Prince of Tennis Online Trading Card Game
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Tennis Scoresheets & CDs ♥PAST♥
November 6th:- Joined Twist Serve
-Recieved: older04, halloween15, master06, soliloquy04, hunter16, coolprinces02.
-Traded my: older04, halloween15, master06 and soliloquy04 for puns09, puns12, puns17 and j-mini08.
November 7th:-
- Starter Pack, recieved: puns19, puns20.
- Old Rackets 14, recieved: brat01, brat07, brat19, hunter12, coolprinces13.
November 9th:-
-Update 33.0 November
+ new deck freebies: braids15, hebaba03 and school02.
+ birthday freebies: hunter07, cheer16 and mumble16.
-Traded my: school02 for coolprinces08.
-Old Rackets 15. recieved: hunter01, smily05,smily07, smily10, tarundoru13.
-Traded my: hebaba03 and braids15 for j-mini16 and cheers18.
-Member contribution: theme deck #8 favorite seiyuu, recieved: cheers10, stage11, item x1 (rokkaku pants).
November 10th:-
-Traded my: stage11 for j-mini04.
November 11th:-
-Traded my: tarundoru13 for j-mini13.
-Seiyuu Corner 28, recieved: cocktail07, sunrise16, secret08, itemx1(rikkai pants).
November 15th:-
- Traded my: sunrise14 for hunter05.
November 16th:-
-Traded my: cocktail07 for smily04.
- Freebies 16, recieved: combination04, fanta16, itemx1(random)
November 17th:-
- Traded my: combination04 for coolprinces10.
- Insight 31, recieved: j-mini14, takoyaki16.
November 18th:-
- Old Rackets 16, recieved: smily 01,08,13,16.
November 21st:-
- Update 35.0, recieved: seiyuu19.
-Seiyuu Corner 29, recieved: brat14, hunter06, itemx1(shintehoujishirt).
November 24th:-
- Insight 32, recieved:- morning19, soliloquy18.
Novembeer 30th:-
-Freebies 17, recieved: baton01, nature05, itemx1(hyoteipants).
December 1st:-
-Who am I 19, recieved: dojo07, strict14.
December 12th:-
- Update 35.0, recieved: seiyuu17, gogomeganes17, trickster18, underestimate03 and gossip09.
- Member contribution: theme deck #9 symbol, recieved: sister04, coolprinces02, itemx1(shitenhoujishirt).
- Old Rackets 19, recieved: brat03, hunter04+15, smily15+19.
December 14th:-
- Seiyuu Corner 32, recieved: strict06, nobody16, itemx1(shitenhoujishirt).
- kamikakushi 2, recieved: gay12, imperial10.
- Freebies 18, recieved: garasu10, contest10, itemx1(rokkakushirt).
December 18th:-
- Who am I 22, recieved: serious13, school15.
- Traded my: sister04 for j-mini07.
- Upadate 38.0: awake01, freeloader08, weiming03, autumnbreeze17, dreamlive102, scenario13.
December 19th:-
- Old rackets 20: recieved: smily02+06+09+12.
December 20th:-
- Update 39.0 300 decks~: ending03, manzai07, bell09, bigaku09, symbol05, symbol17.
- Update 36.0: bubblegum15, host12, joytotheworld10, recovery02, test09.
December 21st:-
- Traded my: serious13, weiming03, awake01, test09 for brat16, trickster17, joytotheworld07, cake 02.
- Update 37.0: omettosamba10, emperor13, strongest18, gym06, tenimuhou11, trickster20, gekokujou15, smily20.
- Advent Calendar - December 21 - Switch It Up, recieved: trickster11, demon05.
December 22nd:-
- Pick a School 18, recieved: labcoat10, left05, older18.
December 23rd:-
- Payed: baton01, gay12, coolprinces02 for student ID x3.
December 25th:-
- Who am I 23, recieved: roses07, muga02.
December 29th:-
- Freebies 19: kouhou19, minor07, itemx1(rikkaipants).
December 30th:-
- insight 36: cake11, ori19.
January 1st:-
- Traded my: morning19 for cake16.
- Traded my: underestimate03, freeloader08, gym06 for cake05, smily17, brat20.
- Traded my: student ID for
disutansu's student ID.
Jan 2:-
- Match set -Rookie- : loyal20, joytotheworld01, nature20, puns16, itemx1(jouseishirt).
- Traded my: student ID for
kazeookami666's student ID.
- Traded my: student ID for
perimones's student ID.
Jan 3:-
- Exchanged my: soliloquy18, ponta09, older18 for student ID copy.
Jan 5:-
- Traded my: emperor13, gekokujou15, seattle07, zhenzhi09 for puns01+18, joytotheworl09, cake16.
- Insight 37 & 38: forward13, bento09, katsu10, freedom05.
Jan 6:-
- Pick A School 20: itemx2(random+choice).
Jan 8:-
- Data collecting with Inui 35: ssas12, fuun07, itemx1(hyoteishirt).
Jan 9:-
- Traded my: dash05 for j-mini02.
- Traded my: nfu06, imperial10 for symbol20, trickster15.
Jan 10:-
- Pick A School 21: itemx2(hyoteipants+rokkakupants).
Jan 11:-
- Exchanged tennis scoresheet for: bosp02, tarundoru06, symbol06, itemx1(rikkaishirt).
- Update 42.0: ire13, advance16, revolution20, teatime09, talent03, loyal01.
- Traded my: quxing16 for ire11.
- Group Collect 20 - week 01: retsuden09, j-mini09, jiping04, beijing05, itemx2(hyoteishirt+higashirt).
- Traded my: ssas12, talent03 for ending06, petenshi08.
- Old Rackets 24: brat08, petenshi04+09+13+20, wonderfuldays13.
- Traded my: tarundoru06 for ire03.
- Traded my: revolution20, ori19 for strict17 and animated01.
Jan 12:-
- Traded my: teatime09 for j-mini20.
- Traded my ID for
raikka_lilly's ID.
- Insight 39: cake04, strict13.
- Freebies 20: kirin14, tarundoru09, itemx1(rikkaipants).
Jan 13:-
- Match Set -Ranking Tournament- : smily03, loyal12, piano12, collapse09, itemx1(jouseipants).
Jan 14:-
- Let's learn English with Long Ma! 05: donated emerald20.
Jan 15:-
- Exchanged: loyal12+20. minor07 for copy of student ID.
- Let's learn English with Long Ma! 05: donated piano12.
- Who am I 26: megane01, conference13.
Jan 16:-
- Traded my: conference13 for ending05.
- Group Collect 20 MASTERED: recieved: itemx1(choice).
Jan 17:-
- Guess the song 21: gift20, limit18, depend05, titles03, itemx1(choice).
