Here we have yet more combining of Metalocalypse and Invader Zim

Jan 16, 2010 14:14

Part four is here!

Haven't started the story yet?  Go back to part one, fool!
Missed the last installment?   READ IT NOW!

Narrator: Last time on This Roleplay, Toki kicked Skwisgaar in the shin, and then they all had breakfast for dinner! Mystery even climbed up on the table for pancakes, and Hope copied Nathan's terrible breakfasty-sandwich! Then Zim and Dib showed up, and Pickles was saaaaaaad, and everything was awkward when most of Dethklok talked about Skwisgaar's "friend"! Also, I guess Dib found out that Zim was being overly careless with his alien-ness and is a little annoyed. And then- *Krys shoots him before he can go on any longer*
Zim: Man, that guy was annoying. It's a good thing he's dead now.
Dib: ...Wha...?
*Dib has no idea what Zim is even talking about, because yet again, Zim is just breaking the fourth wall.*
Pickles: ...Oooh yeah, those metal leg things. Those woulda been cool if I didn't hate him so much.
Dib: *eye twitches* Zim, *twitch, twitch*
Zim: I don't know what he's talking about, Zim did absolutely NOTHING! *obvious lie*
Mystery: Liar.
Hope: *mouth partially filled with bacon* Keeska used 'em twice! Once in Pickles' room cuz it was messy, and then when Pickles tried to attack him! :] *is definitely not helping*
Mystery: I saw them. And they were cool.
Zim: Smeets, be silent now. >[
Dib: .........................Okay. You know what? No. No, I'm not gonna stand for this. *gets up*
Zim: But you're standing right now. o.o
Dib: ...Everyone, attention please? I hope you're watching this right now, because I've wanted to do this for years. *yanks Zim's wig off angrily*
Zim: What do you think you're doing?! *grabs for the wig, but is too short, and so he immediately starts shrieking at the top of his lungs, trying to cover his head*
Nathan: WOAH
Dib: See?! He's an alien! A REAL alien, from SPACE!
Nathan: I thought his hair looked weird.
Murderface: Yeah, it had to be fake.
Hope: *to Murderface, rather unconcerned with the current events* See, I told you I wasn't from pretend-space. 8\
Murderface: 8|
Zim: *kicks Dib in the shin* Give that back! NOW! Before I tear your head off or...or...something just as horrible! DX
Toki: Oooh wow, now you really looks like a space guy!
Zim: NO! NOOO! *screams some more* I'm normal, I'm normal! It's- ehn- premature baldness! YES!
Dib: *grimaces at the kick, and scowls* You have antennae. Also, you're wearing contacts. >[
Zim: LIES! Filthy LIES!
*Dib then grabs onto him, and they wrestle around for a bit, Zim trying to keep him from plucking said contacts out; Hope, meanwhile, munches on some french toast and watches in something like amusement.*
Mystery: Are they fighting?
Hope: *shrugs* I guess. Daddy'll probably win unless Keeska brings out the spiderlegs again.
Dib: *after a brief struggle* HA! Got one! *proudly displays the contact*
Zim: *covering one eye and looking very disgruntled, he kicks Dib in the shin again* You nearly poked my eye out, you stinking worm! DX
Dib: Ow. Sorry, I guess. Ow. ...OW. Did you have to kick me that hard? x[
Zim: *plucks out the other contact grumpily* Yes.
Pickles: Heh, and people say my hair is bad. Dood, can you...move those? *is referring to Zim's antennae*
Zim: *scowls at him; of course, his antennae do indeed move, doing so to accompany the expression*
Pickles: Ooohoho, they do! Theat's so weird!
Dib: It's not hair, they're antennae. I already said that. *is balancing on his uninjured leg, and ends up falling over* Ow. ...I meant to do that. x_o
Pickles: I know, I meant his toupe. It's harrible.
Dib: Oh, yeah, that...yeah, that is pretty bad. >>
Zim: ZIM is not weird, you are! With those non-move-y satellite dishes on the sides of your head...UGH! *points spastically at Pickles' ears*
Pickles: My what? *feels the sides of his head, not getting it*
Dib: *picking himself up off the floor* He means ears. Which, by the way, I can't believe no one ever noticed Zim not having.
Murderface: Coulda...been a burn victim.
Nathan: A green burn victim.
Murderface: Yeah.
Dib: ...NO. Shut up! He's an alien! >[
Zim: *shoves Dib over again* Nonsense! Zim is a perfectly normal human burn victim who is green. *wide and hopeful smile*
Dib: ...And...the eyes, then? Explain that.
