Hello! We're twin sisters sharing a LJ account because we're lazy, so we hope it's okay if we post our applications together. :)
Name: Breyzy
Age: 24
Zodiac Sign: Libra (Western) and Boar/Pig (Chinese)
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric: > "We’re just living so that one day we can die laughing."--Gojyo, Saiyuki
~I just really like that quote. I think that that’s the way life should be lived. I haven’t quite gotten to that point myself, but I’m working on it. :)
Likes: Anime, manga, books, games, movies, music (J-Pop/J-Rock and alternative), writing, and nice people.
Dislikes: Mean/rude people...and when people get into my personal space.
Strong points: I'm very determined and stubborn. Once I set my mind to a goal, I don't stop until I finish it. I like helping people out for the most part, but I don't like feeling like I'm being taken advantage of. I'm also very independent, which I think can be both a good and a bad thing since it means I don't rely on others, even if I might need to.
Weak points: I can get jealous easily and I don't trust people very readily. Even the people I'm closest to I don't trust fully. It takes a lot to get me mad, but once I've reached a "boiling point" I tend to get REALLY angry and I find it really hard to forgive someone who has made me mad. I also have this tendency to keep my inner thoughts and feelings inside without voicing them.
Pet Peeves: Pretty much what I listed in my Dislikes. I also have this tendency to get annoyed with people who instantly write others off.
Hobbies: Lolz, what I listed in my Likes pretty much. I also make icons and stuff, but I wouldn’t say they were particularly great. O_O
Talents: I can memorize song lyrics really fast and I have this tendency to laugh most things off.
Your biggest fear: Not being able to make people proud of me.
Optimistic or pessimistic? I'm more of a realist than anything, but if I had to pick between the two extremes in reality I'm probably slightly more pessimistic. HOWEVER, I'm not against faking being optimistic to make people around me feel good. Sometimes I joke around just to make others laugh. I hate seeing people uncomfortable or upset and if there's anything I can do to help, I will...despite what I'm thinking inside.
Impulsive or cautious? I have my cautious side, but overall I’m more impulsive (especially if it’s something that’s just going to concern me).
Mature or immature? For the most part, I’m mature...we all have our immature sides though, don’t we? :)
Extroverted or introverted? I’m introverted for about five seconds when I’m first getting to know someone, but I can’t stand silence for too long so I become extroverted pretty quick!
Outgoing or shy? I can be shy if I don’t know the person, but I’m more outgoing than anything.
Emotional or collected? Emotional DEPENDING on the situation. I like to keep my emotions in check in public though, so I’m mostly collected.
Predictable or unpredictable? Hnn...that’s tough since I don’t mind being either depending on my mood. I guess I fall into predictable though!
Patient or impatient? Lolz, impatient when it comes to most things.
Confident or modest? Modest with a hint of confidence. I’m not really one or the other.
Realistic or dreamer? Realistic. Dreaming is fine and all, but we have to live in reality.
Logical or intuitive? Depends. Sometimes I like looking at things with logic, but other times I think being intuitive is more beneficial.
Rude or polite? If I know someone, I can be rude with them...but, I’m usually polite with people I don’t know very well.
Determined or passive? Determined, definitely.
Dominant or submissive? ...I could be both, but I guess I prefer to be dominant.
Leader or follower? Leader. I tend to find myself forced into the leader role even if I don’t want to be one.
Compassionate or just? Compassionate unless someone has REALLY ticked me off.
What color do you think relates most to you and why? Raven-black, because it’s dark at first glance but when light shines on it it turns into a really pretty purple. I can come across as a very different person when people are first getting to know me, but once I feel comfortable around people the "real me" starts to be visible. Wow, that sounded really corny.
Can you put your trust in people? I very rarely do, honestly. I’d have to respect them A LOT before that even becomes an option.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? I prefer working alone. I can do both, but I don’t like feeling like I have to rely on others too much.
What's most important to you? My family and friends...and my freedom.
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? Envy. I can get jealous very easily.
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? Gluttony. I’m not sure why...it’s just something I don’t see myself relating to much!
Number one goal in life: To just be happy, honestly.
Favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? I loved Rikuson, so I guess I’ll go with him for this one even though I loved most of the characters. His character just really had an interesting progression through the series…and even when he drove me crazy I still liked him somewhat.
Least favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? Ryuubi. He just annoyed me.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Kannei. I just found his character really interesting for some reason. :)
What kingdom would you belong in and why? Go, I guess? None of them seem super pleasant to live in, but Go seemed like a place that normal people might be able to live somewhat peacefully in.
If you had the opportunity to use the Seal, would you use it? Maybe. It would depend on the situation.
Links to the open applications on which you have voted on:
http://community.livejournal.com/ks_rating/2206.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/ks_rating/3076.html Please post one or two pictures of yourself behind an LJ-cut. Describe your appearance if you have no photos.
Name: Yin
Age: 24
Zodiac Sign: My western sign is Libra, and I’m a Boar in the Chinese Zodiac. :)
Favorite Quote and/or Lyric: "Even if the rest of the world forgets, I’ll always remember: your face, your voice...your warmth."--Edward Elric, FullMetal Alchemist
~It’s been a while since I heard this quote, so it might not be entirely accurate...I just really love the sentiment behind its message-there is sadness and a sense of loss, but there is also a sense of being able to move on and of hope.
Likes: Anime, manga, fantasy novels, video games (especially RPGs), daydreaming, cute things, and kind people.
Dislikes: Character/couple bashing (even if I disagree with someone’s point of view, I like remaining open minded and respectful of their opinions), unnecessary fights, and people who are intentionally cruel to others.
Strong points: I try to see the good in everyone and live by the policy of "forgive and forget," I hardly ever get jealous of other people, I’m understanding, and I try to avoid conflict if at all possible.
