Title: 71. Hope (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “I try not to bring him up, but you don’t seem to be able to leave him alone! What do you want from me?”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 71. Hope
In the scheduled hour, Will is at Merlin’s door with some trashy movie under his arm.
She welcomes him in with a huge smile and guides him to her bedroom. As soon as he step inside, Will falls her bed, like he usually does.
“What’s this?” He asks, retrieving the plush owl from under his head. Merlin looks over, blushing a little.
“Archie.” She mumbles self-conscious, receiving a raised eyebrow as answer. “It’s short for Archimedes.”
“Like the ship?” He asks with a frown.
“Like Merlin’s pet owl.”
“Of course.” Will replies begrudgingly. “Let me guess: a gift from Arthur?”
“I thought we weren’t going to mention him today.” Merlin says, trying to change the subject.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Will states, putting the toy away as if in disgust.
“I’m going to make popcorn, okay?” Merlin announces with a sigh, tired of Will’s attitude. “You set things up.”
She doesn’t wait his reply, just leaves to the kitchen. Maybe this movie night thing wasn’t one of her best ideas. Will just wouldn’t let it go.
Merlin is ready to go upstairs again with the popcorn and sodas when Will meets her in the kitchen. His face is clouded with something akin anger. He throws her cell phone to her.
“I didn’t know you liked The Carpenters so much.” He comments bitterly before stalking out as Merlin winces. Arthur’s ringtone.
She runs after Will, catching up with him just outside the house.
“What is the problem? Why are you acting like this!?” Merlin demands exasperated. “I try not to bring him up, but you don’t seem to be able to leave him alone! What do you want from me?”
“You know what, Merlin!” Will shouts angrily. “You’ve always knew.”
“And I’ve always told you I couldn’t give you that! I love you Will, but as a friend. Just as a friend.” Merlin replies remorseful.
“I know.” Will says in a quieter tone.
“Then what changed?” Merlin asks, desperate to understand.
“Before… before Arthur, I still had hope you would change your mind about me.”
“I’m sorry Will.” She says in a low, deflated tone.
Will just shrugs dejected and walks away, leaving Merlin behind feeling like the worst person in the universe.
part 72 It's reference time!
Whoever gets the two questions right gets a ficlet! =D
1. - The ship Will mentions, where is it from?
2. - What The Carpenters' song am I talking about?
Extra points (read: a nice surprise girft) for whoever guess why Merlin DID NOT choose Arthur's ringtone.
I'll give you a tip: the answer is in the fic!
Okay! good luck!
quick edit:
the ship, is not a kind of boat. Not a spaceship either. It's a kind of airship I think. Maybe that will help you! =D