I've been hooked on Dresden Files of late. In the past couple of weeks, I've read 10 books in the series. Am now on the 11th. Love it so much! I haven't been this avid of a reader since I discovered Asimov 12 years ago
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After a few stubborn 'NO's, MR's actually considering coming back to SV! Yay!
There was that interview I read somewhere - TW saying that he loves MR and he HAS to come back. Awwww, I like to think that it was because of TW, that he caved. Even just a little.
As I started doing this, I realised it really has been a long time since I've properly LJ-ed. I had to click the 'Rich text' tab on the posting entry page because I can't remember how to do an lj-cut. *ashamed*