Annnddd... as most of the interesting things posted here will be under a "Friend's Only" cut, if you would like to be added to our 'friends list', comment here and introduce yourself to us, we like new people generally, especially if we've met, or are likely to meet you in real life - just as long as we know who you are :) a finalist in the Fine Art category of the Northen Design CompetitionI get my work displayed in a gallery and invited to the awards dinner on June 25th
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Ok, I know this is far from impressive by industry standards but I just completed my first stopframe animation! It took my forEVER and it's only 2 seconds long. I don't have Photoshop so I couldn't apply the edits to all the images together so it was time consuming.. I will do more though.
This isn't me on a usual college day just so you know.