Zim: PINK EYE! *raises one fist victoriously*
Dib: *gets up again* ...No.
Skwisgaar: ...Guys! Why dids Ofgensdons lets dat alien in here in de forst place?!
Hope: It's cuz our ship crashed! Geez, why do I keep having to tell everyone that?
Skwisgaar: I knews havings a flying house woulds be a bads idea! >:[
Hope: Flying houses are cool. I want one. If I had one, I'd land it on people I don't like.
Mystery: Oh, yeah, that would be funny.
Nathan: Skwisgaar, you were the one most excited about having a flying house. If I'm not mistaken.
Skwisgaar: No, uhm, that was Toki. You know how he gets, with his flyins craps...
Toki: No, Skwisgaar, that was you!
Skwisgaar: Well maybe I reconsiders tings a little, ah? Didn't you think about that? >8|
Dib: ...Okay, uh...does NO ONE care that Zim is an alien? I mean, you're...kinda not...doing anything about it. At all. ...No reaction? Really?
*Nathan just scowls, and Skwisgaar returns to his quiet shredding*
Zim: *scowls at Dib, and plops back into his chair to stuff several pancakes into his mouth grumpily*
Dib: Oh. Great. And now you're gonna sulk about it.
Zim: *nods, glaring; his cheeks are stuffed full of pancake, though, so his glaring just looks ridiculous instead of threatening*
Toki: Oh, maybe theys in denial. This is some pretty weirds stuff! Or shocks.
Dib: Considering my luck, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the denial thing. >_>
Zim: ... *to any Dethklok member that will listen, aside from Toki, who clearly wouldn't believe him* I'm normal, you know.
Nathan: *grumble* Oh boy.
Dib: Oh, come off it, Zim! It's not like you're gonna be carted off to be experimented on!
Zim: Experiments?! *is about to jump up and run before Dib grabs him*
Dib: NO! Pay attention to what I'm saying for once, will you?! DX
Zim: ...Oh. *promptly sits back down*
Dib: Geez... x_x;
Nathan: Uh, I just wanna say, even if you are a're still not, uh, normal.
Dib: Thank you.
*Zim just grumbles in aggravation, and stabs at a random breakfasty thing with his fork.*
Hope: I think Keeska's better not normal. :]
Zim: Yes, thank you, smeet. Now drink your syrup.
Hope: I don't really like drinking syrup, Keeska.
Zim: It's good for you! >[
*Dib smacks his forehead.*
Mystery: Really?
Dib: *stares at Mystery, baffled* NO! Why would you even listen to him?!
Nathan: Syrup comes from trees. That's kind of like a vegetable.
Dib: *turns a disbelieving look to Nathan* ...You're kidding, right?
Murderface: It'sch like, a natural shugar! The besht kind. Tree shugar.
Zim: *nods, looking a little less angry now* It is very good! Perfect for a young and growing smeetling!
Dib: For Irken smeets, Zim, not human ones. >_>
Zim: Nonsense! Hope is perfectly healthy, just look at her!
*Dib looks over at Hope flatly; the child seat is almost too small for her quite large bottom.*
Dib: ...Oh, yes. Of course.
Hope: *beams, not catching Dib's light sarcasm*
Mystery: *between slurpings of Ovaltine* Irkens? Is that what kinda alien he is?
Hope: Yeah. I think I told you before... *ponders*
Nathan: Is that like, from Star Trek or something?
Pickles: No, I never heard o' theat.
Dib: Uh...what? No. It's Zim's race. ...They're a bunch of jerks.
Zim: No, they're- Nrgh- *seems conflicted* You're stupid!
Dib: ...Right. Thank you, Zim. Thanks a lot for that.
Pickles: *in response to Dib's 'jerk' comment* Never woulda guessed theat. *rolls eyes*
Dib: Yeah, well...he's...not so bad, really. Just...gotta get used to him.
Pickles: So... She's your kid? *gestures at Hope*
Zim: Yes, she is Zim's smeet!
Dib: Adopted smeet.
Zim: Mmhmm. That.
Pickles: Uh huh... So uh... *looks kind of awkward* Are you two...? *points between Zim and Dib*
*Dib stares for a moment before quickly shoving his mouth full of a random breakfast food and looking away uncomfortably.*
Zim: ...Ehn? *tilts head, not getting it*
Nathan: Oh man, then I'll have seen everything.
Zim: What are they talking about, Dib-thing?
