Jun 12, 2008 04:32
I went to bed after work.
I woke up at 3 a.m.
This feels weeeiirrddd.
Jun 09, 2008 08:25
Yesterday was the most stressful day I've had in
a very long time. Isis had gotten out. We ran around
the neighborhood for 6 or 7 hours looking for her.
We finally found her at like 9:45.
I'm pretty sure I've never been that relieved in my life.
I love my babies.
Jun 06, 2008 03:04
3:04 a.m.
Have to leave for work early tomorrow
Still a little drunk.
About to finish this movie with the twins and turtle
about stupid zombie sheep or something.
I <3 summer...
Jun 04, 2008 00:55
It's Tuesday
I'm drunk, and high.
I have to work tomorrow.
May 30, 2008 17:57
I've been listening to a lot of Saves the Day.
I hate to admit it, because I actually get
sick of hearing about that band. But hey,
it puts me in a good mood at work.
And I've really needed that lately.
My ipod is really my most valued
possession. Thank you, Miah.
My only goal for the weekend is
beer, beer, beer, and more beer.
Oh, and some good
May 22, 2008 19:19
I got a promotion today.
Hopefully I will like it.
We'll see.
Hey, money's money.
Sometimes it annoys me when people
are stoked on life. Is that wrong of me?
Yes. I am far too cynical of a person at times.
My house is a little messy, and for the first
time I'm not having anxiety about it.
This is a good thing.
May 19, 2008 11:55
I'm on so many stupid pills,
that I forgot what they were for
and had to write on the bottles
with a sharpie. Here's to feeling
sick for the past two weeks and the
month and a half to come.
I'm at work, and I don't want to be.
I'd rather be in my bed with Elliott.