Best Freinds Forever index

Mar 06, 2007 22:19

Since this fic has quite a few parts in different posts, I thought it'd be useful to have an index. :)

Series Title: Best Freinds Forever
Author: kuonji
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Rodney Mckay, John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Carson Beckett, Radek Zelenka, Elizabeth Weir, Kate Heightmeyer
Overall Rating: G
Spoilers: none

Best Freinds Forever
Rodney is the pouty one.  John wants to be his 'freind'.  Ronon crashes the party.  And Teyla is The Girl.  SGA-1 as pre-school age children.  What kind of antics will they get up to?

Part 1: Wrecked! (~760 words)
     Little Rodney is building the most beautiful castle ever, with delicate turrets and perfectly cantilevered balconies.  But then...
Part 2: Taller (~790 words)
     Rodney and John make a new 'freind', one who is... tall.  With funny hair.
Part 3: No Girls Allowed (~530 words)
     Girls aren't allowed!  Aren't they...?
Part 4: Hidden Treasures (~900 words)
     Rodney's keeping a secret, and his 'freinds' want to find out what it is.
Tag: Cookie Crumbles (~250 words)
     SGA-1 loves cookies! (and Dr. Weir)
Epilogue (~540 words)
     It's been a rough few weeks...

Cold! (~650 words)
     Where's Carson when you need him most?

series: best freinds forever, type: fanfic, slash?: no, fandom: sga

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