kyumin86eunhae Genre: Romance, Crack, Smut
Pairings: Kyumin (in other chapters: Mentions of: Hyukhae, Hanchul and Sungmin/everyone)
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: Sexual content, boyxbox, slut!min,
Summary: One-Night-Stands are meant to be One-Night-Stands. The point is that you are never going to see each other again, got it?
jennypham7 (
Second last part ~ )
Comments 64
Yehey you updated!! :)
Oh please...tell me it will be have a happy ending...
Please...*puppy eyes*
Haha, a bit really late, but I couldn't get on the pc the last two days >.<
Sorry, I really cannot >.< Against my preceps :( You know, that would be like I would prefer you to other readers >.< But I love all my readers the same :D
i just hate broken!kyumin...
i just love them together...>_<
i understand...
i will still read it...:)
I'm glad that you are going to read it though :D
Sorry, I'm so busy with packing!
We won't have any contact for six weeks, btw...
but don't worry, I'll post the last part on... wednesday? or the latest would be next friday^^
nya it´s ok xDD I will survive not having contact with u 8DD
hui can´t wait for it :D!!<3
arghhh kyu just tell him that he should forget about that boy and that you are much better :P!<3 (NO COMMENTS THUY!!!KYU IS MUCH BETTER THEN THIS BOY!!AND YESSSS KYU IS AWESOME!!*____*)
gosh seo why should it not be possible that your boss can be in love !? but for sure not in you xDDD NEVER XD!!
OMO I WANNA HAVE THE JOB OF MIMI!!!!!!I ALSO WANNA WATCH THEM HAVING SEX!!!*___* then my life would be even more complete xDDD!!!<3
noo kyu you are 100% jealous :D and i love it xD!!<3
hohohoho thie boy should back off DX!!MINNIE IS ALL KYUS!!<3 and the heck after 7 years he comes back!? das fällt ihm aber früh ein das er minnie NOCH liebt xDDD!!!richtiger blitzmercker!
AND WTF!? ER HAT IN 24sec EINE BUCHSEITE DURCHGELESEN!?SUPER HIRN XD!!!!!!!!!ja ihc habs ausgerechnet xD!!~~<3
MINNIE HE LOVES YOU!!!YES YES HE LOVES YOU!!!!YOU TOOOO!!!<3 (I hope xD!~~<3...all thuy´s decision T^T ( ... )
kyu loves min YAY♥
sungmin needs to forget the past and sees present than future~
say yes to kyu, min? pleasee~ *puppy's eyes* *_*
I love min too ~ <3 xD
Lalalala, I want to keep the suspense xD
thanks a lot for reading and commenting *___*
thank you for sharing :3
It's already done ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting :D
It ends well for me^^ I don't know if my readers would consider it as a good ending xD
...and I hope in smut also!!! XD hehe :D
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