March is question month. Y'all know the drill. Post a question in the comments section. Comments are screened to protect the innocent and the guilty. I'll do my level best to answer fully and truthfully.
So, apprently a new "club" has opened in the New Orleans area. I have heard wonderful things about the people running it and from what I understand they have a "play room" for people of like mind. Some people I know are visiting the new place this evening as an invitation for members of the local BDSM organization has been extended, with I
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And I am off to bed soon. Its supposed to be VERY cold tomorrow and I need to wake up early to allow for time for the car to heat up some and just in case there is some ice on the windshield .
In other news I just have to get this out. God damnit I want a VENTI white chocolate mocha with whip . All fifteen points of it.