- Update 43.0: stylish16, valentinekiss03, three09, deal12, fanclub05, tornado19.
Jan 18:-
- Pick A School 22 : alone02, viking07, tornado13.
- Traded my: kirin14, gift20, itemx2(hyoteishirt+pants) for cheers04, ire02, itemx2(fudoumineshirt+pants).
- Traded my: jiping04, tornado19 for petenshi10 and symbol03.
- Traded my: flore14, nobody16, titles03, tenimuhou13, deal12 for ire08, puns03+04+05, smily14.
- Traded my: bento09, beijing05 for strict10, puns14. [ts-2/24]
- Traded my: student ID for
lucathia_rykatu's student ID.[ts-3/24]
Jan 19:-
- Item Exchange: exchanged tennis scoresheet, itemx3(fudoumineshirt+pants+tennisballrandom) for borp09, ire08, gogomeganes07, smily11, hamburger15, itemx1(rikkaishirt)
- Traded my: left05 for stylish08.[ts 4/24]
Jan 21:-
- Let's learn English with Long Ma! 05: for donations recieved: dash07, bento14 and beijing03, teatime17.
Jan 22:-
- Who am I 27: recieved gracious13, zhenzhi05.
- Old Rackets 25: smoke12, gontakure02+05+13, wild05.
- Traded my: gontakure13 for gogomeganes18. [ts-5/24]
Jan 23:-
- Traded my: collapse09, beijing03 for hunter02+03. [ts-7/24]
- Traded my: ending05+06 for gogomeganes08 and puns15. [ts-9/24]
- Item Exchange: item02x1(choice) for animated13.
- Traded my: zhenzhi05 for symbol18. [ts-10/24]
- Update 44.0:- gold17, can13, tannhauser20, evolve05, medley11.
- Revieved for referrals: fanta08, freeloader13.
- Traded my: can13, medley11 for gold19, yakusoku15. [ts-12/24]
- Traded my: evolve05, tannhauser20, retsuden09 for autumnbreeze14, illusion16, fanclub15. [ts-15/24]
Jan 24:-
- Mastered smily, recieved: smilybadge, puns06, shioin12, spiral10, item04x1(fudoumine).
- member contribution: theme deck #11 the color white: hyakuren10, dream18, item04x1(shitenhouji)
- Traded my: freeloader13 for trickster09.[ts-16/24]
- Traded my: cheers16 for autumnbreeze16. [ts-17/24]
- Traded my: fanclub15 for balance11.[ts-18/24]
- Old Rackets 26:- j-mini05, glorious13, host05, sexy07+09.
Jan 25:-
- Spot The Difference 38, recieved: illusion10, ori03.
Jan 26:-
- Freebies 21: technique02, dirty04, item03x1(higa).
- Traded my fanclub05 for speech05.[ts-19/24]
- Traded my: dream18, joytotheworld01, cake11 for yukata12, limit04, flippy14.[ts-22/24]
- Traded my: student ID for
miss_novacaine's student ID.[ts-23/24]
- Traded my: yukata12 for animated03.[ts-24/24]
- Traded my gontakure02+05 for secret07, fas14.[ts-2/24]
- Traded my: flippy14 for mystic02.[ts-3/24]
- insight 40: dash19, nabs17.
- Pick A School 23: puns02.
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet , item03+item04(hyotei) for borp31, avenge06, musical02, flippy03, item01(random).
- Traded my: avenge06 for brat18.[ts-4/24]
Jan 28:-
- Traded my: dash19 for petenshi18.[ts-5/24]
- Traded my musical02 for sexy18. [ts-6/24]
Jan 29:-
- Traded my: flippy03 for jibu11.[ts-7/24]
- Exchanged loyal01, katsu10, hyakuren10 for copy of student ID.
- kamikakushi 04: seiyuu14, mikan04.
- data collecting with inui 36: test01, injury06, injury04.
- Traded my: jibu11 for hunter10.[ts-8/24]
Jan 30:-
- Traded my: gracious13 for seiyuu11. [ts-9/24]
- Traded my: wild05 for remix14. [ts-10/24]
- Traded my: bentou14, teatime17, speech05 for mecha15, injury17, freeloader12. [ts-13/24]
- Update 45.0: ouji13, kiss09, nosurrender01, seigakugame03, clubroom05, kejime10.
- Traded my: kiss09 for duounion20.[ts-14/25]
- Traded my: ouji13 for gold08. [ts-15/24]
- Traded my: mecha15, injury04+06+17, test01, freeloader12 for j-mini06, strict05+12+19, habu12, medley02. [ts-21/24]
Jan 31:-
- Traded my: medley02 for strict20. [ts-22/24]
- Traded my: duounion20, habu12 for nfu19, autumnbreeze15. [ts-24/24]
- Pick A School 24: clubroom20, balloon08, answer04, musical15.
- Traded my: wild01 for puns07. [ts-1/24]
- Old Rackets 27: atonement12, ire20, katsu15, smoke20, perfect07.
- Guess the Song 22: host19, haitang18, item04x2(jousei+rikkai)
- Traded my: pressure01 for strict15. [ts-2/24]
- Guess the Song 23: pole10, dreambeliever09, soliloquy10, emperor03, item02x1(choice).
- Traded my: nfu19, musical15 for style03, l-doru08. [ts- 4/24]
- Guess the Song 24: dojo13, mecha16, dominate01, atonement03, item02x1(choice).
- Traded my: smoke12/20, gold08, viking07, and the pole10 for joytotheworld04, serves17, kouhou11, amiable15, gift17. [ts-9/24]
- Traded my: style03 for autumnbreeze04. [ts-10/24]
Feb 01:-
- Traded my: mecha16, dreambeliever09 for freedom19, ssas09. [ts-12/24]
- Traded my: ori03 for omettosamba07. [ts-13/24]
- Traded my: emperor03 for sexy13. [ts-14/24]
Feb 02:-
- Exchanged: tennis scoresheet for borp15, weiming16, music14, item03x1(jousei).
- Exchanged: coolprinces02+08+10+13, forward13, demon05 for seiyuu15+06.
- Traded my dominate01, item03x1(jousei) for trickster13, item04x1(seigaku).[ts-15/24]
- Traded my: petenshi08 for hunter09. [ts-16/24]
- Exchanged: item03+04(jousei), item02x2(choice) for left18, mamushi20, puns11.
- Traded my: mamushi20, weiming16, left18 for tiebreak08, seigakugame09, trickster03.[ts-19/24]
Feb 03:-
- Traded my: valentinekiss03, nosurrender01, gogomeganes07 for hunter11+18+19. [ts-22/24]
- Traded my: petenshi10, amiable15, takoyaki16 for nobody01, lucathia14 and joytotheworld13. [ts-24/24][ts-1/24]
- Traded my: haitang18 for mystic11. [ts-2/24]
- Traded my: lucathia14, nobody01, symbol17 for autumnbreeze19, invitation05 and animated14. [ts-5/24]
- Traded: item04x1(seigaku) for item03x1(rokkaku).
