years.
Zim: *registers his surroundings suddenly* EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW! O____O *jumps wildly from foot to foot* So...FILTHY! *various noises of paranoia as he attempts to escape the floor; he eventually ends up engaging his spiderlegs to do so* This is!
Hope: Um, Keeska, you- ...Meh. *shrugs, and decides not to point out that spiderlegs are very NOT normal*
Toki: *gasps and jumps back a little upon seeing the spiderlegs*
Mystery: WOW!
Zim: Ehn? What?
Toki: *makes a sound of amazement* That's amazings!
Mystery: I want that!
Zim: Want what? *looks around*
Hope: *sigh*
Mystery: *pokes a metal leg* That! You look like a big spider!
Zim: o_o! ...Uh, these are...YOU'RE IMAGINING THINGS! It's all in your simple child mind! YES!
Hope: Keeska, you really ARE bad at lying. D: I don't think anyone here cares that you're an alien.
Mystery: Why do people tell me that? I can see it just fine!
Hope: ...Sure, whatever. *looks around curiously, poking at some things* This place is kinda gross...
Mystery: He likes to leave garbage sitting everywhere. *kicks at an empty "medicine" bottle*
Hope: I can tell. It's a good thing there's no cleaning supplies nearby, or Keeska would probably be going crazy trying to make it...not so messy. He does that sometimes, cuz he thinks germs will make his 'spooch explode.
Toki: *bursts out laughing*
Hope: o_o?
Mystery: Huh? What's so funny?
Toki: Uh...maybe I tell you when you grows up some more. 8|
Mystery: I hate it when you guys say that! B[
Hope: Yeah, I hate it when grown-ups do that! *tugs on Toki's shirt* Come on, don't be a jerk! TELL US! DX
Zim: *looks around uncertainly* Ehn, what IS so funny?
Mystery: Is it 'cause she said Zim would explode?
Toki: ...Uh, yeah, a bits...
Hope: I don't want him to explode! D:
Mystery: I think I'm old enough for people exploding though.
Hope: Hey, yeah... o.o I think he's lying...
Toki: Well, Pickle ain'ts heres! We tries somewhere else! *starts walking away*
Hope: Nooooooo! You gotta tell us what was so funny! *whines to Zim* Kees, he's being mean and won't tell us anything!
Zim: *scowls at Toki* ZIM would like to know what is so amusing, as well! Explain yourself, dirt-monkey!
Toki: Uh, it's just 'cause it sounds funny, what you said. Abouts when the germs ams making...things explode. *tries not to laugh upon thinking of the word "spooch"*
Zim: You find Zim's squeedilyspooch exploding to be FUNNY?! How would you like germs gnawing on YOUR organs?! >[
Toki: Kkhhhh-! *bites his lower lip* Uh, no, I don'ts thinks I like that at all!
Zim: Good! You see my point, then. *nods, satisfied* Now, let us leave this filth-hole! It offends each of my superior senses. x[ *retracts his spiderlegs and marches for the door*
Hope: Man, I hope we can find that drummer guy... :[
Zim: Yes, quite the elusive pickle.
Toki: *stops another Klokateer on the way* Where's Pickle?
Klokateer: He was in the endangered species furniture room, my lord. I am delivering this food to him.
Hope: Ooh, can I have some food? All I've eaten today are some chips and pretzels. :[
Toki: Oh, good! Let us goes there right away!
Klokateer: Certainly, my lord.
Hope: Hey, were you even listening?! *tugs on the Klokateer's shirt hem* >[
Toki: Oh, he's not allowed to do stuff for you, I don'ts think.
Hope: ... *SUPER POUT* But- but- but- ... *whimper* I'm hungry...
Zim: *looks rather annoyed* My smeet wasn't FED while she was being looked after?!
Toki: *lifts the lid on the food platter to see what's on it* All we gots here is some little tiny hot dogs, and five donuts...and a candy cane?
Klokateer: *shrugs at Toki*
Hope: DONUTS! O__O *flails in some kind of donut-wanting display*
Zim: Mmmmm...donuts... |3
*The Klokateer nods, as if to confirm the donuts.*
Hope: *makes gimme gestures with her fingers, hopping up and down alongside the Klokateer as he walks* +_+
*The Klokateer does an admirable job of ignoring Hope, determined to get the treats safely to his master.*
Hope: *starts whining as she hops around* C'mon, I'm hungry~ D:
Mystery: Hey, yeah, me too, when's dinner!
