It's been way to long since I posted here. Stupid facebook. And stupid weeding. I've stopped writing around that time (but it's going very well). I'll be back with more news!
Kanjani are amazing like that. So, thanks to 7/11 goods, now I can wear my not-so-brand-new Kanjani Converse. Sadly, Nasu color's missing. I guess he can be dark green (Yoko prevoius color).
8est covers inspired me for some Eito!daruma photos! The Darumas are from my last travel in Japan. I've also put in the photos a lot of my Eito's cd ^^
Can someone please help me? During Kanjani 8 concerts, official merchandise is sold inside the concert venues, but can you buy them outside the dome too? Meaning, someone without a ticket can buy concert goods? Lately I'm learning a lot about Johnny's concerts ^^ Thanks