Feb 04:-
- Exchanged tennis scoresheet for borp22, bandanna20, onmyway04, item03x1(hyotei).
- Traded my: music14 for l-doru01. [ts-6/24]
Feb 05:-
- Traded my: soliloquy10, kejime10 for kyuushuu04 and tannhauser12. [ts-8/24]
- Traded my: tornado13 for autumnbreeze01. [ts-9/24]
- Data collecting with inui 37: overwhelm03, style01, item03x1(rokkaku).
Feb 06:-
- Traded my: hamburger15 for ire17. [ts-10/24]
- Layout 05 voting!: ouji20, memories01.
- the switch 21 - week 1: dash07 for invitation17.
- Update 46.0: stairs05, detective14, strings08, cosmos19, final04.
- Traded my: cosmos19 for detective06. [ts-11/24]
Feb 07:-
- Traded my: overwhelm03, strings08 for western01, healed17. [ts-13/24]
- Traded my : final04 for detective04. [ts-14/24]
- Traded my: ouji20 for torso03. [ts-15/24]
- Pick A School 25 ~Special Round~: okinawa14, habu19, ready07, answer15, item03x2(higa+seigaku), item04x2(higa+seigaku).
- Traded my okinawa14 for trickster19. [ts-16/24]
- Traded my: habu19, host19 for bigaku02, glorious01. [ts-18/24]
Feb 08:-
- Group Collect 22 - week 01: donated fanta16, recieved ire10, brazil20, item04x1(seigaku).
- Who am I 29: sexy01,
- Traded my: brazil20 for karaoke16. [ts-19/24]
- Traded my: bandanna20, karaoke16, alone02 for ire09, perfect19, omettosamba02. [ts-22/24]
Feb 09:-
- Traded my: kouhou11+19 for gracious17, shodo11 with eioko. [ts-24/24]
- Traded my: tarundoru09, dojo07, style01 for healed13, fas19, reliable12 with kuri. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: onmyway04 for hunter08 with starprincess. [ts-4/24]
- Insight 42: onepoint02, remix17.
- spot the difference 39 : reliable07, ending03, tempo17.
Feb 10:-
- Old Rackets 28: l-doru02+04+06+09+12+20.
- Guess the Song 25: ori17, brazil17, rock5404, hundred10, item02x1(choice).
- Exchanged tennis scoresheet, recieved: borp35, music19, hyakuren03, item04x1(higa).
- Exchanged item03+04x2(rokkaku) for puns08+10.
- Exchanged item03+04x1(rikkai) for cheers07.
Feb 11:-
- Traded my: shodo11 for seigakugame07. [ts-5/24]
Feb 12:-
- Traded my: perfect07 for seiyuu with colorchild. ts-6/24]
- data collecting with inui 38: petenshi17, ouji04, dreamlive412.
- Traded my: music19 for petenshi05 with kuri. [ts-7/24]
Feb 13:-
- Who am I 30: stylish18, tweezers16, quick11, cocktail05, item03x2(hyotei+fudoumine).
- Second Hand Shop -Exchanged my: limit18, depend05, fuun07, wisdom17, answer04+15 for puns13, hunter20.
Feb 14:-
- Update 47.0: battery08, ranger01, gouya07, comedy18, tenacity19.
- Traded my: tweezers16, gouya07 for technique19, cheers14 with kuri. [ts-9/24]
- Mastered puns - recieved: puns matery badge, gold15, energetic20, hunter13, item04x1(jousei).
- Pick a School 26: fanclub19, missing06.
- Valentine (kiss) Event - recieved: event16, unlimited valentines07.
- Trade my: ouji04, seiyuu18 for ire07, seigakugame15 with saz. [ts-11/24]
- Recieved VK from hitsugaya_kuro, miss_novacaine, orechibisama, moon_wolfwriter, _sabriel, disutansu, raikka_lily, anneko.
- Traded my: remix17, invitation17 for perfect07, seiyuu08 with disutansu. [ts-13/24]
- Traded my: fas05 for rock5404 with disutansu. [ts-14/24]
- Gave out VK to: Moon_wolf, Kuri, Asuka, disutansu, Featherwolf, Mari, Saz, Ori, Juu, Kuro, Himilika, Sabriel, Indigo, Aisu, Anneko, Keselyx, Kaze, Flore, Lucathia. [ts-19/24]
Feb 15:-
- Traded my: tempo17, ending03 for symbol10, trickster06 with hitsugaya_ kuro. [ts-16/24]
- Traded my: gold15, quick11, balloon08, ready07, contest10 for bubblegum04+10+17, dojo10, takoyaki04. [ts-21/24]
- Recieved VK from perimones, lucathia_rykatu.
- kamikakushi 05: charamate02, yajin01.
Feb 16:-
- Traded my: cheers07+14, trickster11+18, petenshi05 for cheers02+08, autumnbreeze10, omedettosamba04, strict01 with mari. [ts-24/24] [ts2-2/24]
- Old Rackets 29: atonement17, perfect02+04+06, monks16.
- Freebies 22: 4thcast08, gardening12, item04x1(hyotei).
- Traded my: gardening12 for perfect10 with saz. [ts-3/24]
Feb 17:-
- Traded my: brazil17, mumble16 for sexy06, seiyuu01 with kuri. [ts-5/24]
- Traded my: tenacity19 for perfect13 with disutansu. [ts-6/24]
Feb 19:-
- data collecting with inui 39: okinawa17, autumnbreeze18, item04x1(higa).
- Traded my: okinawa17 for prowess19 with kuri. [ts-7/24]
- Traded my: item03x1(higa), item04x03(higa) for item03x3(2seigaku+1rokkaku), item04x1(fudoumine) with kuri.
Feb 20:-
- Update 48.0 goodbye computer: white13+19 (donation), west06, tako02, humiliation05, control15, wonderfuldays09 and otouto01.
Feb 21:-
- Traded my: control15, for pure05 with kuri. [ts-8/24]
- Traded my: humiliation05 for west10 with disutansu. [ts-9/24]
- Recieved VK from starprincessl.
- Old Rackets 30: lucky19, prowess05+15, bigaku06, glorious17.
Feb 22:-
- Exchanged tennis scoresheet: south11, borp23, puns18, item03x1(yamabuki).
- Exchanged item03x3(2seigaku+1shitenhouji), item04x3(2seigaku+1shitenhouji) for hunter14+17, brat17.
