May 11, 2006 06:49
It's been awhile since I've posted on LJ...just saying I'm still alive...sorta.....I need sleep. Dammit
Dec 05, 2005 11:46
21 on 21, it shall be a good night or will it? Shall I attempt the 21 run? Fuck no!
Nov 07, 2005 23:40
hi, and we shall leave it at that
Jun 08, 2005 21:23
I am officially getting a new car. choo choo!
Apr 04, 2005 23:04
Life is good, I am good, this quarter is going to suck. BIO202, BIO203, and CHE160.
Nov 22, 2004 23:38
I am a super being! Fear my awesome powers!
To prove it all I shall take 21 credits next quarter while working and still be damn sexy through it all!
3 more quarters till this Panda becomes a Seattle U Redhawk!
Oct 20, 2004 22:55
This has become another deadened place, festering with the horrid smell of the past. Its time to move on
Oct 20, 2004 14:30
mmm I'm one of the biggest freakin fools in the world...but oh well, who the freak cares. That's what I've always been. I need a to sleep more...2 hour nap not enough