*Murderface looks disturbed once he catches on*
Dib: .............. *chews with greater focus and intensity, pretending not to hear*
Hope: *to Mystery* What are they talking about? o.o
Mystery: He must really like food. *to Hope* I dunno, Pickles didn't even finish saying it. He does that sometimes.
Dib: *nods emphatically in response to Mystery's first comment, a very forced smile on his face as he shoves another food-thing in his mouth so as to avoid answering*
Mystery: *gives herself a bacon mustache* Dad. Hey. Dad.
Nathan: *looks at Mystery and stares for a moment* ...Heh. Meatstache.
Pickles: Look! *shoves in some bacon tusks* Bacon wal-rus! Bork bork.
Murderface: A walrus who will never shtarve. Bacon jusht, growsz out of his face. Forever. Awesome.
Hope: But what if he gets tired of bacon? D:
Zim: *tires of the fun-with-meat, and jabs a finger at Pickles* Finish your question! ZIM shall answer, as the Dib currently seems to be being all piglike in his eating habits. *frowns at Dib, who has his cheeks stuffed with food not unlike Zim did earlier* That's gross, ya know.
Dib: *frowns at him, and grumbles through his food* Hypocrite.
Skwisgaar: Pickle ams wanting to know if you ams gay. Togedders, you know.
Zim: Zim is not at all happy right now, and Dib doesn't look very happy, either. So, no.
*Dib just barely resists the urge to smack his forehead again.*
Skwisgaar: He ams very interested in these kind of stuff, you know, hah.
Pickles: Hey, n- I was jest trynna make cahnversatiion! B[ ...
Nathan: But you hate him.
Pickles: Yet I am eating dinner with him.
Hope: Why's it so bad if he's asking if Keeska's happy? :0
Zim: Hmm, yes, and of what consequence is Zim's being happy, anyway? *doesn't get why it would even matter enough for Pickles to bring it up*
Mystery: I don't think it means happy...?
Zim: Of course it does! Do you think Zim's translator would lie?!
Mystery: Doesn't it mean something bad, or something? *looks around*
Murderface: Yesch, that is the definition currently being used.
*Dib is torn between amusement and exasperation; not wanting to draw attention to himself, however, and not wanting to answer certain questions, he doesn't bother to explain anything to Zim.*
Zim: Definitionnn? It means happy, you fool! I know enough about your pitiful language to know that happiness is not a bad thing!
Hope: Yeah, being happy is great!
Zim: Yyyyyep, it is good to be gay. *this is probably the cue for immature laughing and/or comments*
*Mystery is now just plain confused, while Nathan tries not to chuckle at Zim's statement.*
Nathan: It's like, that one episode of The Venture Brothers.
Zim: What?
Nathan: Only instead of like...
Toki: Gay bigfoots! 8D
Nathan: Yeah, only instead it's a gay alien.
Zim: Zim is not happy right now! >[
Dib: *tries not to groan in annoyance, and just rolls his eyes and munches miserably on a piece of sausage*
Mystery: Why are you calling him gay if he isn't? He should be gay only if he's ready! D:Skwisgaar: *sporfle*
Hope: Yeah, he can't be gay all the time! :[
Zim: Obviously not! See, the smeets understand. *nods*
Nathan: Pickles. Gay aliens. *grinning as if this is quite funny*
Pickles: ...Yeah. ...Something isn't adding up here...
Murderface: It's like he'sch sho gay, he doeshn't even know it.
Zim: Zim is not HAPPY! Are you incapable of hearing?! Are your ears filled with corn?!
Dib: *swallows his current mouthful, and frowns somewhat* Corn...right...
Pickles: *exasperated and done playing* No, gay! Homosexual! Butt pirate. Fairy.
Zim: *stares blankly, then looks mildly disturbed* Zim pirates no butts...
Murderface: Scho you're not gay?
Zim: That's what Zim has been saying! Zim is not at all happy!
Murderface: Well that'sz a relief. Having a regular maybe-alien is weird enough.
Dib: Oh, for the love of... *rubs at his temples*
Zim: *finally notices that not all is right with Dib* Ehn? Something wrong, Dib-pet?
Dib: ...UHHHH... *immediately looks uncomfortable some more*
Murderface: Wait, now he'sch gay again!
Nathan: *to Dib* Why aren't you saying anything? Is it like, a secret? We won't tell. That would be a dick move.
Toki: Yeah, your secrets is safe with us.
Zim: *looking over Dib in something that is almost vaguely like concern* Do you require rest? You should rest, you have been working on the ship all day. Zim can accompany you if you require any sleep-coddles.
