Reminder: The
Second Author Check-In is up. Make sure you check in ASAP!
Artists who have not made their first claim by now are no longer eligible to participate in Round 1. If you feel you'll have more time for Round 2, go ahead and sign up then.
BACKUP ARTISTS - have at the unclaimed! I know some of you have been eagerly awaiting a chance at these. If you have signed up as a backup artist (indicated behind the cut), feel free to snap up one of the unclaimed fics from the
first claim post. First claim, first serve. And remember, you'll be responsible for your first claim, this backup claim, and your future claim from the upcoming second claim post.
Authors: (14 [with 15 fics]) All of whom have completed first check-in.
♥ - indicates author has completed second check-in
adeina_rhyddha ♥
andromeda05 ♥
anonygleek ♥
calanthe_b ♥
cccarioca ♥
cielxinfini ♥
emo_chick_87 ♥♥(2 fic entries)
fabfemmeboy ♥
fatebegins ♥
miggy ♥
niblettk ♥
the_dicethrower ♥
woodsgal ♥
xiexiegirl ♥
Artists: (20) All of whom have made their first claim.
★ - indicates artist has signed up as a backup artist
73737 akemi_malfoy ★
carokada ★
cielxinfini coffee_in_bed_1 ★
draw_yourworld ★
gwendy1 ★
insanityclings ★
kisforkurama ★
koschei_sigma ★
miggy ★
moccafrio ★
musiclover48 ★
nami_ane ★
niniblack profoundrice residenttrekkie ★
sparkysparky veritty yo_mawari ★
Please respect the deadlines! Mark your calendars! Watch/Track the community!
Scheduled Timeline tag in sidebar)
December 18: Second Artist’s Claim Post
January 3: Rough draft DUE
January 5: Second Beta Review
January 22: Art DUE
January 29: Final Draft DUE
February 12: Posting begins
The Second Artist's Claim Post will be up December 18 at 5pm Pacific Standard Time. (
check when that is for you)