- Recieved VK from keselyx_meeko.
- Mastered HUNTER, recieved: hunter mastery badge, 4thcast10, western14, white01, item04x1(seigaku).
Feb 24:-
- SecondHandShop, exchanged my: mikan04, memories01, hyakuren03, clubroom20, shioin12, dreamlive412, puns18, spiral10, south11 for j-mini01 and 2 copies of my student ID.
- Recieved VK from xianaasuka.
Feb 25:-
- Group Collect 20 has been MASTERED! recieved: item02x1(choice).
- member contribution: theme deck #12 LOL -donated image- recieved: meng01, underdog18, item03x1(hyotei).
Feb 26:-
- Group Collect 23 - week 01: donated smily18, cocktail05, recieved: mystic08, dirty10, brush13, smily07, item03x1(seigaku), item04x1(st.rudolph).
- data collecting with inui 40: watermelon03, wild14, kyuushuu11.
- Item Exchange: item01x1(random), item02x3(choice) for alone01, habu17+20, morning20.
- Traded my: 4thcast08 for nosurrender02 with disutansu. [ts-10/24]
Feb 27:-
- Update 49.0 lol, 404 decks? is that a good number... : rush15, crafty14, spinkick20, heart14, broken08.
- Traded my: wild14 for crafty03 with Kuri. [ts-11/24]
- Who am I 31: zhouyu15, acrobatic14.
- Who am I 32 : hunter17, meng10.
Feb 28:-
- Traded my: charamate02, brush for ire14, seigakugame19 with lucathia. [ts-13/24]
- Traded my: meng10, morning20, habu17+20 for nosurrender19, valentinekiss10, retsuden20, cheers20 with saz. [ts-17/24]
- Traded my: evolve07 for host08 with chickxx. [ts-18/24]
- Guess the Song 26: prowess04, advance02, item03x1(fudoumine), item04x1(hyotei).
- Guess the Song 27: prowess08, viking09, can15, school16, item02x1(choice).
- Guess the Song 28: final01, first10, xiaopeng16, evolve07, item02x1(choice).
- Old Rackets 31: atonement01+07+10+14+16.
- Traded my: advance02, can15, viking09 for cheers01, petenshi07, l-doru18 with kuri. [ts-21/24]
- Traded my: final01, first10 for valentinekiss04+13 with lucathia. [ts-23/24]
Mar 01:- [[MY BIRTHDAY!]]
- Group Collect 20 has been MASTERED!: recieved item02x1(choice).
Mar 03:-
- Freebies 23 : seigakugame02, music07, item04x1(seigaku).
- insight 44 : tarundoru14, bubblegum19.
- insight 45 : quick12, stairs16.
- Traded my: quick12, stairs16 for l-doru07+16 with lucathia. [ts-24/24] [ts-VK-20/24].
- Traded my: seiyuu06+08+11, mystic11 for atonement02+08+11+15 with saz. [ts-VK-24/24]
- Traded my: music07, tarundoru14 for seigakugame10 and gogomeganes19. with kuri. [ts-2/24]
- Traded my: white01 for trickster08 with saz. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: host08, bubblegum19, petenshi07 for perfect11, underestimate11, kiss10 with mari. [ts-6/24]
Mar 04:-
- Traded my: meng01, kiss10, underestimate11 for rush05, depend12 ,underestimate03 with kuri. [ts-9/24]
Mar 05:-
- Traded my hunter17 for yakusoku02 with disutansu. [ts-10/24]
March 06:-
- Update 50.0 anniversary month! :
- Happy Birthday recieved: birthday03, leangle09, joytotheworld20, christmas17, item02x1(choice), item03+04x1(rokkaku).
- Referal - recieved: technique13
- bronze20, minx06, thief01, yun15, cross03.
- scout12, practice13, habu04, gardening01, host02.
- Exchanged 2 tennis scoresheets for: borp06, borp21, ori19, tea07, kenken15, yajin20, item03+04x1(rokkaku) // recieved: item01+02x1(random+choice) for negligence. X3
- Traded my: cross03 for bronze06 with xianaasuka. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: yun15 for bronze15 with hibimaosuki. [ts-12/24]
- Traded my minx06, habu04, leangle09 for bronze04, bubblegum20, advance17 with kuri. [ts-15/24]
Mar 07:-
- Traded my: gardening01, host02, seiyuu01+17 for bronze13, petenshi11, seigakugame18, bubblegum09 with saz. [ts- 16/24]
Traded my: dirty10, school16, technique13, 4thcast10, zhouyu15, yajin01/20, wonderfuldays09, kyuushuu11, alone01, christmas17 for perfect09+15, cheers14, prowess13, freedom03, crafty04, nosurrender14, gogomeganes14, practice17, kendo09, broken18 for ori. [ts-24/24] [ts2-3/24]
- Old Rackets : atonement03x3, glorious14, pillar09.
- Traded my: fas05+14 for ouji02, final17 with mari. [ts-5/24]
- Item Echange:
- tennisscoresheet for: bosp04, comedy05, fanta03, item04x1(hyotei).
- item03+04x5(2rokkaku, 1rikkai, 1fudoumine, 1seigaku) for: ire01+20, cheers19, atonement20, strict09.
- item01x1 for: cactus18.
- item02x4 for: pure09, j-mini03+10+12.
- SecondHandShop traded my: fanta08, otouto01, nabs17, underdog18, tea07, western14 for cactus01+02.
- Traded my: ori19, theif01, final17 for white15, atonement05+13 with lucathia. [ts-8/22]
- Traded my: glorious14, white15 for foward01 and nosurrender15 with kuri. [ts-10/24]
- Traded my: student ID for orechibisama's student ID. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: student ID for keselyx_meeko's student ID. [ts-12/24]
Mar 08:-
- Traded my: ouji02, tiebreak08 for crafty11, omedettosamba17 with saz. [ts-14/24]
- Traded my: xiaopeng16 for muda19 with ori. [ts-15/24]
- Traded my: pure09 for l-doru17 with lucathia. [ts-16/24]
- Traded my: valentinekiss10, nosurrender14, crafty03+04+14, for mumble06, rhythm14, comedy18, surprise15, okurimono16 with disutansu. [ts-21/24]
- Traded my cactus01+02+18 for yakusoku19, thief09 and technique08 with heather. [ts-24/24]
Mar 09:-
- Item Exchange:
- tennis scoresheet for: borp10, oranges07, longway14, item04x1(hyotei).
- item01 for: champions16.
- item02 for: j-mini18.
- Traded my: thief09, symbol10 for perfect05, white18 with lucathia. [ts-2/24]
Mar 10:-
- Guess the Song 29 : control14, chun long11, imperial01, childofgod19, item02x1(choice).
