If you can cope with a crisis of a moral/emotional nature, I could really use some guidance here. If not, don't even read past this sentance, it may well revolt you
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I have been in a really similar situ to this one and it is definitely a tricky one. I think that since they are both so far away from each other and you there's no harm to be had from giving 'en both a go. It would be different if they lived close by. You never know, they might be seeing other people too... I know what you mean that it might seem bad in retrospect if things become serious with either one. But until this happens you should keep your options open. As a rule I never trust holiday things, or indeed any form of relationship, under 2 weeks and when you haven't seen how they act in a wider spectrum of situations than leisure ones. Sometimes people can be complete obsessive, boring wierdos despite how gorgeous and interesting they seem at first. The human mind is a funny thing and sometimes sees what it wants to see. On the other hand the greek may really be an amazing guy...but if he's that amazing then he'd understand your genuine conundrum and wouldn't judge you for it. And the same goes for the Northern Monkey.
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You're an angel, thank you for your wisdon. The bugger with this is that it keeps looking different depending on what angle I view it from. It's like a very slippery fish. If you know what I mean. Anyway, I hope the essay came together obediently. Hope to see you soon.. Saturday night? xxx
Really wish I could be of some help here, but seeing as I'm generally useless about everything, I would say throw caution to the wind and stick with both til your heart tells you what to do. You get a holiday out of it, plus the opportunity for dirty late night phonecalls from a northerner (been then, enjoyed them), so it's the best of both worlds.
As I said, I'm pretty crap though, so you might want to ignore me!
I must confess I'm generally inclined towards your way of thinking. The question 'why not?' keeps popping up, and I don't have a reasonable answer. And Greece, well, I can think of worse places to be in November!! Thanks sweetheart, your input is both valuable and appreciated.
Comments 7
As I said, I'm pretty crap though, so you might want to ignore me!
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