I love vacation. I hate you though. Fucker. Blah. I'm bored. Look there's a big hairy dog on my floor. He's fat. fat fat fat haha Stupid people annoy me people being stupid annoy me grrr fuck you O.O
I scored 41¾% on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!Take the test here! Apparently, I am very unpure. I like the smell of crayons. It was about 90 degrees today. Weather is weird. I am very tired, and I really have some homework I should be doing. Fuck me >.
officially, you're all stupid. Except Leslie, Dan, and Kris. And probably other people, but I don't know who reads this waste of space and who doesn't
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well, I've been banned from the internet because supposedly I haven't been doing my homework in Spanish, when in fact I HAVE I just did this assignment wrong and got no credit on it. That happened to probably everyone in the class. It's bullshit!!!!! And now, Mrs. Sparks has decided to send home these weekly progress reports and Gayle and Rick
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well, last night Josh and Heather came over and we just lazed about watching TV, then Gayle and Rick came downstairs and we watched this really good movie called White Oleander. After they left I got bored so I went and tried Astral Projection. It took a long while but I finally found myself floating above my body...it was really strange, because
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