- Traded my: control14 for sexy12 with kuri. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: crafty 11, omedettosamba17, yakusoku19 for bronze08, tenimuhou12, heart15 with disutansu. [ts-6/14]
- Traded my: tenimuhou12, battery08 for rai12, overwhelm07 with lucathia. [ts-7/24]
- Group Collect 24 - week 01: donnated my fas19, ssas09, recieved natural19, adieu05, braids12, overwhelm02, item03x1(seigaku), item04x1(st.rudolph)
- Traded my: rhythm14 for petenshi08 with kuri. [ts-8/24]
Mar 11:-
- Re: [DONATION] AOYAMA SOTA-1st Gen. Inui Sadaharu, recieved: younger13, item04x1(seigaku).
- Traded my: rai12, overwhelm07 for spinkick14 and nosurrender12 with saz. [ts-10/24]
- Traded my: natural19 for cocktail19 with kuri. [ts-11/24]
- Who am I 28: sexy11, smoke13.
- Update 51.0: juice13, shavedice11, stranded19, odorimasenka03, soft02.
- Traded my: overwhelm02, shavedice11 for juice17, lasers01 with kuri. [ts-13/24]
Mar 13:-
- member contribution: theme deck #12 LOL: scout03, catfish18, item04x1(rikkai).
- Traded my rai12, overwhelm07 for spinkick14 and nosurrender12 with saz. [ts-15/24]
Mar 14:-
- Traded my: adieu05, soft02, catfish18, onepoint02 for invitation07, heart13, technique09, juice15 with lucathia. [ts-17/24]
- The Switch 23 -week 2- : changed fanta03 for ending05.
- Old Rackets 33: atonement09, ssas06, healed01, onepoint02, western06, jump06.
- Traded my: smoke13 for L-doru19 with kuri. [ts-16/24]
- Traded my: item03x1(chitenhouji) for item04x1(fudoumine with kuri.
- Pick a School 30: varsity12, kirin02, manzai15, zhouzhu01, pillar10, item03x1(rikkai).
Mar 15:-
- Item Exchanged:
- item02x2(choice): wild-03, j-mini15
- item03+04x1(rikkai): cheers16
- item03+04x1(seigaku): strict02.
- Match Set: leved up to District Preliminaries, recieved: cursed20, hebaba07, mamushi01, j-mini19, item03x1(seigaku).
- Traded my: varsity12 for freedom15 with disutansu. [ts-17/24]
- Traded my: braids12 for cake17 with ashkahchan. [ts-18/24]
- Traded my: wild03 for muda05 with kuri. [ts-19/24]
- Traded my: oranges07, onepoint02 for bronze11, ire04 with moon_wolfwriter. [ts-21/24]
Mar 16:-
- Traded my: item03+04x2(hyotei) for item03+04x2(rokkaku) with moon_wolfwriter.
- Item Exchange: item03+04x2(rokkaku) for ire05+06.
- Motion Vision 24: shavedice12, silver12, item03x1(rikkai).
- Find Karupin special 01 - Find the Clues!: freeloader05, kendo11, recovery09, item03x1(fudoumine).
- Kamikakushi 06: fuun05, shopping16.
- Traded my: juice13+15+17 for broken02, evolve09, surprise17 with disutansu. [ts-24/24][ts2-1/24]
- Traded my manzai15 for glorious05 with saz. [ts-2/24]
Mar 17:-
- Guess the Song 30: lucky17, host09, kejime16, awake15, item02x1(choice).
- Who am I 34: mystic06, secret18.
- Traded my freeloader05 for illusion02 with lucathia. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: shopping16 for l-doru05 with moon_wolf. [ts-4/24]
- Traded my broken02 for juice08 with chickxx. [ts-5/24]
Mar 18:-
- Traded my: shavedice12,kejime16, mamushi01 for gloriuos16, j-mini11, oranges16 with kuri. [ts-8/24]
- Item Exchange: item02x1(choice) for j-mini17.
- SecondHand Shop: younger13, hebaba07, chunlong, okurimono16, longway14, surprise15 for copy of student ID and strict11.
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet for : borp16, acrobatic05, family08, item04x1(shitenhouji).
- Let's Learn English with Long Ma 09 week 1: donate: balance11, recieved: afternoon15, drivingmyself02.
- Mastered J-MINI deck: recieved: j-mini mastery badge, east14, ire14, charamate07, item03x1(fudoumine).
Mar 19:-
- Traded my: charamate07 for illusion11 with lucathia. [ts-9/24]
- Traded my: afternoon15, ori17 for spinkick09, charamate16 with moon_wolf. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: sexy18 for bronze16 with hitsugaya_kuro. [ts-12/24]
- data collecting with inui 41: cactus01, bandanna14, voice14.
: Group Collect 25 - week 01: donated my: healed 17, recieved: rebel11, golden12, item04x1(st.rudolph).
- Traded my: charamate16 for illusion07 with lucathia. [ts-13/24]
Mar 20:-
- Traded my: illusion11 for animated18 with chickxx. [ts-14/24]
- Traded my: juice08, odorimasenka03 for nosurrender18, host07 with disutansu. [ts-16/24]
- Donated tennis scoresheets: pole11, xiaobo16, muda15, fas14.
Mar 21:-
- Update 52.0 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! : grabbing anniversary07, lol03,lol17 (donated), slowlife01, elite15, vampire20, iguana17.
- Insight 47: slowlife03, concrete09, jump03, feint16
- Pick A School 31: seaslug08, megane15, item01x1(random).
- Old Rackets 34: illusion09, shopping14, ssas09, kansai07+09+12.
- Traded my: scout03 for bigaku18 with ashkahchan. [ts-17/24]
- Traded my: student ID for ashkahchan's student ID. [ts-18/24]
Mar 22:-
- member contribution: theme deck #13 green: limit19, childofgod19, item04x1(rikkai)
- Traded my: anniversary07, seaslug08 for petenshi07, slowlife05 with kuri. [ts-20/24]
Mar 23:-
- Traded my: host07, limit19 for ire15, odorimasenka12 with saz. [ts-22/24]
- Motion Vision 25: lol10, ending07, item04x1(higa).
- Traded my: pole11, odorimasenka12 for hunter16, gogomeganes10 with disutansu. [ts-24/24]
- Traded my: glorious13, technique08, stranded19, host09, zhouzhu01, xiaobo16, childofgod19, awake15, cactus01, east14, rebel11, comedy18 for heart20, ssas12, iguana07+20, crafty14, freedom16, yakusoku11, illusion18, slowlife15, overwhelm17, evolve13, and soft07 with ori. [ts12/24]
Mar 24:-
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet, item03+04(seigaku), item03+04(fudoumine) for borp05, younger19, bubblegum09, item04x1(seigaku), strict18, atonement04.