Klokateer: I believe dinner is in about two hours, mistress.
Mystery: That's dumb, 'cause I'm hungry now!
Klokateer: I have been asked not to spoil your appetite, my lady.
Mystery: But, two hours?! Make me a samwich or something! 8[
Hope: Yeah, two hours is crazy! >[
Mystery: Yeah, it's like a million years!
Toki: I'm starting to get hungries just listening to you crazy little porsons!
Zim: *glaring at the Klokateer* Smeets require nutrients, you fool! If they're hungry now, you should get them fed! Do you want them to starve?! If my pet-smeet starves because of your carelessness, I shall use your intestines as a jump-rope! *growls at him threateningly*
Hope: Eww, that'd be messy.
Zim: ...Oh, yeah, it would be. ...Something less messy, then, but still just as horrible!
Mystery: I saw an intestine once, it was weird.
Zim: *offhandedly* Human intestines taste nasty.
Toki: *to the Klokateer* Now, goes and gets us a snack! I will takes this to Pickle! *nabs the current foods*
Klokateer: *the poor guy has no choice but to obey Toki* Very well.
Hope: Yaaaaaaay, food! 8D
Mystery: Hey, get me some Ovaltine!
Hope: What is THAT? It sounds so weird!
Mystery: And uh...peanut butter. A peanut butter sandwich.
Toki: Ovaltines is the chocolates milks whats has all the extra vitamins and minimums
Hope: Man, there's a lot of weird food on Earth. o.o
Mystery: It's yummy. I have it all the time.
Hope: Can I have some? :0 And some donuts?
Toki: *kicks the door to the furniture room* Stupids food, can'ts use my hands now...
Zim: Donuts are good for a growing smeet! *nods* :]
Mystery: Yeah, oh! I want donuts too.
*The Klokateer nods and heads off, hoping to escape before any more food requests are made.*
Hope: *yells after him* If you've got any Arcturian Megadonkey, that'd be great!
Mystery: What the heck is that?
Hope: Arcturian Megadonkey. o.o
Zim: It's meat, only not horrible like Earth-meat. ...UGH. *shudders at the thought of it*
*Pickles opens the door.*
Pickles: Finally... Oh, Toki...why are you bringin' my food, I thought there was a guy...
Hope: *spots Pickles* Oh, boy! HI! We finally found you! *waves*
Pickles: *looks down at Hope* Whuu...? *then spots Zim* Wooah, what is this-?
Zim: *stares at Pickles, not sure how to react at first* ...I...I can smell him from over here. +_+; *backs away bit by bit, hands covering the general nose area even though he doesn't have a nose but whatever I don't care* AUGH...
Hope: Keeska, that's not nice. :<
(Krys: Like she can talk. XD)
*Toki deposits the forgotten food on the turtle table.*
Pickles: *wonders if Zim's green-ness, or if Zim in general is a hallucination, and leans in really close to him to investigate*
Zim: AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH! *backs away very quickly, flailing his arms madly* AWAY! AWAY, FOUL THING! DX
Pickles: That is not nice, fella! I gotta call someone, get this screamin' green guy outta here... Where's my phone... *wobbles around in a circle*
Toki: *leads Pickles to the couch, which he flops onto*
Zim: Your SMELL isn't nice! It smells the horrible smell of...URGH! *looks sick, and he covers his mouth for a second* should belong in a garbage can! x[
(Emi: lol)
Pickles: *puts a hand to his head* Nyyhh, wait, what?
Zim: A garbage can, you disgusting fool! GAR-BAGE-CAN!
Hope: Um, Keeska-? o.o
Zim: o.o
Toki: D:
Hope: *is utterly baffled by the turn of events*
Pickles: *lunges for Zim, looking quite intent on grabbing him*
Toki: Woah, Pickle, what goings on around heres?!
Zim: *shrieks at the top of his lungs and dives out of the way, looking for an escape route; he spots Toki* YOU! DON'T MOVE! *he darts behind him to hide, despite the door being closer and still open*
Hope: *still confused, she turns to Mystery* Does he do this a lot? *points to Pickles*
Mystery: Uh...not really... He's usually more quiet and normalish...