Weak points: I’m incredibly shy and withdrawn around other people, and I don’t really have a lot of confidence in my own abilities. I tend to worry about things that I have no control over, and I can be a bit immature and childish at times. I’d probably much rather run away from problems than simply deal with them head-on, and I can be really naïve (my family and friends will often tell me that I don’t act with common sense).
Pet Peeves: Pretty much all of my dislikes. Also, the word "constructive" is a strange pet peeve of mine.
Hobbies: Watching anime, reading manga/fantasy novels, playing video games (especially RPGs), and writing.
Talents: I’ve been told that I write fairly well...unfortunately, I have a bad habit of never being able to finish any of the stories that I try to get down on paper before jumping to the next one. *sweatdrops*
Your biggest fear: Being completely and utterly rejected the second I try to open up and share what I’m really thinking and feeling with someone I care about.
Optimistic or pessimistic? I’d rather see the silver lining to things, so I guess I’m more of an optimist at heart.
Impulsive or cautious? It can depend on the situation, but I think I tend to be more cautious since I’m always worrying about things anyway.
Mature or immature? It can sometimes really depend on the situation, but I guess overall I’d probably say that I act more immature at times...mainly because I can get very childlike in certain circumstances.
Extroverted or introverted? Introverted. I’m someone that could easily be described as being shy and withdrawn for the most part. It’s not that I really dislike people or anything of that sort...I’m just not very comfortable interacting with others, and I’ll often worry about embarrassing myself in front of them.
Outgoing or shy? Very, very shy...I don’t really dislike people or anything, I just have a really hard time getting the confidence I need to talk to others comfortably. It’s something I need to work on, but it’s a trait that’s really hard to change. I’m able to be a bit more open around family and close friends though.
Emotional or collected? It’s hard for me to separate a situation from my emotions, even when I know it’s sometimes best to do so...so I guess I’m more emotional for the most part.
Predictable or unpredictable? Most likely rather predictable. I imagine that once someone has gotten to know me a bit, they can probably figure out how I’m going to react to a certain situation.
Patient or impatient? Again, it kind of depends on the situation. Sometimes I can be extremely patient...but other times I’m really impatient. It’s odd. 0_0;
Confident or modest? Modest. I don’t really have too much confidence in myself, to be honest.
Realistic or dreamer? A dreamer. I always seem to have my head in the clouds.
Logical or intuitive? Depends. I can be logical in some situations, but intuitive in others. I might follow my instincts more if something feels really off to me though, for the most part.
Rude or polite? Polite. I’ve been told that I’m too polite on more than one occasion, actually.
Determined or passive? Oddly determined when it comes to some things, exceedingly passive when it comes to others. It’s a bit strange.
Dominant or submissive? Submissive. I don’t really like to try and force my views and such on others, and I like to avoid conflict if I can.
Leader or follower? A follower, definitely...I’d constantly be worried about making the wrong decisions if I was placed in a position of leadership. And I’m not sure I could be strict enough in enforcing policies and what-not, so I’d probably be a somewhat ineffective leader at that.
Compassionate or just? I can understand the need to be just at times...but overall, I lean more towards the compassionate side of the spectrum.
What color do you think relates most to you and why? I don’t really have a lot of experience in life yet, so I want to say a lighter-toned color--yellow, maybe? It can be a warm and soothing color that can fade into the background at times…and, when blended with a darker color (blue), it can bring about a shade reminiscent of nature (green). I can see myself in more of a supportive role trying to help someone else, which is something I associate with yellow for some reason. I’m sorry if that doesn’t make much sense!
Can you put your trust in people? For the most part, yes. I want to believe in those around me and will often give people the benefit of the doubt. I’m probably a bit too trusting in many ways.
Do you prefer working with a group or alone? I’m not incredibly comfortable around other people, but there’s a lot more that can be done with a well-functioning team...so I guess I’ll go with a small group for this question.
What's most important to you? That myself and everyone I know and love remains safe and happy.
Deadly Sin you relate to the most and why? Sloth, most definitely. I can be really lazy when it comes to doing things and I’m a horrible procrastinator.
Deadly Sin you don't relate to at all and why? ...Probably Pride. I lack a lot of confidence in myself and I just can’t really picture myself having a lot of pride in my own accomplishments for some reason.
Number one goal in life: To figure out what it is that I truly want to do in life, and to become strong enough to do it.
Favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? I like most of the characters, but I think I’ll probably have to say Rikuson for this one. There was just something about his character that really touched me. I got a little annoyed at him in some parts of the story, but I also found him to be very human in a lot of ways. I was especially moved by his actions at the very end of the anime, and thought that they were pretty true to his character.
Least favorite Koutetsu Sangokushi character? Why? I wasn’t a huge fan of Ryuubi due to his complete trusting of Koumei...but I didn’t really dislike him all that much either, especially when they went more into his character later on.
If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? Probably Sonken...because then I would finally be able to settle this debate about his character that me and Breyzy have been having (it’s a rather silly one, so for the sake of your sanity I won’t mention anymore). :)
What kingdom would you belong in and why? I probably wouldn’t like belonging to any of them overly much considering all that happens in the anime, but if I had to choose I guess I’d say...Go, maybe? I at least would probably be able to have a lot of respect for Sonken’s ideals for the most part.
If you had the opportunity to use the Seal, would you use it? It depends on the situation. That kind of power can be truly dangerous depending on who is controlling it, and I’d probably be more than a little wary of my ability to harness it in the first place. I’d rather not, if I could avoid it.
Links to the open applications on which you have voted on:
http://community.livejournal.com/ks_rating/2206.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/ks_rating/3076.html Please post one or two pictures of yourself behind an LJ-cut. Describe your appearance if you have no photos.