Title: Three (unrelated) Drabbles: Odd Man Out, The New Girl, and Nostalgia
Characters/Pairing:Clyde; Rani; Sarah Jane & Maria
Rating: G
Spoilers: 2x01 & 2x02
Summary: two character vignettes and a bit of fluff
Disclaimer: Sarah Jane et al belong to the BBC etc. I just like to have them over for play dates occasionally
just a few thoughts )
Comments 2
And...did you read my mind about swimsuits??? All summer, every time I went to the beach, I found myself wondering what kind of swimsuit SJ would wear to the beach. (SJ fans think about these kinds of things, you see.) I could never figure out what kind she'd wear, though. I couldn't come up with anything that was the perfect combination of prettiness and quirkiness. But you have shown me the answer with "Nostalgia!"
Thanks for sharing these drabbles! I enjoyed reading them!
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