Title: 73. Because of You (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “They fought because of you.”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 73. Because of You
Arthur ends up expending the rest of his afternoon in the store, chatting with Lance. He’s a fine bloke to be around and he does help the blonde to finally choose a gift for Merlin.
“I don’t get it.” Arthur says, gazing at the vinyl record in his hand. “She doesn’t even have something to play this with.”
“It’s not about playing it.” Lance says with an amused smile, receiving a blank look from Arthur. “It’s a fan thing. Don’t worry. She will like it.”
The blonde nods shortly and shakes Lance’s hand.
“Thanks for the help, mate.”
“No problem.”
They exchange farewells and Arthur leaves to go see Merlin. He wants to hand it in person. Something he rarely does. He normally just leaves things for her to find, but today, he feels like delivering the thing in hands and possibly thank her for what she did the day before.
Gwen opens the door when Arthur knocks. She looks at him a little warily.
“Arthur, now is not a good time.” She announces.
“Is she trying to avoid me again?” he rolls his eyes. “It won’t work!” He says louder, so his voice can carry over through the open door.
“It’s not that. Merlin had a terrible fight with Will and she’s feeling miserable.” Gwen explains quietly and Arthur sobers up immediately.
“Then I need to check on her.” He tries to pass by her, but Gwen just closes the door behind herself.
“It’s really not a good time, Arthur. See you will only make Merlin feel worst.”
“They fought because of you.”
Arthur is slightly taken aback with Gwen’s statement and stares at the door, wishing Merlin would just come out and explain everything to him. Except, that would not happen.
“Tell her if she needs anything…” He says quietly and resigned.
“I will.” Gwen nods shortly and enters the house again.
part 73