Title: Fighting Destiny (1/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
wow when i coomented on the prologue i didn''t think cahpter 1 would be up so soon!!! poor Nino, so brokenhearted!! but i love the fact that Ohno "reads his mind" i can't wait to see how the Sho/Aiba/Nino/Jun relationship goes!!
Uwaa! You're very fast!! (>V<) Poor Nino-chan,, *hugs* but Oh-chan really could read Nino very well, ne, I love their friendship <333 I'm looking forward to more Matsumiya interaction! (>V<) Thanks for the update! (^ ^) Ah, I'm sorry I couldn't help about the link,, I even myself still trying to do it correctly,, hope you could soon! (^ ^)
About the link I think I got it, it's still difficult but I'm on it Let me tell you there is lots of Matsumiya coming your way Glad you liked it and thanks for reading :D
Yeah, I want to hug him too ;) Next chapter is ready, but I will post it tomorrow, because I want to keep on writing as I'm inspired right now Thanks for reading :)
Comments 14
poor Nino, so brokenhearted!! but i love the fact that Ohno "reads his mind"
i can't wait to see how the Sho/Aiba/Nino/Jun relationship goes!!
oh, ans to crosspost i use this: This is a link to an example website
you put the link where it says http://www.example.com/ and whatever you want it to read where it says This is a link to an example website
like Chapter 1
Thank you so much :)
Send me a message onegai
Lovely fic...
Thanks for reading and commenting :D
Poor Nino-chan,, *hugs* but Oh-chan really could read Nino very well, ne, I love their friendship <333
I'm looking forward to more Matsumiya interaction! (>V<) Thanks for the update! (^ ^)
Ah, I'm sorry I couldn't help about the link,, I even myself still trying to do it correctly,, hope you could soon! (^ ^)
Let me tell you there is lots of Matsumiya coming your way
Glad you liked it and thanks for reading :D
and i'm glad this is gonna be matsumiya XDD
can't wait for the next chap ^^
so watch out ;)
Thanks for reading and commenting :D
thank you for the fast update !!
can't wait to read the next chapter !!!!
Next chapter is ready, but I will post it tomorrow, because I want to keep on writing as I'm inspired right now
Thanks for reading :)
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