
Sep 03, 2011 10:32

Who: Ventus and you!
What: A confused gander about the city, upon arrival.
Where: Twilight Town
When: Midday
Warnings: Worries and clones.

Ventus is lost...and slightly troubled by the going's on around him, the information he's been given, what he's seen and the holes that still remain. His whole life, a dream?

No, that wasn't quite right. He was stuck ( Read more... )

axel: kingdom hearts, dark yuugi: yu-gi-oh!, roxas: kingdom hearts, *ventus: kingdom hearts, sora: kingdom hearts, aqua: kingdom hearts

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ultimarecipe September 3 2011, 01:35:45 UTC
He usually went to sit on the bent paopu tree when he wanted to think, but ever since he had ice cream with Xion and Axel, Sora found that he liked the clocktower as a place to think as well. He focused on it as he went through the town, a stack of photos in a little backpack slung over his shoulders. He wanted to get started on his journal before he started to forget and put it off. Sora breathed in deep and walked up to the platform in front of the station--and then he paused.

Oh. Roxas was already there--

or was he? Sora frowned slightly and dropped his backpack.

No... that wasn't Roxas, was it? He didn't have his coat on. Last time he'd seen the other, he had it on. "Hey!" He called, both hands around his mouth to amplify the sound.


endtome September 4 2011, 10:03:00 UTC
He's startled out of his thoughts by Sora's voice, turning round to look back at the intruder. His first thoughts are a tad scrambled, confused, like he's seeing a giant spectrum of light, an arena in an ocean of darkness, but then it fades and--

And it's just a boy of his own age, causing his heart to constrict like he's seeing a good friend for the first time in a very long while.

"Uh, hey!" He calls back the greeting upon his approach, stopping several feet away and simply staring for a moment, until he shakes his head and gives a friendly grin. He can't just stare at strangers like that-- "Is this place off limits?"


ultimarecipe September 4 2011, 10:35:36 UTC
Sora tilts his head at the reaction.

There's something ... off about this person. He feels like he's almost having an out of body experience when he looks at the other. Definitely not Roxas... especially if he's asking that kind of stuff about Twilight Town. Weird... he shakes his head, quite like Ven, when he realizes he's thinking too much. It's probably just some weird old deja vu.

"Nope!" He casts a glance back up to the clocktower. "I'm about to go up there. It's open to everyone, I think."


endtome September 4 2011, 12:26:36 UTC
"You mind if I join you?" Not only does he bet he'll get a really good view of the city, a mental image which could come in really handy in the next few days, but he wants to spend a little more time with this stranger.

He feels like there's more to what's going on than he can see, and Ventus is curious as to what it is. He just-- wants to know more.


ultimarecipe September 5 2011, 04:08:46 UTC
For some reason, it feels so natural to say "sure!" and accept Ven's friendship.

Of course, it was usually natural to... but... this was different.

It was almost like if Riku asked him if he could hang out, but on a different level. He wondered why--he certainly didn't meet this guy before. After a glance upward, he looked back at Ven and stuck out his hand in greeting for a handshake. "I'm Sora."


endtome September 6 2011, 02:12:20 UTC
It was curious how eager he was to get Sora's acceptance- like stargazing with Terra and Aqua, this felt just as important, only in a different way. Eve taking his hand for a firm shake feels odd, new and yet old.

He wishes he knew why, but for the most part, he's just glad to see Sora.

"Ventus. My friends call me Ven." Or they had. He doesn't let his smile falter right now though, not...not right now. Just gestures for Sora to lead the way and grins like he's just found a winner's stick in his ice cream.


ultimarecipe September 6 2011, 02:52:18 UTC
"Ven," he assumed the name without even thinking, wandering to the side of the station and walking the way up. "there's a really good view up here." A pause, and Sora looked back at the blond.

"Did you just get here?"


endtome September 6 2011, 04:23:48 UTC
"I thought there would be. I bet you can see the whole town." He follows after Sora with ease, relaxed after spending so much energy running around before getting here.

"I woke up in my- well they said it was my room- this morning, and that's it. Before that I was talking with Pan. Tink had something that belonged to a friend of mine." And when he'd finally received the star-shard, it had practically exploded on him.


ultimarecipe September 6 2011, 11:07:30 UTC
"You can see most of the city," Sora responded. "even some of the beach. It's like it stretches on forever, though, so I guess... you wouldn't see all of it." he tried to mull it over in his mind, but found the other too distracting. Just why did he look like Roxas, anywa--

hold on. He stopped in his tracks.

"Tink? You mean... Tinkerbell? And Pan--Peter Pan?"


endtome September 7 2011, 02:35:07 UTC
Woah! A hasty step back, and an additional wave of his arms, just to ensure he doesn't lose his balance. They aren't so high up that he couldn't catch himself just fine (He's fallen from some rather large heights before), but that doesn't mean he actually wants to.

"Well, yeah. Peter and Tink and the Lost Boys." A brief pause. "And Hook, but I showed him who was boss." Ventus grins, thinking back on it. Neverland was a really fun world, full of great friends...


ultimarecipe September 7 2011, 03:02:29 UTC
Sora reached out and grabbed onto Ven's shirt to double make-sure-he-wasn't-gonna-fall. A shot of worry had gone through him, a surprisingly overwhelming feeling when it came to a stranger. ... maybe it was just because he knew the worlds, too?

"The Lost Boys? I only know Peter and Tink. And Wendy. Hook's pretty mean."


endtome September 7 2011, 12:30:52 UTC
"Woah, you know them too?" Finally, someone who remembers what he does! "That's pretty neat- I guess that was your world too, huh?"

It doesn't even pop into his mind that Sora could be from somewhere else, though the assumption doesn't ring quite right in his mind. He's never met anyone who travels like they do, before.


ultimarecipe September 7 2011, 12:52:44 UTC
"Nope! Wasn't it was yours?" Ven seemed like he'd fit in with Peter. Sora grinned and shook his head to the question again, however. "I lived on Destiny Islands. I just visited Neverland. Actually," Sora let out a thoughtful hum as he continued on until they were at the top, or almost so.

"I never really went to Neverland. I was just on Hook's ship... but it sure feels like I've gone there before."


endtome September 9 2011, 19:13:32 UTC
"No, I came from the Land of Departure!" He's never heard of Destiny Islands but-- Sora traveled. Sora traveled between worlds! "How come you left?"

It's Ven's turn to grin, throwing his arms behind his head as they continue up the tower.

"Neverland was great; lots of water, and jungle. But you had to be careful of the canons." The very same ones from the ship Sora had apparently been on. Ventus is probably going to ask about that one, next.


ultimarecipe September 9 2011, 19:20:41 UTC
And Sora never heard of Land of Departure--and although nowadays it seemed easier to travel, he still hadn't heard of too many people doing it. As the question came, though, Sora found a slight pang of sadness.

Oh... "I kinda left 'cause my best friend did, too..." he admitted. Which was the truth--when Riku opened the door via darkness, Riku was gone and so was he. ... "Kinda because of the Keyblade, too."

"Oh, the canons on Hook's ship? They were a pain!"


endtome September 9 2011, 19:44:48 UTC

Woah, no! Back up there, way up! Ventus trips over his own feet, tumbling into Sora with a loud 'oof!', clutching onto his shoulders to keep himself upright before spinning the other round, shocked.

"The Keyblade?!" He- maybe he does...it feels right, just to assume it. That Sora is a Wielder, one of the few he's ever met, his age and traveling around, but-

He steps back enough to summon his own blade, but he doesn't looking towards it. Ven's too busy watching for Sora's expression.


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