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Comments 93

onefootinfront April 21 2005, 03:52:56 UTC

i used to write down all the bands i'd ever seen live, not including local bands. i stopped at 75 when i was 15 because there were just too many. but also, i went and saw the Vines. and i enjoyed it. mostly because he is so absolutely fit. and deranged. i mean, seriously, he is my dream!


kyliooo April 21 2005, 03:58:34 UTC
well i'd liked a few of his tracks for a while but i'm sort of madly in love with boisa!!!! ahahah jazzing in the face got the world in motion!

wtf!?!?>! i sort of hate you ok!? by 15 i was at like...7! lame!

ahahahahahhah man, he's all chubriffic and sort of gross but i thought he was fit at the time. and i mainly only feel bad because of the atrocioius music, but in all fairness, it's a really really entertaining live show! he goes fuckin' nuts!


onefootinfront April 21 2005, 04:25:30 UTC
i just love him! he's fabulous! i forced my little 13-yr-old friend, Ryne, to listen to him and now we groove together. it's fun and awesome and all is good.

when i was 14-16, i seriously went to at least one concert a weekend, whether it was local, regional, national blah blah blah. now, i only go to 1-2 a month, because i can't afford anything else.

there's just something about him! he's really fucked up and that makes him even better looking! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:29:21 UTC
COOLEST 13-year-old EVER!

wtf that's insane!!!!! i only go to 1-2 a month and i consider that to be a lot! (ok, i don't, but that's a lot more than i went to from 14 to 16!!!)

i don't necessarily agree, but go for it! he has some nice man boobs though! lolz!


sabrejet81 April 21 2005, 04:04:51 UTC
The new White Stripes song is AWESOME!!!! It kind of reminds me of DFA 1979. What's so STFU about The Vines & The Music. That's a great show. So great I went TWICE!!


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:10:51 UTC
well, i actually hate the music a lot, so i didn't think that was so great! but the vines were entertaining at least.

yeah, the new stripes kind of is! and yes, very dfa 1979-esque...which makes sense, since dfa79 is just a drummer and a singer/guitarist.


daysofcat April 21 2005, 04:11:47 UTC
The Decemberists are very addictive! The more I listen to them, the more I like them. They're just brilliant.

Omg, your concert list is IMPRESSIVE!!!
(except for the Killers and Steriogram...those are preetty crap)


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:19:38 UTC
all very true things!

like i said, not all the bands were WILLING. i wanted to see stellastarr* and phantom planet, both of whom were better than i was expecting. but yeah, the killers and steriogram were both atrocious. i don't actually know which one was worse. steriogram had stage presence at least; they moved around! but they also sounded like alvin and the chipmunks doing limp bizkit in australia. the killers were like giant lumps of ugly vintage clothing, they did nothing. but if you close your eyes, you can pretend it's a bunch of duran duran reject demos, and that's a huge improvement from steriogram's sound. PLUS, the show was $5! and i didn't know the killers were awful; they only had like an EP and a single out! what do you want from me?>!?


daysofcat April 21 2005, 11:31:42 UTC
ahaha, well! srsly, i would pay $5 for killers too! you could spend that money so much worse, like to get to see a crap Finnish boyband when you are 11:/
( not that i have ever done that...ahem :D )


kyliooo April 21 2005, 13:08:10 UTC
or pay 5 times that and drive 3 hours to see the backstreet boys...not that i have done THAT.


cinister April 21 2005, 04:18:42 UTC
My headache is now a spliting headache after listening to "Jazzed in the face". Oh for the love of god my cell phone just rang playing "Girlfriend in a coma". I think I'm gonna have a migrane.

How was Reverend Horton Heat and Jello live? I was gonna see Jello not too long ago but couldn't make it. And I'm a sucker for pshycobilly.

Those nachos sound divine. I had cheapo Taco Bells today. "Taco salad". Butchers of authentic Mexican food more like it.


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:22:29 UTC
ahahah! jazzed in the face is too much for your puny mind! lolz!

reverend horton heat fucking kicked ass. i loved them. jello was a spoken word, so...not as fun as jello biafra and the melvins, probably, but interesting nonetheless.

i sort of don't like taco bell that much, but not because of the food, but because i think they're overpriced. i'm THAT cheap!


cinister April 21 2005, 04:28:49 UTC
Pfft whateva!*flicks hand*

RHH are great. Its too bad they aren't appreciated as much as they deserve. But so are a lot of bands. I've heard some of Jello's spoken word(really shoddy bootleg) and I was impressed.

I agree with you on Taco Bell being overpriced. I mean for the crap they put in their food it should be way cheaper. A bean burrito for over $1.39. BULLSHIT!


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:35:23 UTC
rhh have a really solid rockabilly following, though. i imagine all the parties involved are quite happy, actually! i mean...he has enough fans to keep playing decent sized shows, not shitty bar shows. why would he want to be more popular? i'll bet he's quite happy where he is, nestled safely under the radar.

jello was actually a really entertaining spoken word. and not just because he's jello biafra. also because he's really intelligent and funny and almost entirely correct! i had the chance to meet him, my friend was getting stuff signed by him, but i just sort of stood there, because i didn't know what to say to him. i probably would've just rambled about how much awesomer the bands he signs are than him! lolz! i mean, i like him and all, but there are some REALLY GOOD BANDS on alternative tentacles!

exactly! it's not even remotely filling, either. it's all wendy's, all the time for me.


theorems April 21 2005, 04:42:59 UTC
i'm wearing a pin of a silhouette of a breast!

omg so many links ;_;

i defffinitely went to lilith fair and i deffffffinitely do not remember any of it. except for all the lesbians wandering around.
and you saw reverend horton heat! i'm kind of a lot jealous.

i fink i might do that too, just to count how many i've been to. can i count classical concerts?


kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:51:16 UTC
i DID go to lilith fair!

wtf? not that many, really! you've got most of them...especially the ones in the blog.

ahahahahah oh man, that is so funny!!! lilithfair tube??? also yeah, i mostly remember
1. gross topless women
2. gross women
3. fit non-topless women
4. a couple of lesbians who read my horoscope
5. thinking the indigo girls were the worst band of all time and being right
6. really awful hippie clothing and jewelry

also, do you not remember when we talked about this!?!? when i first saw them, you said the same thing. and you talked about liking tiger army. which reminds me, if you still like tiger army, i will steal a sticker of theirs from my brother and send it to you. it's ok, he's got like 10 of them.

you can count whatever you want! there's no fucking rules, dude!*

*i am a dork!


theorems April 21 2005, 04:56:44 UTC

i kind of remember sarah mclachlan. and the fact that i went with my best friend at the time...AND MY PARENTS. which was real cool.

i don't remember talking about rhh, but i do remember talking about tiger army. haha.
i loved their live show, but i never ever ever listen to them. i think that's pretty much the case with every punk band i've seen.



kyliooo April 21 2005, 04:59:35 UTC
i went with my mom. weird.

hm! there are a few bands i do that with, too. like holly golightly! best ever ever ever live show...but the record is only so so. same with the dirtbombs. garage and punk is sort of like that!


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