Today, something I can hardly explain hapenned to me. I got filled with an indescribable and powerful feeling of peace. The sun was bright, and it wasn't too cold so I took advantage of the day to read on a bench with a hot cup of tea for an hour, and that moment made me feel so refreshed, intellectually and physiologically. I should read more
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Spent last night and the entire day with ♥miyage♥ because I had to let go things a little. We went to see "The Forgotten" (what's with everybody saying I look like Juliann Moore?) and potato couched in her appartment watching HIDE and Mist of rouge tapes. Tonight I have a huuuuge headache and feel tired like hell, so yeah, sorry tatsuu for not showing up to
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I have a new haircut. I'll post the back picture tonight. You're not seing the front of it because the picture is fucking ugly. My pictures are ugly because they are one shot. I don't have a camera to do like these people who take 50000 pictures of themselves and choose the best one out of them and look great. The beautiful people
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