Hope: ...Kees sure does make people angry pretty easy... :\
Toki: Pickle, don'ts be such a crazy guy!
Pickles: *maneuvers around Toki, who he ignores*
Zim: *shrieks very loudly again, and runs around to the opposite side of his new Toki-shield* STAY AWAY FROM ZIM! DX
Toki: Uh, okay, let's just calms down now...
Pickles: *tries to intercept Zim buy changing direction, making a grab for his "hair"*
Zim: o_o! *changes direction also - by climbing OVER Toki, helped along by his spiderlegs; he ends up on top of the condor bottle-opener, which he clings to desperately*
Hope: He's not very good at being normal. *is chewing on one of Pickles' forgotten donuts*
Pickles: AAUGH, git down from theare!!!
Zim: NO! D
Pickles: Damnit, I just had that thing fixed, you freak! *jumps for Zim, arms flailing* NYEEH-!
Toki: Pickle! Leaves him alone, he didn't do nothins!
Zim: Stay away or I'll- I' something evil! *shakes fist at Pickles, and raises a spiderleg or two threateningly*
Pickles: *displays both middle fingers to Zim angrily*
Zim: ................. *blink* Ehn?
Pickles: Yeah, fuck you! Now git outta here!
Toki: Hey, uh, let's watch our language arounds the childrens okay? 8|
Mystery: Where's my Ovaltine? :\
Hope: *is paying about as much attention to the current goings-on as Mystery*
Zim: HEY! Do not use such language in front of my smeet! *scuttles down on his spiderlegs to shove at Pickles, though it probably doesn't accomplish much* You horrible smelly inferior monkey! DX
*Toki tenses up considerably.*
Mystery: Hey, don't! *kicks one of Zim's spiderlegs*
Hope: D: HEY! *scurries up to pull at Mystery* C'mon, leave Keeska alone! Two against one's not fair!
*Pickles latches on to a spiderleg, pulling and hoping to knock Zim over.*
Zim: *topples over thanks to his and Mystery's combined efforts* >_o; AUGH-!
*Pickles growls and lunges for Zim once again in substance-induced abandon*
*Pickles takes fistfulls of Zim's shirt in hopes of dragging him to the trash can.*
Zim: *squirms vehemently* RELEASE ME! *slaps at him angrily*
*Toki stomps over to Zim and Pickles, looking positively rabid.*
Pickles: *to Toki* But he-!
Toki: NO! *pries Pickles off of Zim easily*
Zim: *scrambles away, gasping for less smelly air* o____o;
Hope: *cheers for Toki*
Pickles: Dooood! D:
Toki: CUTS THE CRAP! *flings Pickles back onto the sofa* NO MORE FIGHTING.
*Pickles angrily shoves some tiny hot dogs into his mouth. Meanwhile, Zim scowls at him, quite disgruntled.*
Pickles: He better be gahn later. *returns the scowling*
*Toki doesn't have the heart to tell Pickles he isn't hallucinating.*
Hope: Good thing Toki was with us. I don't think Daddy would be happy if I had to call him for help. >>;
Mystery: Toki's real strong.
Toki: *calms down a little, ego inflating a bit at the compliments*
Hope: Yeah, he just pulled him offa Keeska- *makes matching gestures as though Mystery didn't see it* -and BAM! Right onto the couch!
Toki: *takes one of the many drinks stored in the room, opening it with the condor's beak*
Zim: *does some more scowling at Pickles, scowling with all his scowly might*
Toki: You don't gots to worry. Ol' Toki can handles it. B]
*Pickles rolls his eyes*
*Dib suddenly appears in the doorway, looking disheveled and out-of-breath, and he has a Klokateer (or several) behind him*
Dib: THERE you are! Geez, Zim, I've been looking everywhere for you! You know we're not supposed to be wandering around without supervi- *sees Hope* Why isn't she in the daycare? *sees Toki, Pickles, and Mystery* What's going on?! o_o;
Hope: Hi, Daddy! Keeska almost got into a fight! 8D
Dib: o___o;
Zim: He started it. *glares at Pickles*
Pickles: *groans loudly* Not another one!
Dib: *holds hands up in pacifying manner* I am SO sorry, I should've been keeping a closer eye on him, he...does stuff like this sometimes. Sorry! x_o; Zim, come on, we've got to go work on the ship; leave these guys alone, okay?
