Title: 50. Magic Show (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “We’re going to a magic show; would you like to come with us?”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 50. Magic Show
“Have you seen my gloves?” Morgana asks Arthur after spending five minutes moving from side to side, searching for the mentioned accessory. Arthur waves towards the general direction of the front hall, eyes never leaving his book.
“Where exactly you’re going?” He asks, not knowing why his sister would want to leave the comfort and warmth of the house. Snow had begun to fall in the previous night.
“I’m going out with Merlin.” Morgana answers, returning to the main room with the gloves. That successfully makes him look up.
“Where are you two going?”
“I don’t know exactly.” She shrugs. “She mentioned something about a magic show and that Gwen and Will would be there too.”
“Oh.” Arthur says a little stupidly and lifts his book again. “Well, have fun.”
“Why don’t you come along?” She finally asks after watching her brother for a moment, a little exasperated.
“I wasn’t invited, Morgana.” He answers with an eye roll.
“Because you’ve been avoiding Merlin again! What happened this time?” Morgana asks impatiently, noticing Arthur’s faint blush.
“Nothing.” He says quickly as a honk sounds outside. “Have fun at your magic show.”
Morgana throws her hands in the air exasperated. Her brother was just so stubborn.
She steps outside and the three older teens are already waiting for her. Will’s arm is careless thrown around Merlin’s shoulder as they laugh at something that was said.
“Hey Merlin.” Morgana calls and the girl turns to face her with a grin. “Can Arthur come too?”
“Hmm, sure.” Merlin says with uncertain tone, eying the house. “If he wants to.”
“I think he does.” Morgana smirks. “He just needs a little nudge. You know how he is.”
Morgana’s raised eyebrow is very suggesting, but Merlin could still play dumb if she wanted to. Everybody always said she was oblivious. Except, she doesn’t want to; she wants to see Arthur. With sure steps, she passes by Morgana and walks into the house.
“Hey.” Merlin greets quietly, her nerves waving at the sight of the blonde boy.
“Hi.” Arthur replies in the same tone, sitting up and closing the book.
“We’re going to a magic show; would you like to come with us?” She blurts out before her resolution leaves completely.
“I don’t really like magic tricks.” He says uncertain, Merlin just grins a little impishly.
“I promise you will like this one.”
“Okay then. Let me grab my coat.” Arthur can’t help but smile back.
part 51