Title: 94. An Inconvenient Truth (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Andrew asks finally in disbelief.
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 94. An Inconvenient Truth
Merlin doesn’t say a word to Arthur when he parks the car outside her house. She just jumps off and makes a bee-line to the front door. If it was any other occasion, he would be offended, but he knows she needs some space right now, so he lets her be, starting the car again with a sigh and maneuvering it to his garage.
Arthur spends the rest of the afternoon pacing around his bedroom, waiting for Merlin to give him a signal she finally wants him around.
When he hears the door, he rushes down, but it’s not Merlin, it’s Susan. She doesn’t look any better than her daughter as Andrew gathers her into his arms.
Arthur knows he shouldn’t listen in, but it must have something to do with Senior Sanders’ return, so he stays on the stairs, out of sight, but within hearing range.
“What’s the matter?” Andrew asks panicking. He had never seen Susan so broken.
“Joe is back.” She answers shortly, taking a seat on the couch, back turned to the stairs.
“Oh.” Andrew says, sitting next to her. “What does he want?”
“Merlin.” Susan replies with a sigh. “He wants his daughter back.”
“Well, he can’t demand anything after 10 years without a word.” Andrew says with a frown. “I’m sure you have nothing to worry about. Merlin would never… what?”
They are both turned away from Arthur so he can’t see their expressions, but from his father’s tone, the blonde teen new something bad must have shown on Susan’s face. He waits, holding his breath.
“Joe didn’t spend the last 10 years without a word.” Susan finally says quietly and carefully. “He didn’t disappear without reason either. All this time, I knew exactly where to find him and he never, never stopped trying to contact his daughter.”
Andrew remains silent for long moments and Arthur’s heart is hammering against his chest. If his father doesn’t ask soon, Arthur’s afraid he will just walk right in and demand the truth.
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Andrew asks finally in disbelief.
“He fell in love with someone else.” Susan tells, choking on tears. “He asked for a divorce, but I refused. I was so hurt, feeling betrayed. I told him to leave and never return. I said he would never see or speak to Merlin again. He left, but tried. Oh God, how he tried to contact Merlin. Letters, birthday cards, Christmas presents. I got rid of them all. Gaius pleaded with me to see reason, but I couldn’t. I threatened to keep him away from Merlin too, so he stopped. He never mentioned Joe again and Merlin grew up hating her father. When I finally realized the mistake I made, it was too late, she wouldn’t even hear his name, so I let it drop. It was easy, comfortable. But now…”
“Oh Susan…” Andrew hugs his girlfriend tightly, trying to comfort the crying woman.
“I hope you’re planning to finally tell Merlin the truth.” Arthur says, descending the stairs and revealing himself.
“What… Arthur, were you listening?” Andrew demands in an angry tone.
“Yes.” His son replies shortly and coldly, eyes never leaving Susan. “She deserves the truth. She deserves a father.”
“I know.” Susan replies, drying her eyes. With a sigh, she stands up. “I know.”
part 95