Title: 110. The Ghost of the Present (The Boy Next Door Series)
Pairing/Characters: Merlin/Arthur
Genre: Humor/General/Romance/GenderBender
Summary: “I’m…” The girl starts in a solemn tone as she stands a little straighter. “Your Ghost of the Present, Scrooge.”
Warning: Girl! Merlin; possibly out of character, but hopefully, only slightly.
Spoiler: none
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine.
Notes: English is not my first language and I have no beta, so forgive any mistakes.
Masterlist 110. Ghost of the Present
When Arthur opens his eyes again, he’s back to his hospital room and Medieval Arthur is gone. He’s okay with that. The scene he had just witnessed… seeing himself and Merlin in another form, another time, made him feel so strange…
“Did you really think you only had one past life?” The voice startles him, but the mocking tone just annoys him.
“Morgana.” Arthur says with an eye roll. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m…” The girl starts in a solemn tone as she stands a little straighter. “Your Ghost of the Present, Scrooge.”
“What? Why?” Arthur asks half-indignant, half-annoyed.
“Ask yourself that. It’s your brain conjuring this whole circus.” She shrugs careless. “Anyway, let’s get this over with.” Morgana offers him her hand. He hesitates.
“What will I see?” Arthur asks mistrustful.
“No idea. And if I did have one, I wouldn’t tell you.” She smirks conspiratorially. “It would ruin the point of this whole thing. You need to take a chance. So… in or out?”
Morgana watches him impatiently and Arthur sighs in resignation before taking her hand. Almost instantaneously, his body jerks in that familiar way and he closes his eyes.
It lasts less than a second for the feeling fade and Arthur opens his eyes again. He’s still in his hospital room.
“You’re not very good in this whole thing, are you?” Arthur says dryly, in a mocking tone and Morgana rolls her eyes, nodding towards the bed.
When he looks, Arthur lets out a surprised gasp. He isn’t expecting to see himself connected in all sorts of tubes and machines, pretty much like he had waken up a while ago. He turns to his sister, a silent question in his eyes and she just shrugs.
“I show the present. This is yours.” Arthur nods with a sigh and turns to look at himself.
“Fair enough. What am I supposed to see here?” As soon as he closes his mouth, the door opens and Merlin walks in.
“That.” Morgana replies with a smile and moves back, giving Arthur space to watch Merlin pulling a chair by his unconscious self bedside.
“Morning!” She greets cheerful, but it’s forced and sounds insincere. “Doctor said you had a good night. Brain activity showed you were dreaming. That’s nice. I hadn’t had a good night of sleep in a while.”
Arthur watches her closely in worry. Merlin’s statement is confirmed by the dark circles under her eyes and the paler tone of her skin. She isn’t well.
“Gwen finally remembered.” Merlin narrates with a tiny smile. “She was angry at first with me and Lancelot, but she came around. It’s easier now. I don’t have to lie to everyone I know.” She pauses for a second, thoughtful.
Meanwhile, Arthur takes a seat on the edge of his own bed, watching as Merlin watches over the unconscious body. His unconscious body.
“Owen and Penn ask about you everyday.” The fake smile returns. “The whole team is worried about its captain. They miss you, Arthur. Everyone does. Your friends, the teachers, the coach, your dad, Morgana… I miss you.” A tear runs down her cheek and Arthur feels the urge to reach out of wipe it away. To hold Merlin until everything is alright again. “I just want you to wake up already! Please… just wake up, alright? I miss you Arthur. I miss you so much… I feel kind of lost without you around. I need you. I really need you.”
“I’m right here.” Arthur replies, his own eyes tearful as he reaches out to her, but he’s unable to touch Merlin. “Right here, by your side, Merlin.”
“It’s time.” Morgana informs quietly as she lays a hand on Arthur’s shoulder. He looks at her with a face contorted in pain. “You needed to see this, Arthur. I’m sorry.”
He just nods, resigned. “I know.”
Arthur rubs the back of his hand over his wet eyes and sniffs loudly before standing up and putting some distance between himself and Merlin.
“I’m ready to go.” Morgana nods and takes his hand.
part 111