Dec 08, 2003 19:42
i passed my math final. How? i dont know. but i did. and im very happy about it. so very happy. i didnt pass any other tests, but i passed that final. lucky for me, thats the only test that counts. dear god, thank you.
Nov 17, 2003 22:40
the fight scene at the end of friday is fuckin awesome
Nov 14, 2003 17:44
well theres nothing in my kitchen to mix this alchohol with...
so what container should i put this crap in anway...
eh, theres a snapple bottle over there..but it has raspberry iced tea in it....
wait a second..... raspberry iced tea.... barcardi razz...... hmmmm this just might work
Nov 10, 2003 20:52
identity was a really good movie, watch it
Nov 10, 2003 20:48
being off from school on tuesday is a plus, but finding out that your off from math on wensday is like a double plus. in algebraic terms, thats like, plus to the second power. yeah im not doin to good in that class
Nov 07, 2003 21:03
Me: yo where the fuck did i put my glasses
Joe: i dunno dude
::joe gets up to look::
wtf irony
Oct 27, 2003 07:59
last night i expected to see odb, but instead i saw the effects of ecstacy.
gg dirt
Oct 16, 2003 21:01
why do people break at green lights
that pisses me off