Dib: *sinks down in his chair, face flushing* Ziiiiiim...I can't even help doing that when I'm asleep! x[
Zim: Pffft. *dismisses Dib's claim with a flick of a wrist*
Dib: *frowns around at everyone* Look, I'm NOT. GAY. Okay? Just...UGH!  *throws his hands up in frustration*
Zim: Obviously you are unhappy. *rolls eyes*
*Dib smacks his forehead yet again; he may have a slight bruise there later.*
Pickles: Theat's all you had to say.
Murderface: Scho he'sz straight- *pointing at Dib* and he'sz jusht weird. *pointing at Zim* ...Yeah, I can live with that.
Dib: *grumbles quietly to himself* Zim's not even a guy, anyway...
Mystery: ...What's a butt pirate?
Zim: That's what Zim has been wondering.
Hope: Yeah, that doesn't make sense! Why would a pirate be a butt?
Zim: Or why would someone go about pirating butts?
Hope: Yeah, or that!
Pickles: Wait wait wait! Wait. So Zim's a girl alien?
Dib: Huh? *looks up, alarmed* What do you mean? *doesn't even realize he was talking to himself out loud*
Skwisgaar: But he's been saying "he"! And I thinks I would have noticed if he was a lady. You know.
Murderface: Maybe girl aliensz look different from girl humansh, huh? Ever think of that?
Zim: *catching on to what they're talking about* Pfffffft, HA! Do you think ZIM would be limited by your simple human genders? *giggles weirdly* Idiot stink-creatures!
*This, of course, will probably raise more questions than answer any.*
Dib: did this even come up?! o_O;
Hope: Cuz you said Keeska's not really a guy.
Dib: Oh, man, I did? o___o
Hope: Yeah. You were talking to yourself again.
Dib: ...............I really need to stop doing that one of these days. >_>;
Pickles: I think I heard of this on TV before...
Nathan: I think... I think I'm done eating. :\
Toki: Whats about dessoits?
Dib: Yeah, uh, no, I think I'm done, too. This is just...ugh. *is starting to look rather miserable*
Zim: *immediately perks up* Desserts?
Dib: Hope, I think you've had enough for today.
Hope: I only had three plates of food! >[
Dib: Okay, yeah, you have definitely had enough. o_o;
Hope: Keeskaaaaaaaa~! D8
Zim: Mmhmm, go ahead. *glares briefly at Dib*
(Krys: And then the gay thing got nowhere and everyone thinks Zim is a girl now. XD)
(Emi: XD)
Mystery: ...I've never seen a bald girl before.
Pickles: I heave! I've never seen no aliens before, though.
Dib: *to Mystery* Zim's an Irken, so it's natural for him to not have hair. And he's not a- *stops himself, deciding that it'll be less frustrating if he just goes along with it* ...Yeah. Well, anyway. Seriously, Zim, I think Hope's had enough.
Zim: Desserts are healthy!
Dib: For Irkens! ...Just, you know, forget that for a moment. She's over-eating!
*Not wanting Dib to have any chance of persuading Zim, Hope starts to sniff and whimper, eyes filling with crocodile tears.*
Mystery: Wow, you aren't full yet?
Hope: I feel kinda sick. I want dessert, though. :[
Zim: *seems a little uncertain, as Hope was very quick to stop crying* Ehn...
Nathan: You did eat...a lot of food.
Mystery: Yeah, she ate more than you!
Hope: *defensively* I haven't eaten since this morning! >[
Dib: *quietly, to Zim* She'll probably throw up everywhere if she eats any more food. Know what that'll mean? ...A big, germy mess.
Zim: o_o ...Ehn...smeety? Perhaps you may have some dessert later. *Hope immediately turns to him wide-eyed, before she scowls and her face darkens considerably; he doesn't seem bothered by this, however, as germs are much worse that a tantrum* Not a word! You may have a Chew-Shmoop later, once your digestive nasties have completed their work. That is Zim's final decision!
Hope: *squeals loudly* CHEW-SHMOOP! *bounces excitedly in her seat* OH BOY OH BOY!
Dib: ...That's hardly a compromise. u___u
*Zim just shrugs.*
Mystery: Are those really good?
Hope: They're the best EVER! *wiggles*
Mystery: I wanna try. o.o
Hope: Keeska, can Mystery have one, too?
Zim: Ehn. *shrugs again*
Dib: Uh, Mystery, they're not exactly what you'd call healthy... >_>
Nathan: I dunno, what if it makes you all sick? Isn't it like...from space?
Hope: I can eat them just fine, though.
Pickles: *seems to be drunk, which shouldn't be surprising* Dood, she'll be fiiine.
