Jeremy Kyle is on tv at the mo and I really have no idea why people love it so much. I want to give most people on there a good slap. I'm probably being a heretic for typing that. Shame on my family.
Right, I now have a hot date with a facemask and a bath. :D
I was looking at the "why do people like you?" thread on Sheroes and I couldn't actually think why people do. Gawd, that's depressing. I could only think of annoying things about myself. :/
DH soon though! I might wet myself with excitement on Saturday morning.
My average grade for the whole year is 67, so a strong 2.1. I got 68 for my 20th Century History and Sociology modules, so close to a first dammit! I probably could have got a first for the history one, but I know my oral marks always bring me down. Next year, I will speak in seminars!