Title: 11. Lifeguard (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: Merlin can't get rid of Arthur;
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 11. Lifeguard
“Look! That’s Merlin over there!”
Merlin’s head snaps to the direction of the voice and she groans in annoyance when she catches sight of Arthur and Morgana coming to on her direction. Morgana is grinning happily, Arthur just looks smug.
“Hey Morgana.”
Merlin greets with a warm smile and the girl waves.
“You’re the lifeguard?” Arthur snorts.
“Wow! What gave it away? The red suit, the lifebuoy or the word written on the chair?”
She remarks sarcastically.
“Just wondering… if you are the lifeguard, who’s going to safe you?”
He shoots her a smirk before moving away. Merlin can’t help herself, it may be petty, but she has to do it.
Her eyes flash gold just as Arthur is walking past a woman struggling with her sunscreen. The tick white fluid jumps up and hits the blonde on the face.
“Ops. I’m sorry, dear.”
The woman apologizes embarrassed as Arthur wipes his face and turns to glare at Merlin, who is doubling over in laughter.
“Look at the bright side…” Merlin starts; her chuckles ruining the desired effect of her teasing words. “You don’t have to worry about sunburn for the next twenty years or so!”
Arthur shoots her another deadly glare before stalking off with the sound of Merlin’s laughter still following him.
part 12