Feb 07, 2009 14:32
We have just discovered that Timber is a Lesbian treapped in a man's body.
That is all.
Down and gone,
...who loves making Timber turn funny colors.
Feb 01, 2009 20:31
I just saw something I thought I would never, ever see in my lifetime. Timber, our Timber, the tiger, ate broccoli. Strill got him to do it again, and TJ, Salem and I were all witnesses to it. I can now back up and verify this.... O.O
Down and gone,
...who is now a believer....
Jan 29, 2009 17:06
As females, Strill, Rizzy and I should instinctively know how to keep your finger from getting stuck in the holes. Also, Strill told Rizzy to take her skirt off, and Timber and I offered to take video.
Down and gone,
...who is having too much fun bowling.
Nov 23, 2008 11:06
I did it! I soloed! I've overcome the biggest part of flight training. The feeling is unimagineable. 27 years I've dreamed of this.
Down and gone,
...who is the bounciest she's ever been.