Title: Re-cast (scar!verse) ch 11/?
Author: Ladyjanelly
Rating: PG
Characters: Jensen/Jared,
Summary: Jensen stopped acting in 2000. He still runs into Jared.
Warning: Men sexing men, AU.
Disclaimer: Never happened, not my boys.
Feedback: Is always appreciated-- praise, crit, all of it.
Thanks to
misskatieleigh for the quick beta.
Their Sundays together are a given at this point... )
Comments 69
Heh. I almost put the make-up-sex in there, but I'd been writing that same weekend for like four chapters. It had to go, man.
That part was just as lovely as the last one, emotional too, though in a less happy way. I love the making-up scene, though they weren't mad at each other.
Glad you enjoyed this part. Oh, angsty boys. This chapter stressed me out to write. Bastards. At least they're okay again.
Crap - now I'm making myself paranoid that you've already told us and I didn't read that chapter or something.
Clearly I love this story if I think about it that much.
Don't be paranoid. You didn't miss anything. Just the where and why stopped being so pressing on Jared's mind.
Thanks so much for your comment. Working on ch 13 now.
Bittersweet but sometimes, aren't all great loves like that? <3
Glad the sweet and bitter worked for you. Thanks for commenting.
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