Title: Fighting Destiny Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
hey!! first time reading your fics, but i gotta say, this looks promising!! can't wait to see what happens next, many of this comments say they are hoping for matsumiya, am i the only one that kind of wants sakumiya?? but well, i will also be happy with sakuraiba so... looking forward to the next chapter, thanks for sharing!!
First chapter is already posted, you can check it out and yes there is a los of Matsumiya requests, if you love Sakumiya you can read my previous fic "Regrets", hope you like it! :D Thanks for reading
Yes he does, you can read it in chapter 1 that is already posted And if you like Sakumiya you can read my previous fic "Regret", hope you like it Thanks for reading and commenting :D
Comments 12
I like the prologue.. XD
im really curious who tt mysterious guy is hahahas..
tnx for d story...
thx for sharing~ ^^
can't wait to see what happens next, many of this comments say they are hoping for matsumiya, am i the only one that kind of wants sakumiya?? but well, i will also be happy with sakuraiba so...
looking forward to the next chapter, thanks for sharing!!
and yes there is a los of Matsumiya requests, if you love Sakumiya you can read my previous fic "Regrets", hope you like it! :D
Thanks for reading
Hope it going to be sakumiya o(^▽^)o
Does your Mysterious guy has a nade gata?
And if you like Sakumiya you can read my previous fic "Regret", hope you like it
Thanks for reading and commenting :D
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