I have the worst cold in the history of colds. Ever. Seriously, it's driving me up the wall. My head feels like a balloon filled with ick instead of air. Gross
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Lmao. I really have nothing else to talk about, which makes me kinda sad. I've gotten into this anime called The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiweyashlsjh-whatever. :] Well, I haven't even gotten into it yet. There was just this one AMV that I found that was just too cool for words. They should thank the person who made it. It's really good
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(Giggle) I just saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean trailer. ^_^ Looks pretty darn spiffy. Another movie on my list of things I need to see soon. ^_^ I think it's right up there with Spider Man 3. Yay for Topher Grace being all villainy
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So after all of this Jpop music I've been listening to and such, it's making me want to see some Japanese TV Dramas. So if any of you out there know of some... be dollfaces and tell me about some. :]
o_o So. I was like, "...Hmmm.. icons are fun. So are communities." so I decied that I should come back to Livejournal. ^_^ I'm back. REALLY THIS TIME. ... Seriously! I am! -SMiles
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