Title: 95.You Knew (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “Very well… what do you want to know?”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 95. You Knew
Susan confesses everything to Merlin the very same day and, as expected, the girl takes it very badly. She leaves in a rush, pausing only to retrieve the car keys. Her mother remains sitting on her bed, with tears in her eyes. She’s worried, but she knows exactly where Merlin is going.
Merlin doesn’t knock, she just uses her magic to bust open Gaius’ front door and stalks inside, making a bee-line to his study. The door opens for her again.
“YOU KNEW? ALL THIS TIME YOU KNEW AND YOU didn’t…” She starts shouting angrily, but trails off when her eyes find Gaius’ unexpected company: Johnathan Drake.
“Yes, I knew.” Gaius replies with a sigh. “Now please close the front door and get the tea.”
Merlin obeys wordless. He was still dressed and looking like the Uncle Gaius she’s used to, but there is something in his posture, in his attitude that certainly belonged to the Court Physician of Camelot.
She pours tea for the two old men, before dragging a chair for herself between the two of them.
“What the hell is going on? You remember? About Camelot and…”
“Of course he remembers, my child.” Drake interrupts impatiently. “Gaius is magical.”
“Yeah, about that…” Merlin starts with a frown. “Your theory isn’t one of the most accurate. Lancelot remembers and he’s not magical.”
Gaius and Drake roll their eyes at her and Merlin feels like a stupid child among grown ups. She hates that feeling.
“He’s been deeply touched by magic, Merlin. That’s why he remembers. And that’s why Guinevere will remember as well.”
“Really? What magic touched them?”
“Yours, my dear, yours.” Gaius replies with a smile and just a little annoyed that Merlin hadn’t guessed the answer. “You’re the most powerful sorcerer…” He pauses glancing at Merlin. “Sorceress now, who ever lived. You magic left a mark on them.”
“What about Morgana and Arthur?” She asks, curious and confused. “You suggested he would remember. He was touched by my magic too?”
Drake smirks over his cup of tea.
“They were touched by your magic too, of course, but as you might remember, Morgana herself is a magical creature. She’s a Seer. And Arthur…” He glances at Gaius for a moment, as if asking permission to continue.
“What? What about Arthur?” Merlin asks urgently, looking from one man to the other.
“There are some things you don’t know about the Once and Future King.” Gaius offers enigmatically. “I’m not in liberty to discuss this with you. It’s a secret only Arthur has the right to reveal.”
Merlin sighs resigned. “Alright.” She remains in silence for long moments. “Is Will going to remember? Logically, he has been touched by my magic too.”
Again the two old men exchange glances, this time worried ones.
“I do not know.” Drake answers finally. “This is the first time you’ve met your childhood’s friend reincarnation. Actually, this is the first time you met a lot of people from you first life.”
“What do you mean?”
“Usually you find Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Lancelot, myself and the dragon.” Gaius says, picking up an old, thick, leather-covered book from the table. It looks fragile. “This time you found Will, Hunith, Gawain, Pelinor, Sophia, Uther…”
“I’ve never met Uther in this life.” Merlin interrupts. “And I’m not sure if I want to.”
“You haven’t met him physically, but he is location is known.” Gaius explains. “He’s Arthur’s grandfather. As I was saying, you never encountered some many people from Camelot in a single life. It must mean something.”
“How do you know?” Merlin asks with a frown of confusion. “Do you remember all of your previous lives?”
“No. It would drive me insane.” Gaius answers, shaking his head. “I know because of you. You keep a journal, from all your lives.”
He offers the book to Merlin, who takes it like it is a bomb ready to explode.
“Every time your life is near its end, you find the dragon and deliver it to him, when you’re reborn, he finds me and gives it to me so I can keep it until you’re ready.”
“So all my lives are written in this book? All of them?” Merlin inquires in wonder, afraid of opening the book.
“Except Camelot, of course. You didn’t know then you were going to be reborn.” Drake answers, settling the cup back on the coffee table and standing up. “I wish you all the luck, young witch. Now we’ll only meet again when you’re in your deathbed.”
Merlin nods to the man a little distracted; all her attention is focused on the book in her hands. The possibilities of all that information…
“So? What did you think I know?” Gaius asks suddenly, interrupting her line of thoughts.
“Huh?” She looks up, noticing that Drake was gone.
“You came in shouting I knew something, but considering your shocking at seeing the dragon, I imagine it’s not about Camelot. What is it then?”
“Oh…” Merlin sighs deeply, remembering why she came here to talk to Gaius about. “My father.”
“Susan finally told you then?” Gaius says with resigned sigh as he removes his glasses to clean.
“Yes, she did.”
“Very well… what do you want to know?”
part 96