*The food-getting Klokateer arrives, and tries to remain unphased as he makes his way to the table.*
Pickles: Yyeaahh, leave us alone! *glares blearily*
Zim: *frowns, and looks as though he'd like to complain before he looks over at Pickles, then back at Dib, then over at Hope, then back at Dib again* Hrm...
Dib: *sighs* Hope, you should be in the daycare and not wandering around.
Hope: Toki's watching us. He's really good at it, and he's real res-pons...i...he's good at it.
Dib: ...Okay. Well, Zim, she's being supervised. So, let's go.
*Pickles scrunches up moodily on the couch, as if hoping it will make everyone go away.*
Zim: *grumbles* Fine, Dib-thing... *grudgingly follows Dib out the door; he sticks his tongue out at Pickles as he goes*
Dib: *sighs again, and pauses at the door, letting Zim go out ahead of him* Um, yeah...again, uh, sorry about Zim. He's kinda...special. *hesitant laugh before he, too, leaves*
Hope: I don't get why Daddy always says he's special... o.o
Toki: Uh, here Pickle, you look like you need a donut! *holds one in front of his face*
Pickles: *stares at the donut for a moment before swiping it and picking at it*
Hope: *to Mystery* Wouldn't being special be good?
Mystery: *shrugs and slurps at the Ovaltine, which was served in a large goblet adorned with skulls and black star-cut gems*
Hope: *looks at the food* I don't see any Megadonkey... >_>
Pickles: ...Any what?
Toki: It's like meats, only better.
Pickles: Meat, only better? *looks slightly intrigued*
Hope: Yeah, that. Boy, Toki, you're really smart! :3
Toki: :D
Hope: *stares at Mystery's Ovaltine* So, what's it taste like?
Mystery: Chocolate.
(Krys: The food-Klokateer got stuff for Hope, too, right? o.o)
(Emi: Yeah, just not the Megadonkey.)
(Krys: XD)
*Mystery peels the top bread slice off the sandwich and chomps at it.*
Hope: *scrutinizes her own cup of Ovaltine* It looks kinda...dirty.
Mystery: Dirty?
Hope: It's all brown and weird.
Mystery: Uh, it's supposed to brown. Chocolate is brown, duh!
Hope: Well, it's got little bitty clumps of brown floating around in it! :[
Mystery: *sighs* I guess they didn't stir it enough, the stupid turds. It's still good that way, though.
Hope: Oh...I thought it was dirt. 8|; *sips at it, and by the look on her face afterward, it is very clear that she likes it - A LOT* EEEEEEEE~
Mystery: Heh.
Toki: Pickle, you don't look so good. D:
Pickles: Gimme a break, I had a bad trip.
Hope: Where'd you go? o.o
*insert canned laughter*
Pickles: *blinks wierdly at Hope*
Toki: Pickle, you don'ts belong in a garbage can.
*insert canned "aww"*
Pickles: Nnh. :\ ...Kin I have some Ovaltine?
Hope: You can have some of mine if you tell me where you went on your trip. :] *holds her cup up*
Pickles: But I've been here all day...?
Hope: You said you had a bad trip, though!
*Mystery climbs onto the couch with her sandwich in her mouth and her cup in one hand.*
Pickles: I meant a different kinda trip, the other kind. Y'know...
Hope: Huh...? ...Ohhhh, wait, I think I get it! So you tripped on something? But, tripping is always bad, isn't it...? *is confusing herself, and decides to drown it out with delicious, delicious Ovaltine*
Toki: Yeah, maybe he trips and hurts himself. :[
*Mystery plops down on Pickles' lap*
Pickles: Ooaahf-! Hi. Y'gaht some peanut butter here... *smears the peanut butter up the length of Mystery's nose instead of removing it* There.
Mystery: Hey! *uses the sandwich to apply a respectable peanutty smudge to Pickles' cheek*
Pickles: Gimme a hug! *smears his face on Mystery's, who squeals and squirms*
Mystery: *sticks each half of the sandwich to either side of Pickles' face*
Hope: That's a weird thing to do with food... o.o
Toki: It's peanut butter Pickle sandwich! Ha ha!
Pickles: Uuagh, all over my face. Peanut butter. Face.
