not leaving tomorrow after all. i have to leave on monday. and i'm not too happy about it. cause that's two more wasted days of waiting. and two more days of being alone. fuck.
SO i leave on saturday. arrive on sunday. will be staying there for a month. [at my boyfriend's, if you didn't pay attention to my other entries. sluts.] lots of packing to do. i can't wait. i'm 00ber excited. i love him so much. hope you all will miss me. cause i'll definitely miss you guys. wish me luck! <3
So ... i will be leaving on December 8th for a month to New Bremen, OH. to be with my boy. and all the cool friends i've made. and let me just tell you, i'm so excited. you have no idea. although i will miss my peeps here.
oh and to Zack, i think i'll be enjoying sex from now on hahahaha. <3
I just got this searing rage all of a sudden. And you know what? I really fucking hate Pat. Truly, I do. And I hope he gets the living shit kicked out of him one of these days. I'm not whining, by the way. I'm just sick of his controlling fucking complex. And I really don't care what anyone has to say about it.