May 07, 2013 19:31
- Mon, 17:02: Mimpi itu memang ga mahal, tp buat mewujudkannya kamu mgkin ga cuma tjatuh, terguling2 tp juga terpelanting hingga tak bisa berdiri'
May 06, 2013 19:17
- Mon, 00:23: RT @ lusy_febriyanty Yes, "a short journey" would be the best soundtrack ever for today! Good luck (^^)!
- Mon, 00:41: Why so fast??? Gonna missing your selca,voice, octopus dance & awkward response oppa but this is your duty, hope you always healthy there
- Mon, 01:01: Sekaaaarrr :'(((RT @ ssekarlangit kyuciie uniiiiii :""""""")