I get insecure too. I can be high maintenance. I can be unreasonable and emotional and irrational too. I have no intention of telling you. I need to hear something, and it has to be all on your own. I'm sorry if that's not fair. You always ask what that extra step you can take is. This is it this time. I don't doubt you'll come through for
All I'm saying is...fucking hot. Yes, you all want to know. Nope, I'm not telling you this time either. Fucking hot. Yep. Yeah. Doesn't suck to be me. *sigh* Does not suck being me. I am one lucky bitch.
The pet transporters were taking her to DC to live with my mom. She most likely had a heart attack on the way. At least there was somebody there to hold her before she went. I'm going to miss my doggy so much.