Title: Thanksgiving Author: kyrdwyn Rating: G Pairing: None Spoilers: Minor for 5.03 "Reckoner" Universe: Blaze With the Glory Author's Notes: In first comment after the fic. Beta: None
Summary: Dave takes Spencer home for Thanksgiving.
So, this was basically my brain saying "You need a break from NaNoWriMo", and my Inner Dave Muse deciding we needed to see him taking Spencer home for Thanksgiving. Much sap and fluff ensued.
I honestly can't recall if we've ever seen Dave have a preference for a football team, but I figured if he grew up on Long Island, his family probably either supported the Giants or the Jets. I just picked one.
For the record, since this is set at a specific time and mentions specific games (I am a geek, see my research) on Thanksgiving Day in 1982 the New York Giants beat the Detroit Lions 13 - 6, and the Dallas Cowboys beat the Cleveland Browns 31 - 14.
Yes, Dave would be a Giants fans because the Jets weren't around until the about 1960 and...GAH... I'm doing a football fic myself set in 1985 that involves Gideon and Rossi, with Gideon humming the "Super Bowl Shuffle" to annoy the hell out of Dave.
And I polled the crew at little_details about who Rossi would cheer for for my story. And spent a few hours on Wikipedia, the Giants' website and YouTube locating the video for said "Super Bowl Shuffle"... it's just as bad as I remembered it.
For the record, it would be the Giants more than likely, hating the Yankees and a reluctant Mets fan depending on how baseball crazy the family was.
Spencer in a mini-Giants tee. The I-formation Loved it! Bravo!
Comments 33
So, this was basically my brain saying "You need a break from NaNoWriMo", and my Inner Dave Muse deciding we needed to see him taking Spencer home for Thanksgiving. Much sap and fluff ensued.
I honestly can't recall if we've ever seen Dave have a preference for a football team, but I figured if he grew up on Long Island, his family probably either supported the Giants or the Jets. I just picked one.
For the record, since this is set at a specific time and mentions specific games (I am a geek, see my research) on Thanksgiving Day in 1982 the New York Giants beat the Detroit Lions 13 - 6, and the Dallas Cowboys beat the Cleveland Browns 31 - 14.
My first sentence was: No, I not!
The evil part of me thinks Spencer gleefully said "Cowboys!" or some form of it during a Cowboys-Giants game, much to Dave's dismay.
Yes, Dave would be a Giants fans because the Jets weren't around until the about 1960 and...GAH... I'm doing a football fic myself set in 1985 that involves Gideon and Rossi, with Gideon humming the "Super Bowl Shuffle" to annoy the hell out of Dave.
And I polled the crew at little_details about who Rossi would cheer for for my story. And spent a few hours on Wikipedia, the Giants' website and YouTube locating the video for said "Super Bowl Shuffle"... it's just as bad as I remembered it.
For the record, it would be the Giants more than likely, hating the Yankees and a reluctant Mets fan depending on how baseball crazy the family was.
Spencer in a mini-Giants tee. The I-formation Loved it! Bravo!
This was very sweet.
I love this universe you have created. Great job!
I've been working mostly on my cm_exchange during my breaks, but we'll see what else pops up!
Dave is pretty awesome as a Dad. Though I'm sure Spencer could point out things he didn't like. :)
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