So that they don't suck when I post them on Monday!
The Voice of Planet Fandom: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri gone all Bliss Stage. Pairings: Privin/Dierdre, Corazon/Prokhor, Miriam/Morgan HA HA DISREGARD THAT HE'S JUST HER ANCHOR
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For Bliss Stage: Mother Ship. Rather soon, 12:00-12:30 PST.
Also, if anyone would be interested in an IRC game of Bliss Stage who is NOT in one of mine currently, talk to me. I am interested in running vanilla games, First And Final Act (the one-shot or a campaign based on same), or LULZ CRACKY RANDOM FANDOM versions.
I was, thanks be to God, able to talk to one of the people with the luxury of being human at Financial Aid, and found I am missing ONE easily secured document, which I will be able to get in a week - next week, tops
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