Dib: *is mighty tempted to ask for a couple of shots, given the events of the dinner so far*
Zim: *squints at Pickles* What is wrong with him? He seems kinda...more strange.
Mystery: Yeah, he does that sometimes. When he has those weird drinks. I'm not allowed to have those drinks.
Nathan: I said you can when you're older.
Mystery: I am older!
Nathan: You're not older...enough.
Dib: ...Well, at least one parent here has a vague idea of what they're doing.
Nathan: Liver transplants are kind of
Zim: *doesn't seem to notice what Dib was implying, and he instead pokes at Pickles' alcohol bottle, slightly curious due to boredom* If it makes humans it poison?
Hope: Eww, why would he drink poison? o.o
Dib: It's alcohol, Zim.
Zim: Ohhhhhh. *pulls away, and frowns at the bottle* is poison.
Dib: More or less, I guess. But...not...really?
Toki: Some people calls it poison.
Skwisgaar: Ja, like "what's your poison?"
Dib: Yeah, that's true. And it can kill you, so...makes sense, really.
Hope: *to Pickles* You shouldn't drink poison, that's bad for you.
Zim: Most of what humans stuff in their filth-holes is bad for them! I mean, human eat meat! *glares at what's left of the bacon* That is just disgusting.
Nathan: ...What?!
Zim: DIS-GUS-TING. You need to listen more.
Dib: Yeeeeah, he needs to listen more...? *scoffs*
Nathan: No, no. How is it disgusting? It''s great!
Zim: It's filth!
Nathan: Dude, no it's not!
*Dib is almost tempted to mention what meat does to Zim, but knows that that would probably be a REALLY bad idea, considering the general temperament of the band members.*
Nathan: It comes from inside an animal, and they're mostly water!
Nathan: Wa- What? What is wrong with you?!
Zim: What's wrong with you?! You eat meat!
Hope: I ate some meat, Keeska. o.o
Zim: ...Irrelevant!
Mystery: Yeah, I did too! And I had a meat mustache!
Zim: Well, don't do it again! >[
Mystery: But... I kinda like it! :[
Hope: Yeah, it's tasty!
Zim: *shudders in disgust, and further displays said disgust with a rather horrible choking sound*
Nathan: *groans* Whatever...
Dib: Technically, humans aren't even supposed to eat meat, and-
Zim: *swiftly interrupts him* That's nice, no one cares.
Nathan: Whelp. I am excusing myself.
Dib: *frowning, but is more or less used to Zim doing stuff like that* We should probably get back to working on the ship...
Zim: You've been working on it all day, you should sleep, or your brainmeats will rot!
Dib: Uh...kay?
Hope: *to Mystery* D'you want to play some games? I've got a bunch of cool stuff in the ship!
Mystery: I like games.
Pickles: I heard something about dessert, where are we with theat?
Zim: ZIM would like some dessert-snacks. Hope, go play one of the battle-simulators with your dirt-friend, it's good training!
Mystery: Dirt-friend?
Hope: He talks weird sometimes. He doesn't actually mean to be mean. You know. *shrugs*
Dib: *sighing* Zim, Charles kind of wanted me to keep an eye on you...I can't really rest if I'm doing that.
Zim: Sleep in the chair. Humans can sleep anywhere, right?
Dib: ...I'm starting to regret ever telling you that.
Hope: Hey, Keeska, does Space Bunny Slaughter count as a battle simulator? You shoot things in it.
Zim: Ehn? Ah, yeah, sure. Whatever.
Hope: Cool. *to Mystery* Do you want to shoot some space bunnies?
Mystery: I guess so!
Hope: Okie-dokie! Hey, Daddy, we're gonna go to the ship, okay?
Dib: *looks conflicted* But, I have to stay here with Zim; you two can't go off on your own...
Hope: We did it before. *frowns*
Dib: *rolls eyes* Yeah, and look where that got us.
Pickles: Uh...hello? ...Dessert? ._. Anyone?
Zim: Zim wants dessert. o.o
Hope: I can't have any until later, so I want to go play video games. >\
Dib: Well, maybe Mystery wants some dessert.
Pickles: ...OOO. *smacks the table in revelation* I want a fudgesicle!
Hope: *looks over at Mystery, a slight scowl on her face, both at the concept of having to wait in case Mystery does want dessert, and at Pickles' mention of something that inherently sounds pretty darn tasty, which she is not currently allowed to have* So...dessert, or video games?
Mystery: *is very conflicted* ...Um...