(Krys: WOW, that's gonna be annoying to clean. XD)
*Pickles drops what's left of his donut down the inside front Mystery's dress.*
Hope: Why are you guys wasting food? That's not what food is for! You EAT food! D:
Toki: Yeah, didn'ts your momma tells you not to plays with your food! *seems to not realize how hypocritical he's being*
*Mystery retaliates by pouring Ovaltine on Pickles' lap.*
Pickle: Aaaww nuuh-! DX
Hope: o_o; That's for DRINKING! D:
Mystery: *laughs evilly*
Pickles: I am gonna git you fer this. *just sits there, squirming a bit from the sogginess*
*Mystery goes to investigate the rest of the food, and is hit with half a sandwich when her back is turned.*
Hope: *to Toki, with her mouth partially filled with donut* Why'd he get all angry when Keeska just said some stuff, but he's not getting angry about getting food smushed all over him? That's pretty weird. o.o
*Mystery looks back at Pickles, who points at Toki.*
Toki: Hey! I didn'ts throws no sandswich! *to Hope* Pickle don't like it when someone says...those things that guy said.
Hope: Why not? :0
Toki: *bends down to whisper to Hope* When Pickle was just a little Pickle, his dad says to him "gets out, you belongs in a garbage can". Pickle always wanted to beats him up for that...
Hope: Woah, his dad's a jerk! o.o But, um, Keeska didn't know or anything, it's not like he meant to make him that mad... :<
Toki: *jumps at the sensation of a piece of bread being adhered to his backside by Mystery* HOI-! o_o
Mystery: *points at Pickles*
*Hope is still baffled by the current incorrect usage of food.*
Murderface: FOOD FIGHT! 8D
*Everyone turns to look at the suddenly-there Murderface.*
Hope: ...What?! NO! You eat food, you don't fight with it! DX
Murderface: I beg to differ.
Hope: *very frowny frown-face*
Murderface: *to everyone looking at him* What? B[ Oh, Picklesh, Nathan wantsh you. Or somethin'. I don't remember.
Pickles: Whatever. *snacks on another tiny hot dog*
Murderface: *regards the small sausage with some contempt* You shicken me.
Pickles: *waves the hot dog and makes spooky noises at Murderface*
*Hope looks from the half-donut she's holding, then up at Mystery, then back to the donut; she lifts it as though about to throw it before she makes a weird face and just shakes her head, changing her mind and eating the donut instead.*
Murderface: I said, food fight, and there will BE a food fight! *launches a donut at Pickles*
Pickles: D: *pelts Murderface with his chewed-on hot dog*
Hope: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *voices her dislike of the idea quite loudly* DX
*Toki claims the pitcher of soda that is probably laden with alcohol, while Mystery flings a donut at Murderface.*
Hope: *flails in dismay* STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! DX
Mystery: But it's fun!
Hope: It's messy and gross! And it's a waste of good food! x[
Mystery: It's awesome! D:
Hope: *whiiiiiiiine*
Hope: Noooooooo! You better stop, or I'm telling Keeska! x[
*Murderface tries smash hot dogs into Pickles' face, and Pickles grabs Murderface's wrists; they end up on the floor while grappling for position, before Toki pours the entire pitcher of soda onto the two of them. There is some screaming. ...Some of it is Hope's.*
Hope: Nooooo! NOOOOOOOOOOO! DX You guys are mean!
*Toki starts a dogpile with Murderface and Pickles, bringing donuts to smush onto his squirmy bandmates; meanwhile, Mystery puts a donut on top of Hope's head, hoping to ease her into the sport.*
Hope: O____O ... *shrieks an unholy shriek, and pulls down one glove to reveal a communicator, which she fumbles with using her other hand; she is very distressed, however, and can't seem to work it properly* KEESKAAAAAAAAAAAA! DX
Mystery: ' _ ' *decides instead to climb the mountain of manchildren*
Murderface: MY TIBIA-!
Pickles: NNOOO~
Toki: *laughing* I CAN'TS BREATHE-!
Hope: Why isn't this working?! *jabs at the communicator, before quickly giving up and resorting to extreme sulking and sniffling; she also takes the donut off her head to nibble on glumly*
Murderface: I'm gonna kill whoever keepsh elbowing me in the junk!