- Guess the Song 31: shodo02, roses09, final18, makeyoufree12, item02x1(choice).
- Who am I 35: serious14, crucifix11.
Mar 25:-
- Traded my: vampire20, final18, makeyoufree12, soft07, drivingmyself02 for white07, iguana01, illusion15, charamate05, onepoint04 with lucathia. [ts-17/24]
- Traded my mystic06, shodo02, overwhelm17 for iguana11+14, atonement03 with saz. [ts-19/24]
- Traded my: slowlife01+03+05+15 for platinum08, perfect16, symbol04 and dearprince19 with ryuzaki. [ts-23/24]
- Traded my: younger18, megane15, roses09 for makeyoufree05, future06+future20 with ori. [ts1-24/24] [ts2-1/24]
- Traded my: kirin02, bubblegum09 for gracious06, king18 with meika. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: bandanna14, cursed20, jump03 for juice07+15, gogomeganes07 with disutansu. [ts-6/24]
- Let's Learn English with Long Ma 09 week 1 : donated silver05, recieved annoyed05, slowlife09.
- Traded my: voice14, kendo11, recovery09, king18 for surfing06, dojo02+09 and stage12 with mari. [ts-10/24]
Mar 26:-
- Traded my: crucifix11 for bigaku01 with ashkahchan. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: golden13, evolve13 for stranded19 and bronze07 with chickxx. [ts-13/24]
- member contribution: theme deck #10 cosplay : rio13, master15, item04x1(shitenhouji).
- data collecting with inui 42 : dreamlive107+10, tempo20.
- Traded my: future06+20, makeyoufree05 for evolved05, healed19, nature16 with lucathia. [ts-16/24]
Mar 27:-
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet, recieved: borp14, rooftop09, amiable06, item03x1(seigaku).
- Traded my: slowlife09 for atonement06 with ryuzaki. [ts-17/24]
- Update 53.0~ : gomenchai02, takeover15, entertainer10, shinsen17, semero08, music15.
- Traded my: tempo20, master15, music08, gomenchai02 for takeover05, atonement18, fool09, omedettosamba17 with kuri. [ts-21/24]
- Referal rewards: east04, naniwa10.
Mar 28:-
- Traded item04x1(st.rudolph) for item04x1(fudoumine) with kuri.
- Item Exchange: item03+04x1(seigaku), itemo3+04x1(fudoumine), item02x1(choice) for atonement19, strict03+16.
- Old Rackets 35: heart07, ire03, dreamlive420, joytotheworld10, demon07.
- Pick A School 32: muga01, awake04, item03x1(higa).
- Insight 48: vampire05, dirty13, gym10, bento07.
- Guess the Song 32: champions14, retsuden05, anneko09, style20, item02x1(choice).
Mar 29:-
- Game Set: mastered atonement, recieved: mastery badge, role02, white04, strict08, item03x1(shitenhouji).
- Traded my: muga01 for medley10 with saz. [ts-22/24]
- Traded my: vampire05, anneko09 for ending02, valentinekiss05 with lucathia. [ts-24/24]
- Traded my: iguana01+07+20, naniwa10 for takeover17, shinsen14, entertainer20, gogomeganes12. [ts-4/24]
- Traded my: takeover17 for ending16 with moon_wolf. [ts-5/24]
Mar 30:-
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet, borp18, mirror13, three10, item03x1(seigaku).
- Traded my: item03+04(other) for autumnbreeze08, gogomeganes16 with kuri.
- Find Karupin 47: watermelon10, mikan20, elite08.
- Motion 26: odorimasenka12, mecha05, item03x1(rikkai).
Mar 31:-
- Traded my: dirty13, scout12 for nosurrender04, prowess20 with ashkahchan. [ts-7/24]
- Traded my gym10, mikan10 for bronze09, gogomeganes04 with kuri. [ts-9/24]
- Freebies 25: bubblegum07, peach15, item04x1(shitenhouji).
- Who am I 36: dreamlive417, first12.
April 01:-
- Traded my: bentou07, concrete09 for bronze10, perfect18 with xianaasuka. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: mecha05, first12 for animated04+19 with lucathia. [ts-13/24]
Apr 02:-
- Traded my: reliable07+12, amiable06, cocktail19, iguana14 for golf04, final13, gekokujou15, seattle13, band07 with ryuzaki. [ts-18/24]
- Traded my: mumble06, ending07, puns01, fas14 for heart06, juice19, speedstar01, seigakugame08 with hitsugaya_kuro. [ts-22/24]
- Traded my: lol17 for heart16 with saz. [ts-23/24]
- Traded my: ire14, serious14, rush05, ori02, strongest18 for brat09+12, autumnbreeze11, freedom12, joytotheworld11 with anneko_mc. [ts1-24/24] [ts2-4/24]
- Traded my: valentinekiss05, bigaku18 for stranded10, speedstar14 with disutansu. [ts-6/24]
- data collecting with inui 43: forfeit03, feint19, guanyue15.
- Traded my: gekokujou15, seattle03, role02 for bronze02, white12, spinkick11 with moon_wolf. [ts-9/24]
Apr 03:-
- Traded: item04x4(jousei+st.rudolph), item03x1(st.rudolph) for item03+04x2(rokkaku), item03x1(shitenhouji) with lucathia.
- Traded my: band07 for iguana10 with chickxx. [ts-10/24]
- Game Set! -mastered strict- recieved: mastery badge, celebrate17, ire19, takoyaki03, item04x1(other).
- Game Set: -mastered Bestof CDs- recieved: cds01master_hikarukibou, king18, look-alike15, longhair07, bronze18, item03x1(higa), student ID copy.
- Traded my: celebrate17, golf04, for nosurrender14, dreamlive410 with lucathia. [ts-12/14]
- The Switch: evolve09 for iguana02.
- Second Hand Shop: rooftop09, mirror13, east04, awake04, childofgod19, demon07, feint16, imperial01, family08 for ire12+16+18.
- Donated Tennis Scoresheets, recieved: hawaii20, strict17, dash14, perfect01.
- Traded my: three10 for iguana04 with disutansu. [ts-13/24]
- Update 54.0: gontakure15, smoke06, can05, bottle20, windy05, invincible16, athletic10(ori), opposition10(moon_wolf).
- Traded my: iguana02, can05, smoke06, gontakure15 for invitation07, bentou10, windy16, joytotheworld17 with kuri. [ts-17/24]
- Traded item03x3(higa) for item04x3(2rokkaku+1jousei) with kuri.