Klokateer: Your fudgesicle, my lord. *is suddenly next to Pickles, presenting the treat*
Pickles: Holy shit!
Dib: HEY! Watch your language! There's kids here, geez!
Pickles: *takes the fudgesicle* Awesome.
Zim: *raises his hand up, waving it around* ZIIIIIIIIIIM requires snack cakes! Snack cakes!
Pickles: *is in slurpy, chocolatey bliss*
Murderface: *slowly shakes his head in disdain of Pickles' slurpy, chocolatey bliss*
Zim: Hey, hey you! *points at a nearby Klokateer* YOU! Zim requires snack cakes! No less than two, but no more than three and a half!
Dib: Three and a...? ...O...kay... *directs odd look at Zim*
*The Klokateer just stands there.*
Toki: *sighs* Just dos it.
Klokateer: ......Very well. *goes to fetch three snack cakes*
*Meanwhile, Skwisgaar seems to have fallen asleep, and Murderface looks to be considering leaving.*
Hope: *bounces up and down in her chair, badgering Mystery* C'mon, c'mon! Choose! *gets really sneakily quiet* I know where Keeska hides the Chew-Shmoops.
Mystery: ' v ' ...Okay, I'll go.
Hope: *squees happily* I wonder if I can get Keeska to distract Daddy, so we can go by ourselves... *ponders this*
Dib: *spotted Hope whispering sneakily, and is already suspicious* And, uh...what are you two up to?
Mystery: She was telling me a joke.
Dib: ...Oh, really. *isn't convinced*
Hope: Yeah, it was about...Plookesians!
Zim: Oh, those guys. They're pretty nice. They gave Zim superweapons! *grins*
Dib: ...They sure did. *flat look at Zim, before he turns back to the kids* So what was the joke? I'd like to hear it; I could do with a good joke right now. *seems somewhat sarcastic*
Hope: Uhhhhh...
Dib: Oh, a sudden bout of stage fright. How interesting. *turns to Mystery* How about you, care to tell me?
Mystery: :| ......I can't pronounce the words. And anyway she wasn't done telling it. So it's not even funny yet.
Dib: ...Clever. Very clever. u_u *yet more sarcasm*
Hope: *sounding uncomfortable* Um, right, so...uh...the Plookesians, um...went back to their home planet and...then it exploded! The end! o_o;
Mystery: *feigns amusement*
Zim: HA! Exploding planets! That never ceases to amuse Zim! *cackles*
Dib: That wasn't even really a joke, Zim. o.o
Zim: Does it have to be? It's an exploding planet!
Dib: How is that at all funny?!
Zim: Because it's exploding, duh!
Pickles: It's funny, when kids try ta tell a joke.
Dib: Explosions aren't funny, especially not when it's a planet!
*Soon enough, Zim and Dib are immersed in arguing over whether or not a planet exploding is funny.*
Hope: ...Well, that didn't really work out the way I thought it would, but...uh...I guess Daddy's distracted now. They'll be at that for a while, probly. :\
Mystery: Should we go?
Hope: Yup. Before they notice anything. *begins to scoot off on the way to the ship*
*Though, perhaps the remaining Dethklok members in the room might notice...*
*Toki watches them start to leave, but says nothing; meanwhile, Skwisgaar is no longer asleep but might as well be, Pickles is still taking care of his fudgesicle, and Murderface is scratching things into the table.*
Dib: *not even paying attention to anything else anymore* NO, Zim! Planets exploding is horrible! HORRIBLE!
Zim: LIES! It is the greatest of humorous-ness!
Hope: Daddy and Keeska sure do like having arguments. It's funny. *pushes open the door to...wherever will eventually lead them to the ship*
Zim: *points suddenly to Skwisgaar* YOU! You think exploding planets are amusing, yes?
Dib: He's not even part of this argument, Zim!
Toki: *tries to leave discreetly, which unfortunately involves whistling and strolling that is far too liesurely*
Zim: How about you, then?! *points over at Toki, having been distracted by his noise* What do you- *stops, notices Hope and Mystery going out the door, then looks back at Toki* Oh, are you going to supervise the smeets? *doesn't even wait for him to answer* Good, now Dib won't have to do it.
Toki: 8I ... *continues edging out the door*
Dib: What? *looks over at the kids* HEY! Hope, I thought I told you not to go off by yourself!
Hope: We're not, we're going with Toki!
Dib: You can't just decide that on your own!
Hope: Keeska asked him if he would!
Dib: No he didn't! >_o;
Hope: ... *to Mystery* Okay, new! *she rushes out the door as quickly as possible; which isn't very fast right now due to the recent dinner*
Dib: ...You have got to be kidding me.
