Title: Grow A Pair Pairing: Kaisoo (hinted!Hunhan) Rating: PG-13 Summary: Jongin and Lu Han works at a flower shop, and they stalk their customers. A/N: for ddankkoma, just wanted to try a different style of writing
OMG XD freakin' jongin and luhan man~ XD lol the ending but OMG jongin is too adorable lol
btw, i noticed a little mistake: For the last month, 28 days 16 hours 47 minutes and counting (not that Jongin was keeping track or anything) to be exact, the same girl, that turns Jongin into what Lu Han calls as an exploding tomato, comes in almost every day, wondering around the store for at least 20 minutes, only to buy a rose or a small bouquet of roses. Not that Jongin minds, since he gets eye candy for at least 20 minutes, and he didn’t mind if Kyungsoo stayed longer (stay with you forever, Lu Han whispers). you called kyungsoo a girl. you might want to fix that at least lol it threw me off a bit heeheehee
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“Have you ever seen him with eyeliner? He’s like a sex god.”
that is perfect let me bown down to you
lol the ending but OMG jongin is too adorable lol
btw, i noticed a little mistake:
For the last month, 28 days 16 hours 47 minutes and counting (not that Jongin was keeping track or anything) to be exact, the same girl, that turns Jongin into what Lu Han calls as an exploding tomato, comes in almost every day, wondering around the store for at least 20 minutes, only to buy a rose or a small bouquet of roses. Not that Jongin minds, since he gets eye candy for at least 20 minutes, and he didn’t mind if Kyungsoo stayed longer (stay with you forever, Lu Han whispers).
you called kyungsoo a girl. you might want to fix that at least lol it threw me off a bit heeheehee
anyways thank you for reading! glad you like it <33
Love it!!!
Luhan is so funny in this hahahha
and the kaisoo is so adorable o3o
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