- Traded my: iguana04+10, longhair07, feint19, king18 for vampire08, athletic11, windy09, anniversary15, gontakure20 with ryuzaki. [ts-22/24]
Apr 04:-
- Traded my athletic10+11 for windy01+18 with ori. [ts-24/24]
- Traded my: gontakure10 for megane01 with kuri. [ts-1/24]
- Traded my: anniversary15 for scudserve01 with ori. [ts-2/24]
- Traded my: campire08 for speedstar04 with lucathia. [ts-3/24]
- Traded my: takoyaki03 for windy04 with ashkahchan. [ts-4/24]
- Item Exchange:
- tennis scoresheet (x2):- single101, single113, gay15, animated20, cake13, dominate11, item03x1(seigaku), item04x1(yamabuki).
- item03+04x2(rokkaku):- bronze01+19.
- item03+04x2(rikkai):- cheers05+12.
- item02x1(choice):- torso16.
- item01x1(random):- valentinekiss19.
- Traded my: scudserve01 for slowlife14 with chickxx. [ts-5/24]
- Old Rackets 36: smily07(x2), naniwa08, brush18, roses 14.
- Insight 49: fas06, bubblegum18.
- Guess the Song 33: peach20, hunter03, odorimasenka08, mecha04, item02x1(choice).
Apr 06:-
- Traded my: rio13, energetic20, acrobatic05+14, comedy05, medley10 for halloween09, platinum13, invitation06, bubblegum12, petenshi01, seigakugame17 with starprincessl. [ts-11/24]
- Find Karupin 48: crafty04, advance09, afternoon09.
- Traded my: trickster08+18, host05 for torso18, autumnbreeze05, symbol16 with _sabriel. [ts-14/24]
Apr 07:-
- Seiyuu Corner 38: bluesmash06, capoeira19, item03x1(jousei).
- Traded my: slowlife14 for trickster12 with ryuzaki. [ts-15/24]
- Who am i - 36: gift12, butler01.
- Traded my: symbol16, brush18 for speedstar05+09 with lucathia. [ts-17/24]
Apr 08:-
- Game Set: mastered: -mastered ire, recieved: mastery badge, charamate12, entertainer04, juice03, item04x1(higa).
- Traded my: scenario13, kenken15, muda05 for tiebrake12, platinum06, charamate03 with vainilla. [ts-20/24]
- Traded my: student ID for mightyichi's student ID. [ts-21/24]
Apr 09:-
- Traded my: torso16+18, peach15+20 for megane10, host17, hyakuren04, band09 with kuri. [ts-24/24] [ts2-[ts-1/24]
- Traded my: opposition10, bentou10, afternoon09, megane10, invitation10 for spinkick04+08, ending17, autumnbreeze06, omedettosamba01 with moon_wolf. [ts-6/24]
- Spot the Difference 41: vampire02, sister15.
- Traded my: juice03, dominate11, orodimasenka08, valentinekiss19 for freedom04, gogomeganes01, nosurrender13, joytotheworld15 with distansu. [ts-10/24]
- data collecting with inui 44: host06, kagayake06, crime14.
Apr 10:- [Shiten day~~!!]
- Traded my charamate03 for juice20 with chickxx. [ts-11/24]
- GameSet: -leveled up to PREFECTURALS- recieved: detective07, ire04, okiraku20, scenario17, bronze17, item03x1(st.rudolph)
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet, item03+04x1(jousei) for single97, glorious05, valentinekiss06, item04x1(rokkaku), l-doru11.
- Update 55.0: menicon03, kittens14, sweat05, decision01, cosplay17, and cosplay19(donation), seishun05.
Apr 11:-
- Old Rackets 37: champions18, charamate13, balance18+20 , master20, roses05.
- the switch 25: gay15 for speedstar08.
- Traded my: okiraku20 for windy19 with lucathia. [ts-12/24]
Apr 12:-
- Traded my: champions14+16+18 for takeover11, host03 and halloween14 with eternalkanda. [ts-15/24]
- Gues the Song 34: twominutes17, prowess17, sunrise15, muda17, item02x1(choice).
- Traded my: charamate12, master20, balance18+20, kittens14 for pillar04, joytotheworld10, kouhou13, sweat15, sexy16 with kuri. [ts-20/24]
Apr 13:-
- Motion Vision 28: symbol08, wonderfuldays07, item04x1(shitenhouji).
- Find Karupin 49: amiable11, menicon18, serves16.
Apr 14:- [Shiraishi's B-day!]
- Freebies 26: seigakugame07, gontakure08, item03x1(hyotei).
- Traded my: juice20, hunter03, bigaku01 for lol16, muga06, pillar06 with disutansu. [ts-23/24]
- Traded item03x1(seigaku) for item03x1(rokkaku) with disutansu.
- member contribution: theme deck #13 green: monks19, feint14, item03x1(jousei).
- insight 46: kittens09, champions17.
- Traded my: fool09, menicon18 for adieu12+19 with moon_wolf. [ts1-24/24] [ts2-1/24]
- Traded my: lol16, host03 for iguana14, charamate11 with saz. [ts-3/24]
- Scrambled Data 40~Special Round : bento13, butler09, ori10, opposition13, item02x1(choice).
- Seiyuu Corner 39: gift17, school20, item04x1(shitenhouji).
Apr 15:-
- who am i 37 : stylish17, cake13.
- Tachibana An's Quiz Corner 02: artstudio06, twominutes07, return20, item04x2(rokkaku).
Apr 16:-
- Traded my: symbol08, artstudio06 for speedstar13+15 with lucathia. [ts-5/24]
- Traded my: champions17, cake13 for golden14, seaslug14 with eternalkanda. [ts-7/24]
- Traded my: mecha04, return20, capoeira19 for secret18, windy02, freedom11 with hitsugaya_kuro. [ts-10/24]
- Traded my: opposition13 for l-doru14 with moon_wolfwriter. [ts-11/24]
- Traded my: iguana17, amiable11 for juice12, l-doru10 with ryuzaki. [ts-13/24]
- Traded my: atonement03, bento13, forfeit03, bluesmash06 for cake15, sexy10, omedettosamba06, fuun08 with ashkahchan. [ts-17/24]
Apr 17:-
- Traded my: item04x4(1other+1yamabuki+2higa), item03x1(st.rudolph) for item03x5(4rokkaku+1shitenhouji) with lucathia.
- Traded my: kittens09, muga06, wonderfuldays07 for takeover19, kirin13, role10 with kuri. [ts-20/24]
- Traded my: golden14 for bubblegum19 with chickxx. [ts-21/24]
- data collecting with inui 45: wonderfuldays20, bottle19, jump18.
- Item Exchange -tennis scoresheet-: single86, makeyoufree10, jiping04, item03x1(seigaku).
- TheSwitch: hawaii20 for rigged02.