Mystery: Bye. *follows Hope*
Dib: *doesn't particularly feel like further stressing himself by chasing after them, and thus just sulks for a moment* u____u ...Zim, do you have any idea of what your smeet just did?
Zim: *isn't listening* WHERE ARE MY SNACK CAKES?! DX
Toki: *is able to follow the kids by merely walking briskly*
Hope: *is already gasping for breath* Cramp...cramp! D8
*Mystery was only half-heartedly running, and catches up to Hope.*
Hope: Hooooo... *slows down to a very pathetic walk, dragging her feet* Man, running is dumb...
Mystery: Yeah, it's hard.
Toki: .__.
Hope: It's not so bad when it's not right after dinner, but still...ugh! Daddy always says I should run more and exercise, but, I mean, I've got my battle simulator games...that's exercisey, I think; you have to move around to play them.
Mystery: Yeah. My dad says some games are exercise.
Toki: Likes Dee Dee-are.
Hope: It's weird, when I play those kind of games, even though I'm exercising like Daddy says I should, he gets mad when I have snacks after. I don't get it. *pouts*
Mystery: Uh... I heard that if you eat too many snacks you get all fat or something.
Hope: Well, I'm not fat! Now Sizz-Lor, he's fat. I seen him, and I know what I'm talking about. He is fat. Like, WOOOOOAH! *makes a big round gesture with her arms to show just how fat he is*
Mystery: My dad is kinda fat. But he's a famous billionaire. So I don't know what the problem is.
Hope: He didn't look fat to me.
Mystery: Sometimes people call him fat. *shrugs*
Hope: That's stupid. >\
Mystery: I guess so. I seen fatter people.
Hope: Daddy says Keeska got all fat once when they weren't talking to each other, but then he got better or something once they were friends again.
(NOTE: Reference to unmade episode 'Mopiness of Doom'.)
Mystery: Oh.
Hope: He got a little fat again when he wanted to make a new smeet, but it died, so then he wasn't fat anymore. He had a weird orange rash for weeks, though. I think he still has it on his butt! :]
(Krys: YES I AM TOTALLY DOING THE WEIRD M-PREG if I ever get that far in the story. Yeah. That'll totally happen and everything, what with my slow writing.)
Mystery: Ew! Your mo-... your keeska tried to have another kid?
Hope: Keeska's never actually had a kid, he adopted me. But, yeah, he wanted to have the best pet in the universe, so he made it part him and part Daddy. But Irkens aren't really good at having kids, so it died inside him and made him really sick for a while.
Mystery: ...Oh...
Hope: I dunno why he put it in himself, though. Keeska's kind of weird like that.
*And then they get to the ship or something.*
Hope: Here it is! It's usually not so...broked, though. :\ *she runs up to bang on the covershield of the ship* TAK! Hey, Tak! Let me in, I need ta get my games!
Computer/Tak: Oh, geez, it's you. Hurry up, then. *the covershield opens, and Hope starts going through a bunch of stuff inside* And tell that smelly father of yours that I'd like it if he'd hurry up and fix me; I'm sick of being tilted like this!
Mystery: Your ship talks.
Toki: Wowie!
Hope: Yeah, that's Tak. She's a meanie jerk-face.
Comp/Tak: I'm Tak's downloaded personality. And I don't even have a face!
Hope: You're still a mean jerk.
Toki: So, are you ams likes a real porson, only downloadsed onto a spaceship's computer, uh, thing?
Comp/Tak: Very good! I didn't think a meat-sack like you would be able to comprehend such a simple concept.
Hope: See, she's mean!
Toki: *smiling* Dat's cool. I wants my computer to be Morgans Freeman!
Mystery: I want my computer to be Batman!
Comp/Tak: Anything sounds better if Morgan Freeman says it. I bet he could tell you all that you're drooling morons, and you wouldn't even care.
Hope: Tak, you sure know a bunch of weird stuff.
Comp/Tak: Well, I'd get bored just sitting here and doing nothing. ...Did you know Batman can breathe in space? I learned that on the internet.
Toki: Reallys? I thoughts only Supermans could do that!
Comp/Tak: Batman can do anything. He's way better than Superman; Superman is a dick.
Toki: Yeah... But Superman cans fly.
Comp/Tak: Batman isn't weak against Kryptonite. Batman is ready for any situation. He has Bat-shark-repellant-spray.
