Sooo we had a lacrosse game yesterday and we lost miserably. I got to play though, yay!! It was only for the last 2 minutes (yeah I am such a bench-warmer >.<) but I did a pretty sweet check it was fun. I get to go shopping today *twirls hair and snaps gum* so I finally get some new clothing. Ooo OO and Friday Brian is going to take me to my
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Ooo feel the monkey power. So I have a lacrosse game today and I pray it's not going to be cancelled. I'll be angerly if it is cancelled >.< I'm hungry. Stocks suck. Thomas is being quiet. Yay?
The weather has gone insane. It was about 80 on Saturday, then Sunday, it was snowing. I had a lacrosse game on Saturday (did I say that already) and then I had to go straight from there to work. I worked on Sunday too, because Alex had to go play D&D, or he'd explode o.O Hee hee. Lacrosse practice today was FREEZING and we had this sudden
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I'm so tired of being here supressed by all of my childish fears And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave because your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me aloneThese wounds won't seem to heal
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Well, officially, I think all this drama no livejournal is the funniest thing I've ever witnessed in my entire life. And the person who keeps on posting all that horrible anonymous stuff about're fucked up. *lol* Anyways, I never really gave too many details on when Fred came, so I decided to do that now, because I have nothing better
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It's this endless, spinning mindless robotic mundane existance where one questions everything and nothing and no one is ever content. Twisted and withering and burning. There is a spark that needs to be struck by the primal being, there is a wind that needs to be inhaled and there is a soul that needs to be made anew. If I could be dipped in
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That's a fun one. Anyways, today is blah. I am very tired, I didn't get very much sleep, and I felt too icky to go to lacrosse practice. I hate school it is so fucking monotonous. Blah. Anyways, I'm off now. Take my quiz damnit.