Title: 70. Jealousy (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “Merlin, he’s jealous. Lately, you’ve been spending all your free time with Arthur; I guess Will misses you.”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 70. Jealousy
“Did you fight with Arthur again?” Gwen asks with a sigh of annoyance when she meets Merlin by her locker. The shorter girl looked like someone had just run over her puppy.
“No. Will.” Merlin replies quietly. “I don’t even know what happened. He just started to attack Arthur and when I defended him…”
“Will got mad.” Gwen completes with an expression of sympathy as Merlin nods. “Merlin, he’s jealous. Lately, you’ve been spending all your free time with Arthur; I guess Will misses you.”
Merlin sighs, looking at Gwen guiltily.
“I guess I have been a really crappy friend.”
“You need some lone time with Will. Like you two used to do before Arthur arrived.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right!” Gwen smirks haughtily, making Merlin smile. “Now go on. Go fix things with Will.”
Merlin nods, running over to the computer’s lab where she knows her friend will be.
And she’s right. When Merlin gets there, Will is at one of the computers writing some kind of code that she doesn’t really understand.
“I’ve been a crappy friend and I’m sorry.” Merlin says as she wraps her arms around his neck, and rests her chin on the top of his head.
“Won’t argue with you there.” Will replies in a cold tone, without looking up.
“Let me make it up to you?” Merlin says pleading. “Today. You and me and some bad B-movie; just like old times, what do you think?”
Will looks up, meeting Merlin’s eyes a little doubtful.
“No blonde Prince?”
“No Arthur. Cross my heart and hope to die.” She smiles at him a little cheekily.
“Alright then.”
part 71