Hope: *frowns* You're really strange, Tak. *jumps out of the ship, a couple of visors and chunky plastic-esque gun controllers slung over one shoulder; in her hand is a bag of big, brightly colored candies*
*Said big brightly colored candies look like they are the epitome of everything unhealthy.*
Toki: ...Is thats space candies?? *his eyes grow big and round*
Hope: Yup! Chew-Shmoops! *holds them up, smiling widely*
Comp/Tak: Zim's probably not going to be happy about you finding his stash. ...But that's fine with me. I won't tell.
Hope: You probably shouldn't eat more than one, though. They're pretty sweet. And sour. And...something. I dunno how to explain it. *shrugs, and offers the bag out to them*
*Toki takes his as if it were a baby bird; Mystery takes hers...all normal-like.*
Hope: *stares down at her own, and actually considers perhaps not eating it, as she feels kinda sick after eating so much at dinner* Mrf... *decides she'll obey Zim and sticks it into her pocket for later*
*Toki has already decided that now is the time, and he starts to unwrap his 'Shmoop; it has a clear wrapping, with the candy itself being rainbowy and squishy, and probably about the size of a chicken egg. As Hope stated, the candy is very sweet and sour - this is somewhat of an understatement, however. It's really meant more for Irken taste buds, and thus it is super excessively flavorful to humans. It is also quite terribly unhealthy.*
Comp/Tak: *very quietly* May you get diabetes.
Toki: *sniffs it cautiously* Ooh...
Mystery: *is waiting for Toki's analysis before trying her own*
*It probably smells like some kinda very tasty fruit. I dunno, I'm just making this up randomly. XD*
*Toki licks the candy, stares for a moment, and then his eyes widen considerably. He then takes a small bite and makes a scrunched up face, squirming and turning around a lot.*
Hope: *blinks in slight confusion* Uh, are you okay?
Mystery: Are you dying? :[
Comp/Tak: The diabetes must be setting in. He may need an insulin shot.
Toki: *manages to swallow* ILOVESIT. 8|
Hope: Yeah, it's great, isn't it?! 8D
Toki: *nods slowly, and licks the candy reverently*
Comp/Tak: Enjoy your high blood sugar.
Hope: Oh, be quiet, Tak. You're just mad cuz you can't have candy!
Comp/Tak: *after a long moment of silence* It's true.
Mystery: *is now apprehensive of the candy after such a strong reaction, and decides to pocket it for now*
Hope: You're not gonna eat it? D:
Mystery: Maybe later.
Hope: Meh. Okay, whatever. *shrugs* So, for virtu-visor games, I've got Space Bunny Slaughter and Battle for Meekrob, but Toki won't be able to play. I've only got two visors. :\
Comp/Tak: Battle sims, hmm? Zim trying to train you again? *snrk*
Mystery: Toki likes video games...maybe we can take turns.
Hope: Okay, then. *frowns over at the ship at its sarcastic comment* ...Do you want a 'Shmoop, Tak? I can shove one into your processor, just like the last time you asked for one.
Comp/Tak: Uhhhhhhh, no, that's all right. I'll pass, thanks; I rather like not malfunctioning.
Hope: *sticks her tongue out at it, then hands a visor over to Mystery* You put it on like this- *puts hers on, as though it isn't immediately obvious how to wear it* -and then when the game starts up, it scans the room, and then makes it look like something else on the visor; it'll tell you if you get too close to a wall or something.
Mystery: Wow...okay. *hesitantly puts the headgear on*
*Uh, and I guess some stuff pops up on the inside of the visor; a title screen and menu and the like, you know.*
Hope: So, easy mode, or super duper crazy insane 'you're gonna die' mode?
Mystery: I've never even played before... But dying is s'posed to be cool...
Hope: Well, it's mostly just blood splatter and then the visor goes all dark. And then it goes all 'BLAM! YOU DIED - STOP SUCKING!', so I don't really like dying in this game.
Toki: Haha...yous died... *still licking*
(Krys: Doesn't he already have diabetes? XD)
(Emi: I really don't know, because it hasn't been mentioned since the episode where he said "I think I have diabetes".)
(Krys: Ah. I just remembered him and that excessive candy eating in that one episode.)
(Emi: And "I slips in and out of diabetic coma".)
(Krys: Wow. Better hope this candy doesn't mess him up. xD)
Hope: Okay, so which mode do you want?
Mystery: Easy, I guess.
Hope: Okay, good, cuz the super duper crazy insane 'you're gonna die' mode is the only other difficulty setting, and I can't play on it. *clicks a couple buttons on her gun controller; one of which, by the way, she totally gave to Mystery before, yep, totally*

Part five to come...EVENTUALLY!
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