- Update 56.0 : bible05, green10, green18(donation), fence07, handpuppet19, cooperation09, bible04, reliable15, mumble08.
- Traded my: green18 for bible18 with ashkahchan. [ts-22/24]
- Traded my: fence07 for bible07 with moon_wolf. [ts-23/24]
- Traded my: dash14, ori10, school20, serves16, guanyue15, jiping04, bottle19, sunrise15, cooperation09 for bible02+03, windy07, smily07, odorimasenka02+10, crafty06+07, freedom18 with ori. [ts1-24/24] [ts2-8/24]
- Traded my: makeyoufree10, handpuppet19 for bible01+14 with lucathia. [ts-10/24]
- Traded my: takeover11, host17 for bible16+17 with saz. [ts-12/24]
Apr 18:-
- Item exchange: item03+04x5(rokkaku) for bronze03+05+12+14, kiss01.
- Group Collect 24 -mastered-: item02x1(choice)
- Group Collect 25 -mastered-: item02x1(choice)
- Traded: seaslug14, mumble08, green10, wonderfuldays20 for bible08+13, slowlife06, menicon03 with kuri. [ts-16/24]
- Old Rackets 38 : data19, megane14, minor01, secret05, crime12, fuun01+17, slowlife01.
- Traded: reliable15, rigged02, slowlife06 for perfect03, bible19+20 with ryuzaki. [ts-19/24]
Apri 19:-
- Item Exchange: tennis scoresheet, item03+04x4(shitenhouji), item02x5(choice) for: single103, nature09, usu11, bible06+09+10+11+12+15, l-doru03+13+15, item03x1(yamabuki).
Apr 20:-
- Motion Vision 29: heart03, revolution11, item04x1(st.rudolph)
- Find Karupin 50: cross11, fence20, loyal02.
Apr 21:-
- Scrambled Data 41: gogomeganes04, jan20, jiping20, item03x1(st.rudolph), item02x1(choice)
- Traded: gontakure08, scenario17 for windy17, fuun06 with vainilla. [ts-21/24]
Apr 22:-
- Synchro 47: missing04, item01x1(random)
- Traded: revolution11, cross11, loyal02, fence20 for autumnbreeze13, windy06, seigakugame11, nosurrender11 with moon_wolf. [ts1-24/24] [ts2-1/24]
- Let's Learn English with Long Ma 11: donated twominutes17, feint19, recieved: kittens14+20, sweat06, request16.
- member contribution: theme deck #14 rackets: tweezers19, retsuden16, item03x1(higa)
Apr 24:-
- data collecting with inui special 06: humiliation09, varsity12, xiaobo10, imte02x1(choice).
- Mastered:
- bronze: mastery badge, xiaobo12, sexy12, cheers03, item04x1(rikkai)
- l-doru: mastery badge, natural20, duounion09, cheers06, item04x1(seigaku)
- bible: matery badge, talent19, dojo14, cheers11, item04x1(shitenhouji)
Apr 25:-
- Spot the Difference 42: green19, answer06.
- Spot the Difference 43: gym10, gracious13.
- Old Rackets 39: tornado04+08, illusion01, ecstasy13+17
- Guess the Song 36: director03, mimic20, synchro04, item03x1(other), item04x1(shitenhouji)
- Guess the Song 35: bento11, yakiniku02, ecstasy12, item02x1(choice).
- Update 57.0: running01, manager01, best15, partner09, whiteline08, windy15.
Apr 28:-
- Seiyuu Corner 41: dreambeliever07, anniversary17, item03x1(rikkai)
- Layout 06 voting: lucky11, jan15
May 1:-
- Catchphrase 41: bottle11, onmyway17, dominate04
May 2:-
- Update 58.0: bus12, suits06, shitenb20, sandwich10, pose08, golden01.
May 4:-
- Freebies 27: stylish01, stage06, item03x1(rokkaku)
May 7:-
- who am i 38: ouji17, thirteen20.
May 12:-
- Scrambled Data 44: axing18, mamushi05, fence07, item03x1(jousei), item02x1(choice)
- member contribution: theme deck #14 rackets: shioin12, dashi13, imte03x1(yamabuki)
- Update 59.0 500 decks!: hide01, stalk11, show13, detective17 + 500 decks eventcard.
May 14:-
- Guess the Song 37: gift09, detective06, catfish08, peach19, item02x1(choice)
May 16:-
- Old Rackets 41: volleyball11, tannhauser20, pillar02, jump18, hitman17, and bigi09.
- Pick A School 33: clubroom09, sister07.
May 20:-
- traded: anniversary17 for seiyuu07 with saz. [ts-2/24]
- traded: kiss01, kittens20 for lasers03, windy03 with kuri. [ts-4/24]
- traded: sweat06 for bubblegum13 with ryuzaki. [ts5/24]
- Update 60.0: motto11, taakun02, rackets13+19, mystic20.
May 21:-
- Old Rackets 42 : gracious15+18, host08, mystic09, rhythm06, seiyuu03, sexy06+18, valentinekiss19.
- traded: tweezers19, rackets13+19, director03, manager01, running01 for fas03, detective10, morning07, yakusoku10, joytotheworld05, hyakuren17 with kuri. [ts-11/24]
- traded: talent19, catfish08, humiliation09, varsity12 for windy20, fas05, ssas05, yakusoku09 with starprincessl. [ts-15/24]
May 22:-
- Update 61.0: more10, cheeringsquad04, famous20(luca), invincible12.
- traded: butler09, kirin13, look-alike15, trickster12 for gracious19, muga01, garasu08, shitenb18 with mari. [ts-19/24]
May 23:-
- traded: sister07+15, yakusoku10, odorimasenka02+10, crafty06+07, seigakugame02 for ending06, invincible09, petenshi10, juice01+11+17, freedom10+14 with disutansu. [ts-24/24] [ts2-3/24]
- traded: mising04, stalk11, morning07, megane14 for speedstar16+17+20, joytotheworld08 with lucathia. [ts-7/24]
- traded: clubroom09, gym10, shitenb18+20, hide01, taakun02 for windy11, cake19, juice20, seiyuu06, joytotheworld06, iguana10 with ryuzaki. [ts-13/24]
- traded: suits06, axing18, detective10, menicon03, hyakuren17, synchro04, bottle11, gogomeganes04 for underestimate10, brat10, trickster08, windy12, cake14, autumnbreeze07, symbol15, ending01 with moon_wolf. [ts-21/24]
- Old Rackets 43: mystic01, underestimate12, illusion17, style10+15, scenario07, kyuushuu09.
- traded: garasu08, golden01, mystic09, yakiniku02, illusion01, crime14 for pirates01, speedstar19, technique08, healed17, seigakugame06, host03 with chickxx. [ts-24/24] [ts-3/24]